Flash Card Indoctrination Happens As Early As Preschool

Flash Card Indoctrination Happens As Early As Preschool

Flash Card Indoctrination Happens As Early As Preschool

Progressives have now discovered a way to bastardize basic flash cards in schools. This is a story, from Wake County, North Carolina, where a set of flash cards showed up in a preschool classroom.

According to this, a flash card showing an image of a pregnant man showed up in the one plus one, two plus two pile. This was touted as “approved curriculum” for the school district. Yes, you have read this right “approved”. Just like this video was for first graders:

The flash cards were found in a preschool classroom at Ballentine Elementary School. State Representative Erin Pare (R) said she received communication from a concerned parent regarding the LGBTQ+ friendly flashcards.

I can hear Progressives now telling us to stop clutching our pearls. At least the flash cards were not discussing masturbation. Nope. Not yet. That indoctrination comes in first grade. We’re only in preschool, y’all. Let’s warm these little nuggets up to the notion that a man can be pregnant first. Ease them in a bit.

Pare reached out to the school after hearing from the concerned constituent. Non names mentioned regarding the preschool teacher. The principal of Ballentine Elementary took possession of the cards, alerted the district superintendent and human resources about the incident and said “she was unaware of until being alerted to the situation.”

Of course she was.

Now, I know school principals have had a lot on their plate over the past year or so but come on! Principals regularly. enter classrooms to do evals on their teachers. You mean to tell me that this particular principal had no clue of the materials floating around in this preschool classroom? Please.

The flash cards, which are no longer labeled as LGBTQ, apparently, because that’s not inclusive enough are part of the LGBT2SQ+ curriculum. The cards come from a deck called The Progress Pride Flag Rainbow Families: 12 Flash cards. From a description on the site that sells them:

This beautifully diverse set includes 12 cards. Each card is approximately 3×5 inches. Laminated for durability.

Illustrated by Zainab’s Echo, a Pakistani-Canadian designer, calligrapher, and illustrator, who holds a Masters Degree in publishing from Simon Fraser University.

This item is included in The Gender-Expansive Box – Baby.

Perfect for baby showers!
A stunning gift for the progressive families in your life!-buyusbox.com

Perfect for baby showers! Perfect for pre-K classrooms, too, apparently! Heaven forbid kids actually learn their colors without a progressive agenda attached or actually learn to read and do math early-on. They must know that a man can get pregnant! But rock on, progressive baby shower shoppers. Celebrate that your friends’ baby got this far and did not get aborted with this lovely little deck o’ cards! They were even illustrated by a guy with a Masters degree in publishing so you know these are not some random doodlings of some simpleton who does not know “art”, you pretentious art snobs that you all are.

These flash cards are sold-out, by the way. The company also sells children’s books to promote “equity and inclusion” and was founded by a Canadian-(ahem)-educator. For the ultimate oooh’s and ahhhs at your lesbian-bisexual-pansexual-demisexual-queer-non-affirming-sometimes-cake-gender-with-one part of the throuple-identifying-as-a-unicorn-on-Tuesday’s-baby shower, you can gift the “birthing persons” with titles like When Aidan Became a Brother, a heartwarming story bout a child who is “assigned the female gender” at birth.

This child knows from birth that they are not a girl. So he manages to convince his parents that he’s a boy. He changes his name and he becomes Aidan. That’s the very beginning of the book.

And then Aidan finds out that his parents are going to have a baby and he is going to become a big brother.”-buyusbox.com

And also prefect for any elementary classroom is a title called The Bread Pet:

The lead character is little girl who is Black and she wears cochlear implants. She has hearing loss and she has queer parents, and the book is not about any of those identities. It’s just about a child figuring out how to handle all of this sourdough. It ends with a sourdough recipe so kids can get involved and make something for themselves at home.”-buyusbox.com

Could the same lesson be learned if the main character was a little girl who is Black and wears cochlear implants? Could the queer parents be completely taken out of the story line to teach the same moral of the story? I mean, if the book “is not about any of those identities” and is really just about making a damn loaf of sourdough bread and a recipe, why not? Just an honest question.

What to do with all of this sourdough?! They need to make another follow-up to this little girl in middle school when her “queer parents” are asking her to question her gender identity so they can brag to their friends about their gender-queer, special needs child all while a pushing the school administration to change her name every other week. What to do with all of this dysfunction?

We lived in Japan when my son was in preschool. We made the decision to place him in a preschool off-base. He learned so many things at a Japanese preschool to include art, music, how to write hiragana and katakana, how to serve up food at lunchtime (and make lunch announcements to his class while wearing a cute little chef’s hat on a toy microphone), how to make mochii and dig for Japanese sweet potatoes. All of these things were measured out with pool time in the summer and playing on the huge dinosaur slide at the youchien playground with his friends. Case in point, there are so many other, important things for young minds to learn. Although he ended up in a developmental preschool when we returned here because he was a little man of few words and was confused about his ABCs and letter sounds, he got through it. We realized he may have been a bit delayed because he was soaking up two languages. And, big bonus, he made it through without seeing a pregnant woman-turned-man on a flashcard. I am happy that he still grew up in a time where normal flash cards were still a thing.

I am grateful that a concerned constituent reached out and that this issue is being addressed in a swift and professional manner by Ballentine Elementary School.

I hope schools across Wake County and the State of North Carolina will follow the example of Ballentine and respond swiftly when a parent expresses concern and ensure that materials like this are not being used to teach young students.”-North Carolina State Representative Erin Pare (R)

It’s no wonder that schools in our country are so behind the curve. I hope schools across our nation will work harder to ensure materials are age-appropriate but I will not be holding my breath on this one. The progressives have yet to craft up some flash cards to include Catgender and emojiself pronouns. I know. I shouldn’t give them any ideas.

Photo Credit: Paul2520, CC BY SA-4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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  • Cameron says:

    “The principal of Ballentine Elementary took possession of the cards”

    That was a mistake. You should have made copies of those cards and turned them over. If that wasn’t an option, then you film yourself handing the cards over to the principal and save the video in three separate locations. Do. Not. Trust. ANYONE in education right now.

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