Democrats Drag Out Another Scare Tactic

Democrats Drag Out Another Scare Tactic

Democrats Drag Out Another Scare Tactic

Democrats have been busy, busy being scared and desperate. They are dragging out an oldie this time. Seeing as how the Nazi claims aren’t working. And the new silly allegations from a former model on social media didn’t gain traction. The Democrats are trying to revive the Project 2025 issue to scare certain voters.

And that specific group of voters are black males. Have you been watching the news lately? Before Kamala’s Nazi press conference yesterday and before Barrack Hussein Obama started rapping ridiculous lyrics at a rally recently, the news was about how black males are taking a more positive view of Donald J. Trump.

Nothing But A Scare Tactic

Since the above failed, along with their other desperate attempts, they also brought out Project 2025 again. But they are not just bringing it out; they are misinformed or outright lying about the project to try to alarm people. How many times are they going to try to revive this dead horse?

Tyrone C. Howard, Ph. D., is a UCLA professor with quite a resume and connections. These include equity, diversity, inclusion, and being the director of the UCLA Pritzker Center. In case the name Prizsker sounds familiar, they are all connected, aren’t they?

I guess he’s behind this campaign. Should the rig succeed, is he jockeying for a position within a Kamala administration?

First, let me say that Donald J. Trump has disassociated himself from Project 2025.

The state media has conditioned us to be afraid of it.

Donald Trump admits he hasn’t even read it. But if anyone has taken the time to read the thing, it’s nothing horrible. I haven’t read the whole thing, but maybe I will.

Now that we have that out of the way let’s look at how they are using this new scare campaign, Project 2025, as a political weapon.

I’ll be brief (about that first clip from the X embed above) and how he claims Project 2025 wants to eliminate the Department of Education.

Calling It Out

The professor is correct on one account. It does start on page 319 of Project 2025, but he uses one sentence to instill fear in the public.

Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated.”

Once you read past that first scary sentence, the section on the Department of Education has 44 pages of recommendations. You can read it here. Putting the power to choose back into the family’s hands sounds scary, doesn’t it? Or how about restoring funding to state and local control? OMG!

However, I’ll be the first to say they should abolish the Department of Education. It’s not what the government should be involved in. How often do we have to keep telling our government has gotten too big for its britches? You can read all about it in the U.S. Constitution.

But we’ll move on.

If Trump doesn’t want to look at Project 2025, or if it isn’t anywhere near the White House when Trump wins, why am I even blogging about this? Well, someone has to myth-bust the Democrats’ tactics, seeing as how they keep bringing it up! And now, to use it as a campaign ploy and gain media attention, again, is something I can’t ignore.

The Guardian – Project 2025 will ‘upend’ the lives of Black Americans, a new report shows.

Word In Black – 12 Reasons Project 2025 Is Anti-Black.

NBC Washington – What Project 2025 could mean for the DMV’s Black middle class.

EurWeb – We Asked Black Men to Read ‘Project 2025!’ | WATCH Their Unfiltered Reactions.

It truly is despicable how low the Democrats will go. I guess that’s all they have to lean on, seeing as they have no great path forward with good policies for the American people.

Trump’s First 100 Days

The Republicans, however, have been busy doing the actual work and laying out Trump’s first 100 days. And it’s made up of stuff that Trump has been talking about at his rallies – cut taxes, secure the border.

Cut taxes by trillions of dollars and complete the border wall. These are the top two highlights of what Senate and House Republicans reportedly envision for unified GOP control of the White House and Congress to deliver after a sweeping Donald Trump victory on November 5. – Breitbart

So, while the Democrats are busy trying to whip up fear amongst their constituents with bogus claims, the Republicans are doing the work.

Once this news gets out about Trump’s 100 First Days, what sort of conspiracy will the Democrats create next, I wonder? 12 more days, ya’ll, 12 more days.

Feature Photo Credit: Election 2024 sign via iStock, cropped and modified

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  • American Human says:

    I’m always FOR cutting taxes. Cut, slash, bury, decimate, etc. the taxes we are burdened with but how about congress cutting spending. It seems to me that funding of outside groups i.e. NGOs needs to go away for good. They enrich the people in charge and do nothing for the U.S. Citizen e.g. bringing millions of illegal aliens to our southern border, paying for their food, clothing, water, transportation and other things. Stop spending our money on stupid things.
    Also, cut, slash, and decimate our intelligence and law enforcement agencies. They have been caught flat-footed too many times to count.

    • Well, if the NGOs can’t get hold of their raw materials, they will die out naturally. Although, if the law is flipped to pay them for REPATRIATION – they’ll happily reverse course for the money.

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