Feminism Gives Me A Headache

Feminism Gives Me A Headache

I couldn’t believe I did it, but boredom and a strange curiosity came over me, so I went over to Jezebel.com, which I know I shouldn’t have done like the thousand times I did before that, and starting immediately feeling dumber for it.

It seems that Callie Beusman didn’t like the fact that Lily Allen wasn’t toeing the line regarding the sisterhood and stepped off of the feminist plantation for a moment.  Lily said in an unguarded moment:

But I don’t think men are the enemy, I think women are the enemy. I know that when I’m sitting in a restaurant and a really beautiful woman walks in, who’s skinny, I instinctively think, “Oh she’s really skinny and beautiful and I’m really fat and ugly.” Every man I speak to always says they find that kind of woman gross, and they prefer a bit more meat on their ladies. So it’s more of a competitive thing. It’s weird. It’s just really unhealthy and we’re our own worst enemy. We should stop being so horrible to each other.

Callie was a bit incensed that Lily was pointing out what all women, and truthfully, most men already know.  That the majority of problems that women have are created by women, and not men, “patriarchy” or “institutional sexism.”  I like to call this phenomenon the “Tyranny of Beauty.”

This iron tyranny is a construct of our nature as women.  We are programmed, it seems, from birth to dislike girls who are prettier, more popular, richer, smarter, more symmetrical, and to dislike the girls who are not as pretty, not as rich, not as smart, and not nearly as popular or asymmetrical.  Evidently, feminist women are not allowed to have an opinion of other women, unless that opinion involves the browbeating and insulting of anything “masculine.”  I for one, have never understood the attraction to the feminist point of view, which is that somehow despite coming from a station somewhere between cattle and favorite hunting dog (depending on your ability to bear male children) to where we are today; which is doing everything from flying fighter jets and going into space on the now retired Space Shuttle to serving in Congress as leaders and in corporations as the CEO, that somehow, the “patriarchy” and “institutional sexism” is still keeping us good women down.  It is like being caught in the unfunny feminist version of Undercover Brother.

So Callie, with this in mind, tell me again how this “patriarchy” is oppressing us with “institutional sexism”?  Especially since you launched into a salvo of “YEAAHHH right!, that’s the problem, WOMEN are the problem here..” which was followed by a concentration of cattiness in the comments rivaled only by being backstage at a beauty pageant…

 “Wow – Lily Allen is a horrendous gender traitor and terrible person and should be killed immediately. Just. . . . everything she said. . . I could write an entire essay. But I’ll just pick one quote:  “I’m not an archetypal woman. All my friends are boys.”  Women who say this are the WORST. Nothing wrong with hanging out with guys, they are fine/great, but if you have zero female friends you need to check yourself. (And your guys friends like you because you’re pretty – FYI, Lily Allen)”

I find it hard to believe that somehow, in the age of African-American First Ladies, Latino Congresswomen, Asian Women in Figure Skating and on the US Olympic Hockey Team, and now women even being allowed to try out for ground combat roles in the military (directed by a the First Black Male President BTW), that those of us with the mammary glands are somehow still being held down by men.  This is not including the long history of all of the all-girls prep schools and colleges, affirmative action steps in just about every career field to allow women a way to explore the career of their choice, equal opportunity laws and preferential treatment given to us as a gender (in many cases, given to us by male university presidents, male HR assistants, male lawyers and male lawmakers BTW), feminists of the First World still find the time to piss and moan about their lot in life.

The fact that the Fems are pissing and moaning about one of their own saying the real truth about women tells me all I really need to know about their level of intellectual development.  How about we concentrate on some of society’s real problems?  How about we stop giving two poops in a peanut what was said and focus on the content of it and how Lily could have arrived at that opinion?  Are the feminists the standard bearers now of what kind of friends all women can have?  I can’t call me husband’s friends my friends because if I have too many, then I need to “check myself?”  Check myself for what?  The reason I like my husband’s friends is because they have never looked at me like I wore the wrong color after Labor Day, never judged me because of what I eat, never told anyone behind my back that it looks like I have put on weight, and never judged me regarding about a million other things; and if they did think of doing any of these things, at least they had the decency to keep it to themselves.

I think the commentors and Callie’s reaction to what Lily said prove Lily’s point…  I also think that since the feminists don’t spend much time around real men, they wouldn’t have the first clue about what real men think of any woman.

And as a change of pace, how about the feminists stop making the assumption that because another woman has a different opinion on anything, and it comes from a woman who might go to church, be pro-life, own a gun, give to charity, volunteer at church or stand for what she believes in that this very same women could not possibly have a valid opinion on abortion, fiscal responsibility, women’s rights, equal opportunity, fashion, race, politics, food or men.  In fact, maybe Callie ought to check herself…

Into some place that offers therapy for this level of anger about the truth regarding how women regard each other.

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  • Dana says:

    The feminists are combitching about this because the desire to appear attractive to men is a “problem” of heterosexuality; if y’all would just go lesbian, you wouldn’t have this great need. 🙂

    Of course, men have the same concerns about being attractive to women, but for some reason, most of us aren’t quite as eaten up with it as women are. The idea of what makes men attractive to women does not include things like 5″ stilettos and breast implants and shaving every inch of our bodies. When metrosexual “manscaping” became a fad a few years ago, most of us laughed at the few men who tried it. I could be pretty sexist and say that our efforts at trying to be attractive to women, versus you efforts at trying to be attractive to men, prove that men are smarter than women. 🙂

    I happen to be a pretty practical man, and it doesn’t take a whole lot of thinking to realize that if every woman quit shaving her legs, heterosexual men would wind up finding that attractive enough, because we’d have no other choice! If y’all threw away the high heels, we’d still find you attractive, because our choices are, as that great American philosopher, Sam Kinnison, put it, that we can either love women, or [insert vulgar slang for fellate a large penis here.]

    • GWB says:

      The thing is, Dana, the shaving-legs thing is a lot like banning guns: unless you ban and confiscate them all, the ones with the guns will still have the power. You would have to ban razors and nair and electrolosis to get every woman to stop shaving her legs. Because (besides the fact that hairy legs make stockings run more often – I think) all it takes is one woman to start shaving her legs again, and BAM!, she’s queen bee.

      As to high heels, those will go out of style when they stop making women’s a…. ummm……. nvm……….

      • Dana says:

        And that’s peer pressure from other women again.

        Up until about 1910, very few women shaved their legs or underarms: we were a mostly rural country, and most people were pretty poor. All over the world, shaving and even bathing were fairly uncommon practices. Yet somehow, some way, men and women kept getting together enough for the human race to be fruitful and multiply.

        In the chick flick Six Days, Seven Nights, Harrison Ford tells Anne Heche, whose character is a Cosmopolitan type magazine editor, that the secret to attracting a man is to just show up. That’s all that women need to do is be there, ’cause we’re men, and we like women, period. He was pretty much right.

  • GWB says:

    I also think that since the feminists don’t spend much time around real men, they wouldn’t have the first clue about what real men think of any woman.

    Which is funny, considering that mostly what we think is “Wow! Hubba hubba! It’s a woman!” Really, these people tend to way overthink things.

  • GWB says:

    BTW, you do know the best way to cure a headache, right?

    Endorphins are natural analgesics. Endorphins are released in the brain by – among other things – sexual activity. Hence, sex cures headaches.

    Now the ladies have almost no excuse. 😉

  • Dana says:

    From Robert Stacey Stacy McCain: Yale Girls Are Sluts. It approaches your argument from a different angle.

  • GWB says:

    Should it be disturbing to anyone that only us two guys have thus far commented on this post? o.O

    (Just for the record, I think all the Victory Girls – but especially Dejah – are hotties. And it ain’t about your looks, though those can certainly help. 😉 )

    • Dana says:

      Have you seen this picture of Dejah Thoris? (From the movie John Carter.)

      I’ve seen pics of Cassy Chesser and Kit Lange, and both are pretty, but that should be important to their husbands; it really isn’t to me. All I really know about them is what they write, and that is (usually) very attractive!

  • Dana says:

    And, to flog my own site, I’ll point out The Feminism I Support. 🙂

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