Democrats Still The Party Of Segregation With Whites Only Meetings

Democrats Still The Party Of Segregation With Whites Only Meetings

Democrats Still The Party Of Segregation With Whites Only Meetings

Democrats love segregation now and forever. That’s a key takeaway from the White Dudes for Kamala weirdness last night, and the White Women cringe the other day.

The dudes abide Kamala Harris.

The vice president’s campaign drew nearly 200,000 participants Monday to a “White Dudes for Harris” Zoom call that included Jeff Bridges, who referenced his signature line from “The Big Lebowski” to endorse her presidential candidacy.

“I’m white. I’m a dude and I’m for Harris,” he said on the call.

The online event, which featured nearly 30 speakers and raised more than $4 million, wasn’t the only big financial draw for Harris. A separate “Women for Harris” attracted over 300,000 viewers.

Stop and think about this for a minute. Kamala’s campaign people couldn’t just hold events for all supporters. Nope, they had to be specifically tailored to one’s race and gender. But you see, this is totally ok. The Democrats are doing this and we should all applaud that they are continuing their history of segregation now, segregation forever. 

It isn’t just the white women and dudes, everyone is segregated. 

A series of video calls supporting Harris’s 2024 election bid has been hastily put together after President Joe Biden’s announcement on Sunday that he would step aside in the race.

Hours after the announcement, more than 40,000 people joined a Zoom call for Black women supporters. One for Black men on Monday drew over 50,000 people and there have been separate calls for South Asian women, LGBTQ allies, and white men.

Heaven forbid that everyone be treated equally.

Instead the Democrats will pander and segregate with the best of them because in their minds, race, gender and color are more important than the issues of inflation, national security, immigration, and keeping food on your table. 

A variety of folks jumped on these calls and watched so we didn’t have to subject ourselves to this cringe. They were treated to all the Democrat talking points: MAGA is evil, Trump is a racist, white people must repent of all the things, Kamala wasn’t a DEI hire, and then Pete Buttigieg said the quiet part very loudly. 

Now THAT’s a campaign slogan for you! “Abortion everywhere so men can be deadbeats!” Great job Pete! 

This lady is something else. Astoundingly and worrisome is that she was a teacher who now treats adults as if they are toddlers. 

The condescending attitude is infuriating and illuminating. This is how they think and this is how we SHOULD behave according to our betters. 

Never you mind all that. This is just people gathering to express their angst, repent of their whiteness, and poke gentle fun at themselves. 

Since Mr. Trump entered the political scene, Democrats have watched in frustration as Republicans have pushed white identity politics to the cultural foreground. At the same time, Republicans have accused Democrats of amplifying racial divisions through “antiracism” training and mantras like “check your privilege.”

But in a little more than a week, united behind a likely nominee who is Black, South Asian and a woman, the long-suffering Democratic Party and its supporters seem to be hitting upon a robust response, tapping into distinct cultural and ethnic identities — and also learning to poke gentle fun at themselves.

It isn’t Republicans who’ve pushed for colleges to re-segregate their dorms according to race and color. Nope, that’s the liberals and Democrats have applauded those moves and gone into the k-12 schools as well. It isn’t the Republicans that are gleefully scheduling these segregated Zoom calls. It’s Democrats who are doing so. 

If Republicans even thought about engaging potential voters in the same way, the screaming and gnashing of teeth from the Democrats would be nuclear in response. 

Democrats are embracing segregation in an attempt to show that the only ‘good’ white men are those who will support Kamala. 

This is the problem with Democrats engaging in identity politics and thus segregation. Too many will think they have to unequivocally ‘check that box’ for a candidate based only on skin color and/or gender. 

Anton’s response nails it. Here’s an excerpt from the transcript of his remarks:

“We have a failing economy every single day. I see people getting on the internet talking about $30 an hour is the new minimum wage because inflation is f*cking out of control. At one point, it was at almost 10%, depending on what city that you went. She has no policy, no record to stand on.” “One of the biggest things that she did in her career was lock up more black men than ever before. But we sitting here and voting her in office on identity politics, the very person that she was under as far as the president of the United States of America, she called him racist during a debate, which shows you how fake she is.”

“And the only thing that we can stand on from a policy perspective is whether or not she’s black and she’s a woman? “

Watch and read the whole thing. 

Identity politics and segregation according to the Democrats is a grand thing! That is, if all they want, which they do, is voters who don’t bother to think for themselves. 

Do you know who was on the White Dudes for Kamala call? Actors, governors, famous singers, members of the Biden Administration. Any ordinary average Joes from flyover country? Doesn’t seem so. 

The Democrats are holding whites only meetings to get Kamala elected. Speaks volumes. 

Welcome Instapundit Readers!

Feature Photo Credit: White black segregation concept via iStock, cropped and modified

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  • […] SEGREGATION NOW, SEGREGATION TOMORROW, SEGREGATION FOREVER! Democrats Still The Party Of Segregation With Whites Only Meetings. […]

  • GWB says:

    suggests that white women should never “correct” black women
    But it’s ok for me to correct you, right? Sit down and stifle, Edith.

    Gentle parenting people
    This is evidently a thing now. Explains much – much stupid, much failed adults, much hectoring. Again, Stifle, Edith.

    Republicans have pushed white identity politics to the cultural foreground.
    Stifle, Meathead!

    Unfortunately for the Democrats, all they have is identity politics.
    Unfortunately for Republicans, Democrats have won on nothing but “You must vote for the Black or you’re a racist!” before.

    • NTSOG says:

      “Gentle parenting people.”

      Working as a behaviour management specialist for 40 years I met all sorts of strange people and heard their theories. One such group espoused ‘gentle teaching’. [There is an organisation called ‘Gentle Teaching International’.] They were professionals working in disability and were amongst the most ineffective instructors I ever met. Their main aim seemed to be to make everyone think they were ‘nice’ people. They certainly did not change the behaviour of their students for the better. Typical of those of leftist welfare groups any decision required a full committee meeting so that no one’s feelings were hurt by being left out of discussions. I never understood who was effectively in charge as I never saw anyone take a firm leadership role.

  • GWB says:

    We know Ed is reading over here. 🙂

  • Kevin says:

    What does it say about the republican party that even with the worthless dribble you’ve laid out, People of Color OVERWHLEMINGLY support Democratic candidates? Maybe it’s because whoever is at the top of the ticket isn’t inviting racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic trolls over to their house for dinner.

    • Turtler says:

      Ah, Reject Sale Roehm.

      “What does it say about the republican party that even with the worthless dribble you’ve laid out, People of Color OVERWHLEMINGLY support Democratic candidates?”

      Actually, it doesn’t say much. It primarily speaks to the Democratic Party.

      Because you see, the shift of “People of Color” (what a leaden and disingenuous term) away from voting Republican (the “Negro Party”, in one infamous electoral poster) to voting Democrat (the “Party of the White Man” in said poster) happened over the course of the 1920s and especially the 1930s, at a time when the Republican Party still championed anti-lynching laws and even FDR felt he had to veto them to keep his national party together.

      This was at a time when the “Solid South” and those flying Confederate Flags almost uniformly voted Democrat even in elections much less contested than FDR’s ones, and Jim Crow was a fact of life throughout the South and much. So obviously, any posturing you’re going to try and make about how “The Democrats are the Party of Civil Rights” does not actually fit. While things such as Goldwater’s frankly ahead-of-his-time and principled critiques of the 1964 Civil Rights Act as Federal Overreach even as he supported Civil Rights in general helped accelerate and deepen the trend (and allowed dishonest sophists like you claim “The Democrats are the Party of Civil Rights!” No, only parts of them were, and that’s being generous),

      So what happened? And what is happening now?

      Well pretty simple. Trying to ditch what was supposed to be a sinking ship to get on “the winning team”, no matter how badly said Winning Team had mistreated them in the past. The Great Depression and the defection of so many “Colored People” or “People of Color” from the Republicans to the Democrats was supposed to have destroyed the GOP as thoroughly as the Whigs were, and so the NAACP and others generally favored getting inside the tent of both parties but especially the Democrats in the hopes of influencing them from within.

      Not many people realized for sure that the Republican Party would survive the 1930s and 1940s and come back strong. But voting patterns are a hard thing to change, especially given the nature of political machines in places like Chicago and nonstop demonization by goons like yourself and your beloved Joe Biden, who simultaneously was a tutor of Byrd who campaigned to get KKK votes and opposed School Integration while claiming it was REPUBLICANS that would put Black People “back in chains.”

      Remember that, Ku Klux Kevin? I certainly do.

      “Maybe it’s because whoever is at the top of the ticket isn’t inviting racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic trolls over to their house for dinner.”

      Yeah that doesn’t work. Again, the decisive shift happened over the course of the 1930s, at a time when FDR was inviting hard core Dixiecrats to the White House regularly and Jew Haters like Coughlin were common track. Moreover, it doesn’t help considering “racist, anti-semitic, homophobic troll” is one of the best summaries of Joe Biden’s career.

      This is why a basic grasp of history helps, and why you remain the Rummage Sale version of Ernst Roehm rather than anything more accomplished or terrifying. Roehm may have been a racist, genocidal, Jew hating troll and domestic terrorist thug who was about as obsessed with his sexuality as you are, but he actually knew an iota about history, unlike you.

      And I know you don’t know about this history because if you had, you wouldn’t have been a dumbfuck that tried to play this particular card only for it to blow up in your face.

  • Lloyd says:

    Racism for political gain is still racism. Those who choose to exploit racism for political gain are racists of the first order.

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