Easter in America: No Religious Designs

Easter in America: No Religious Designs

Easter in America: No Religious Designs

As Easter comes upon us, The White House gets ready for the 2024 annual Easter Egg Roll.

I mean, it would be hard to roll the big, ginormous egg that our pResident has laid over the past few years with regard to foreign policy, our economy and, well, life in America in general, so it should come as no surprise when The White House put out their guidelines on the 2024 Easter egg art contest.

According to this, Children of the National Guard are prohibited from submitting religious Easter egg designs for the 2024 “Celebrating National Guard Families” art event at the White House. From the flyer that was circulated amongst National Guard families:

On behalf of First Lady Jill Biden, The Adjutants General of the National Guard are asking youth from National Guard families across the United States and all U.S. territories to submit artwork inspired by the theme ‘Celebrating our Military Families’”.-Call for Youth Art Celebrating National Guard Families

Oh, yay. A DOCTOR Jill Biden production. This should be good. Will she have the Easter Bunny lead old Joe around again? Will she let him read AT ALL? Now, for the guidelines on the egg art:

The Submission must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes, or partisan political statements.

So, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. There shall be no references to a cross, to an empty tomb, to Jesus on a holiday that is traditionally Christian. DOCTOR Jill does know (as a good Catholic who did her Stations of The Cross this week) that Easter is a Christian holiday, right? More:

The Submission must not contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age.”

Any eggs with “Trump 2024” will be disqualified. Any eggs that depict a child praying with his or her family will be disqualified. And, there’s religion again. And, excuse me? Any material that promotes “bigotry, racism and hatred or harm against any group or individual?” Welp, Sounds like painting the ol’ American flag on an Easter egg is out of the running for submission, too, considering some of the Democrats find the colors red, white and blue with broad stripes and bright stars, ummm, triggering.

The Submission must not promote illegal drugs or firearms (or the use of any of the foregoing), or any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous.”

No AR-15s on your Easter eggs, kiddies. Considering pot is legal in some states and Kamala likes it, you may be able to paint a Marijuana leaf on your eggs but, let’s refrain from any Hunter cocaine references, here. Thank God we’re not promoting anything as unsafe and dangerous as hormone injections for pre-pubescent kids! Scratch that, DOCTOR Jill thinks “gender-affirming care” is completely safe for children. (Snort.)

A teacher for more than 30 years, First Lady Jill Biden is continuing her theme of ‘EGGucation’ for the event, transforming the South Lawn and Ellipse into a school community, full of fun educational activities for children of all ages to enjoy”.-White House Statement

EGGucation?! Really?


Burning question: Will they run out of ice cream because Joe ate it all?

The requirements for these Easter egg design submissions should be an EGGucation on the First Amendment and rights of children and self-expression. But, then again, we know DOCTOR Jill and Senile Joe don’t give a chicken turd about children. Their administration wants to abort the hell out of those little buggers and sterilize the next generation. Let’s shoot ’em up with hormones, keep them stoned, give them a “new” version of history, take ALL faith and religion out of the mix and make all young people compliant, brain-dead followers of the State. Let’s just paint all of the eggs with a hammer and sickle and add some ugly flowers to liken a print on a Jill Biden frock.

Honestly, I would suggest throwing (uncooked) eggs at the hosts of this event on Monday but those of you who may consider doing this may be cited for insurrection. Hell, I might for even suggesting this. I can’t wait for the “journalists” who’ve had egg on their faces for almost four years of this disaster to cover and provide their hot takes on this train wreck event.

EGGucation, my left rabbit’s foot.

This is your brain. This is your brain listening to anyone who lives in The White House…

Any questions?

Something stinks like rotten eggs in The White House. The stench has been around for years. Cluck Joe Biden and “Dr”. Jill.

I know it’s a day early but Happy Easter from us at Victory Girls to you. God Bless America! He Is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • NTSOG says:

    Easter without Religion? Who’d have guessed the woke morons would have sunk so low? I guess sports commentators should stop using ‘Hail Mary’ for long, desperate passes in football games.

  • Cameron says:

    But Trump hawking Bibles is the END OF THE WORLD OH NOES!

  • Skillyboo says:

    And now it has been announced that the White House Easter Day will also be the Transgender Inclusion Day.

  • Wfjag says:

    Just so you’ll know what Sunday, March 31,2024 stands for, Mr. Biden has declared it Transgender Day of Visibility.

  • Scott says:

    You know they only invited children of true believers, because anyone with half a brain would refuse to show up to such an abomination of an event / bastardization of Easter.

    FJB, Bath-house Barry and their handlers…

    • Wfjag says:

      Not quite. True believers might show up in drag or making some other statement which would create an embarrassing photo op.

      The event is for children of National Guard service members – e.g., people trained to obey and keep their opinions to themselves. Nice, wholesome families for the photo op backdrops.

      Meanwhile, religious references are banned. So don’t expect to see anything like Jesus Is The Reason For This Season.

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