Donald Trump On Jews Who Hate Their Religion And Israel

Donald Trump On Jews Who Hate Their Religion And Israel

Donald Trump On Jews Who Hate Their Religion And Israel

Every night, I pray that Donald Trump wins the 2024 Presidential Race. Every day, I pray he won’t say something that I have to defend from the Loony Left who jump on anything that DJT says. Anything. I don’t usually do “both side-isms”, but sometimes they are true. Like Trump says “Bloodbath” and the Loony Left’s snail heads all explode. Joe Biden says “Bloodbath” and he didn’t mean a thing by it. Just typical campaign talk.

On the other hand, Joe Biden goes on the program of Charlamagne tha God and becomes the arbiter of who is and who isn’t Black. A cringeworthy conversation at the very least, you must admit. Democrats defend an elderly White man telling a Black man the definition of Blackness. Weird. While Republicans, most White like me, loosened their corsets and took to their fainting sofas over the effrontery. Bring me my fan and smelling salts.

Yesterday, Donald Trump, elderly but spry Christian man went on the radio program of Conservative Sebastian Gorka to accuse Jews who vote Democrat of hating their religion and Israel. Oy vey. I hope we have enough fainting sofas for the Loony Left. Somebody catch Nancy Pelosi.

In high dungeon, the New York Times posted:

Former President Donald J. Trump accused Jews who vote for Democrats of hating their religion and Israel, reviving and escalating a claim he made as president that Jewish Democrats were disloyal.

He made his remarks in an interview published online on Monday with Sebastian Gorka, a former White House aide for Mr. Trump who now hosts a conservative talk radio program. Mr. Gorka asked Mr. Trump about criticism that prominent Democrats — including President Biden and Senator Chuck Schumer, the majority leader — had levied against Benjamin Netanyahu, the right-wing prime minister of Israel.

“I actually think they hate Israel,” Mr. Trump replied. Mr. Gorka agreed.

“Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion,” Mr. Trump added later. “They hate everything about Israel, and they should be ashamed of themselves because Israel will be destroyed.”

Can we not have a moratorium on people telling people from other ethnic groups how they should feel, think, act and, for George Washington’s sake, vote for the balance of the 2024 Presidential Race? At least Trump has a Jewish daughter and grandchildren. Biden family is all White and Christian, that we know of.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer started this, but he is Jewish, although his foremost ethnicity is Politician. In case you missed, Schumer saying the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was an obstacle to peace and calling for new elections in Israel, here is a portion:

Hell, that was only three minutes and I couldn’t watch it. Hey Chuckles, Hamas always turns down two-state solutions. Schumer’s former Senate colleague Joe Lieberman said:

Lieberman, who like Schumer is Jewish, disagreed with lawmakers like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who had called the leader’s Senate floor comments last week an “act of courage.”

“I don’t think anything was brave about it… I think really it was a case of a high elected official in the U.S. taking advantage of a friend,” Lieberman, a former Democrat and now independent, said Monday of “Your World with Neil Cavuto.”

He claimed Schumer would not have said something similar to other U.S. allies who may act in ways he doesn’t like or have opposing political views, citing another conservative leader of a top U.S. ally.

Exactly, but Lieberman was always a gentleman, which is why the Democrats drove him out of the Senate.

Back to Trump and his Jewish statements. Naturally, the hypocrites took to Twitter:

Back to the New York Times:

Democratic officials “hate Israel,” he said, because they want votes from people who are sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza, where more than 30,000 people have been killed in the war there.

By the way, that 30,000 number came from Hamas so it is completely suspect and should be noted as from Hamas. More:

“Don’t forget, when you see those Palestinian marches — even I am amazed at how many people are in those marches,” Mr. Trump said. “And guys like Schumer see that, and to him it’s votes. I think it’s votes more than anything else, because he was always pro-Israel. He’s very anti-Israel now.”

Mr. Trump had received significant criticism for similar comments he made as president, when he repeatedly accused Jewish voters of disloyalty if they voted for Democrats. Those remarks, and Mr. Trump’s comments on Monday, evoke an antisemitic trope that Jews have a “dual loyalty” and are often more loyal to Israel than to their own countries.

They are trying so hard to make Trump anti-Semitic. Hating Israel is not dual loyalty. But, part of being Democrat is not thinking.

In any event, I would personally ask all politicians to stop telling other people who they are and how they should vote. Trump 2024.

Featured Image: U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv/Wikimedia Commons 2.0

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  • GWB says:

    Biden family is all White and Christian church-going, sometimes, that we know of.
    FIFY. I don’t see any immediate family members of Slow Joe that subscribe to the beliefs that would distinguish a Christian, nor to any attempt at behaviors that would mark one as a Christian. (No, “loving thy neighbor” does not mean sniffing girls’ hair.)

  • GWB says:

    Can we not have a moratorium on people telling people from other ethnic groups how they should feel, think, act and, for George Washington’s sake, vote for the balance of the 2024 Presidential Race?
    Well, when it’s clear that their votes work toward the destruction of the state of Israel, I think it’s perfectly fair to claim they hate Israel. And when they embrace leftism, which directly contradicts the Laws of Moses, I think you can fairly say they don’t think much of their religion.

    people who are sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza
    You mean, then, folks who are sympathetic to a people who have destroying Israel and all Jews as their main goal in existence and tried to act on that to some degree on Oct 7, starting a war only a fool wouldn’t have seen coming? They don’t sound very sympathetic to me.

    where more than 30,000 people have been killed in the war there
    As in the joke about lawyers, that’s just “a good start.” Until I hear a Palestinian giving the speech from the end of the War of the Worlds broadcast, I won’t say they’ve done enough.

    • John Shepherd says:

      Can you please stop defending every dumb thing Trump does, tweets or says? You never attack voters, you attack the other party. Instead of attacking Jewish voters he should have attack the Democrat Party for catering to its large anti-Semitic component and let Jewish voters draw their own conclusions. If some people who think of themselves as Jews still plan on voting for the Democrats Trump’s words are not going to change that and might alienate some who were planning to switch their votes to him in November.

      • GWB says:

        Can you please stop defending every dumb thing Trump does, tweets or says?
        Oh, go sit on it and rotate, Shepherd. You’re a fool, especially for attacking me over this.
        And claiming I defend everything he says? That’s an outright lie.

        The fact is that a vast number of ethnic American Jews are NOT really interested in the good of Israel or their people. Their true religion is Progressivism – or just themselves. Mind you, that doesn’t necessarily make them bad Americans in the broadest sense. But it holds them up to the light – it reveals their hypocrisy if they claim their Jewishness is such an important matter.

        You can make an argument against my claims. Please do so, based on reason and conscience. But don’t swing at me just because I said “Well, he’s right on this one.”

        • John Shepherd says:

          Not everyone who votes for Trump is a cultist like you. There is a an entire class of voters who are planning to vote for Trump because they hate him less than they hate Biden. Many of them are looking for an excuse to not vote for Trump. It is this kind of shoot from the hip bull$h!t that will give them that excuse. If he continues to cater to dopey cultists like you he will lose.

          • GWB says:

            Not everyone who votes for Trump is a cultist like you. There is a an entire class of voters who are planning to vote for Trump because they hate him less than they hate Biden.
            And this is exactly why I claim you’re a fool. Because you’re assigning me to a group to which I don’t belong and have clearly never belonged.

            This is a manifestation of TDS. And why I responded to your foolishness, at all. Pull your head out of your third point of contact and you might be able to provide some cogent comments.

            • John Shepherd says:

              Dope, only cultists use TDS when someone points out Trump’s flaws and missteps. Cultists never recognize they are in cult. Only a cultist would defend his comment. It isn’t even accurate. There are Jews who don’t support Israel for theological reasons. The Hasdim, who are the most religious of all Jews, don’t support the current State of Israel. They believe only God can recreate Israel and despite his ability to unleash nuclear thunderbolts Harry Truman was not God.

              The first step in leaving the cult is recognizing you are a member of one. You can still vote for Trump if you are not in the cult. At least I hope so or Biden has election wrapped up.

  • Cameron says:

    I pray he won’t say something that I have to defend from the Loony Left who jump on anything that DJT says.

    To borrow from Undercover Brother: “Trump said Good Morning! Good is an ancient anglo-saxon word, go-od, meanin the absence of color. I.E. it’s all good, which it is, OR Good Will Huntin’!”

    In other words, it doesn’t matter what he says or doesn’t say.

    • GWB says:

      LOL. A fantastic movie. Having grown up in the 70s, that movie was fun. And it did a nice job of poking fun at everyone.

      Now, sit down, Conspiracy Brother.

  • Yes, Trump does consistently violate the First Commandment for politicians – “Thou SHALT NOT speak of any uncomfortable truth.”

    The Second Commandment is, of course, “Thou SHALT speak only comfortable things, even if they are absolute falsehood.”

    But Trump is not a politician, and therefore not bound by the Political Commandments.

    • John Shepherd says:

      The first commandment of politics is don’t insult potential voters lest they vote for someone else.

      What is the difference between Biden saying “You ain’t black if you don’t vote for me” and what Trump said?

      Because Trump!!!

      • GWB says:

        What is the difference
        One is fundamentally a racist statement of political capture.
        The other is a statement that large parts of a group are evidently not interested in certain things based on their actual voting patterns.

        Again, I don’t see you actually arguing that Trump was wrong, by presenting reasons or fact.

        • John Shepherd says:

          Dope, there is no difference, Toni Williams is the voice of the MAGAverse on Victory Girls. She knows. Why don’t you?

          And you think you are not cultist. You suffer from Trump Worship Derangement Syndrome. No point in seeking help because there is no cure.

      • Those who still vote Democrat are the same ones that will gleefully take seats on the train to Fun Camp.

        Not much “potential” there – they’ve been blind for at least eight decades (since Saint Franklin turned away refugees from the German extermination camps) – and 10/7 wasn’t even enough to get through their indoctrinated skulls.

        But a politician will tell you a comfortable lie. “Vote for me, I will bring peace in the Middle East, by creating a Jewish State and a Palestinian State. All of that genocidal history, all of those quotes from the Koran and the Hadith and the majority of ‘Palestinians’ don’t count!”

        • John Shepherd says:

          You, like tthe other cult member, are twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to explain this. Trump isn’t “truth telling,” he is insulting potential voters. Truth telling is reminding them that the Democrats have surrendered to anti-Semites and that they should consider voting for him instead.

          Eric Hoffer had you and the other cultist pegged. If the left wins out you will flip. You two are a couple of March Violets.

          Did Trump ever tell you a comfortable lie? Did he lock her up?

          • GWB says:

            Please, Shepherd, you’re the one engaging in deranged sentiment and not addressing the issue.

            It seems you’re standing on the idea that the problem is the anti-Semites in the Democrat party. Any Jewish Democrats have been seeing that for quite some time now. And they’re still standing with the folks who are standing for the destruction of Israel (and all Jews, fundamentally). They refuse to switch parties. They still stand firmly rooted in the Progressivism that is the religion of the Democrat party.

            So tell me again how Trump would go about luring them over to the Republican party? The whole point of his statement is that they won’t, even when they have ample reason to.

            There’s a proverb about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar.
            And the old saw in response is, “OK, but who wants a bunch of flies?”
            It’s perfectly appropriate here.

  • 370H55V I/me/mine says:

    I’ve been saying for years that if Hitler were non-white, my fellow American (((Tribe))) members would be fighting for first place in line for the camps. Nothing, especially Chuck Schumer’s disgusting comments, have ever convinced me otherwise.

    Trump is right.

  • Skillyboo says:

    You briefly made reference to Biden’s not Black but left out the actual statement. Here it is. “You got more questions? I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” If any of sanctimonious democrat steno pool mentioned it they glossed it over. But now those hypocrites are going from one fake outrage to the next so we can expect there to be a one-a-day whine from now until January 20th 2029 when President Trump’s second term ends.

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