DOCTOR Jill And Superheroes To Indoctrinate Kids For Jabs

DOCTOR Jill And Superheroes To Indoctrinate Kids For Jabs

DOCTOR Jill And Superheroes To Indoctrinate Kids For Jabs

DOCTOR Jill Biden is in Texas today to indoctrinate children into taking the Covid-19 vaccine. She is bringing along two DC comic book superheroes, Superman and Wonder Woman, and the Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy. Although Vivek Murthy is an actual medical doctor and could answer some general medical questions parents might have about the Covid vaccines for children, Superman, Wonder Woman and Jill Biden are not medical doctors. Superman and Wonder Woman are comic book characters and Jill Biden is a power mad, school teacher.

To be honest, I despise Jill Biden. She knew that Creepy Joe wasn’t capable of handling any Presidential responsibilities, but Jill wanted to be First Lady of the United States. She pushed that creepy, old man on us because she is power mad. I could go into my thoughts about her parenting skills, but I won’t. I would tell you to read DOCTOR Jill’s doctoral dissertation, but it’s too awful for words. No original research and lot’s of stupid. Victory Girls’ Kim wrote about Jill’s “You know, the thing” late last year and you can read that here. But, Jill is the perfect female icon for the Democrat’s because she is not deep and neither are they.

So, Jill is going to Houston today to hump vaxxes for kids. From ABC:

The first lady and Murthy are scheduled to visit Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, and team up with the comic book legends as part of their effort to encourage parents and guardians to get children ages 5 to 11 vaccinated. Kids who receive their COVID-19 vaccination at a Children’s Hospital clinic in November or December will receive bandages featuring DC Comics characters, as well as coloring and activity books — a collaboration among the White House, DC Comics and WarnerMedia.

I don’t know about you, but when I was six or seven, I would have sold my soul for cartoon character bandages and coloring books. And, that’s the whole point. Kids live in a magical world, as it should be. They don’t know about manipulation, long term effects or medical decisions. That’s their parents’ job. But, parents ask too many questions and puzzle things out. They don’t always accept what the State tells them to do. Kids will accept.

Let’s look at this video from Franklin Sherman Elementary School in McLean, Virginia from last week and then we’ll discuss:

That young man is charming and looks to be about ten years old. Yes, Franklin Sherman Elementary School was the first to be vaccinated with the polio vaccine. And, while now we know the miracle of the vaccine, it wasn’t universally accepted at the time. Franklin Sherman was first because many others dropped out. Even though the vaccine had been studied in mice and monkeys for forty years prior to the children being vaxxed, parents had questions. Keep in mind that the death rate from polio was 2-5% for children. The death rate for children from Covid is 0.00006. To be specific, from the beginning of the pandemic to October 16, 2021, there were 94 deaths in children from ages 5-11, with no reporting on co-morbidities.

In the video, Jill says, “We care about you and your beautiful children”. Jill cares about compliance. I know elementary school teachers are important and all that, but and I mean, but they are all about compliance. Everyone must sit quietly at their desks, feet flat on the floor, hands folded. I spent most of elementary school in the corner because they was nigh on impossible for me.

She tells us that the vaccine has been thoroughly tested. Really? For how long? When? Where? Jill is not a medical doctor and she doesn’t know shite.

I cannot tell you how angry it makes me to see children used this way. Jill is thoroughly vaxxed, I presume, but there she stands in her mask surrounded by beautiful children in masks. This mask theater is disgusting.

I remember just a few years ago when parents were questioning the routine children’s vaccine schedule. Too many and too close together. Now, the sheeple parents are bleating that your child needs to be vaxxed so that he doesn’t make her child sick.

I love it when First Ladies go to schools to read or talk up education. But DOCTOR Jill doesn’t know medicine from a hole in her head. Leave the children alone. As a matter of fact, it looks like there is to be a protest against Jill and the mandates in Houston:

With any luck “Let’s Go Brandon!” will be heard loud and clear in the hospital. Superman and Wonder Woman need to stay out of the indoctrination business. While DOCTOR Jill is at the hospital, maybe she can pick up a pack of Pampers for Joe.

Welcome Instapundit Readers!

Featured Image: Marc Nozell/ Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

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