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Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York (D-Grandma Killer) would be a joke if what he had done wasn’t so demonstrably evil.
And his brother, Chris “Fredo” Cuomo, is his wingman, desperately trying to use his position as “journalist” to cover for his big brother’s sins.
How Governor Cuomo still has a high popularity rating in New York, I honestly don’t know. Perhaps because Mayor Bill de Blasio is even worse? And how Chris Cuomo is still treated as an “unbiased journalist” is also beyond me.
As you will remember, the brothers Cuomo tried their hand at comedy on CNN, when Chris gave ass-kissing and ethically insane interviews to his older brother Andrew. While the governor was sending elderly patients with COVID-19 back to their nursing homes, and waiting to close the subways until MAY for regular cleaning, the two of them were yukking it up on cable news, complete with props. Remember that?
It’s well known that I have a tiny, button nose. Please stick to the facts on your show, little brother.
— Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) May 21, 2020
Well, Chris doesn’t like to be reminded of it. At least not by Ted Cruz, who was not going to let Andrew Cuomo’s horrific record on COVID go by.
Cruz suggested it was time to “have a reasonable policy discussion about the policy mistakes in New York and New Jersey of sending COVID-19 positive patients into nursing homes.”
The senator suggested there was “something disgusting that Democrats are doing that Joe Biden does and that you do, which is you try to blame the people that have lost their lives on your political enemies. That’s not right.”
“But you know what, it’s particularly not right when your brother presided over the state with the highest death rate in the country,” Cruz continued. “Was it a mistake when your brother implemented a policy that nursing homes had to accept COVID-19 patients?”
“My brother was the first one to say there was a learning curve and that mistakes were made and they changed things as soon as they could,” the CNN host responded.”
You know who appreciated Ted Cruz shoving that back in Fredo’s face? Janice Dean, who lost her in-laws to Cuomo’s COVID nursing home order.
Thank you @tedcruz for literally being the only person that has EVER brought this up to @ChrisCuomo after all the unethical interviews he did with his brother @NYGovCuomo
— Janice Dean (@JaniceDean) October 1, 2020
And now, for the truly mind-boggling evil that is Andrew Cuomo. After purging his original nursing home order off the state website, he now thinks he has plausible deniability. COVID patients? In nursing homes? NEVER HAPPENED.
This is literally the worst lie on coronavirus this year. And that includes anything said by Donald Trump.
The media is M.I.A. on this…why? The incompetene/negligence is quite staggering.
— Pradheep J. Shanker (@Neoavatara) October 1, 2020
What. The. Actual. Hell. Cuomo wants to blame Washington state, because the first major COVID outbreak was in a nursing home there. He wants to blame the feds for not containing the virus. Even though WE HAVE THE ORDER HE PUT OUT IN MARCH and it was reported in the news! But it has to be someone else’s fault!
In response to a question about the issue, Cuomo blamed the federal government, attacked Florida’s state government, claimed that New York “flattened the curve effectively,” and said, “It just never happened in New York, where we needed to say to a nursing home, ‘We need you to take this person even though they’re COVID positive.’ It never happened.”
What a load of amazing bullshit. There is just no other way to describe it. Except maybe “depraved indifference to human life.” It is so gobsmackingly horrific. And then Chris wants to cover big brother’s ass?
Quite simply, the Cuomo brothers are a disgraceful pair. One looks like a sociopath, and the other a fool. How long the sociopath is allowed to reign is up to the people of New York. The fool is going to continue to be an unethical fool that no one watches except in viral clips.
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Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click
Their father was Mario, a huge abortion supporter. Famous for pushing ” I’m against but not objecting when others have one.” point in allowing abortion. Evil. For them, deaths of others are “whatever”.
The Democrat Party is a white supremacists party. Abortion by planned parenthood was about getting rid of non-white babies. Disproportionate covid deaths in New York were non-white.
[…] Victory Girls – Cuomo Brothers Spread COVID Chaos […]
[…] for the media. Chris Cuomo alone gave her multiple interviews, and as we all know, there could be NO POSSIBLE MOTIVE for Chris Cuomo to believe the tall tale of COVID data manipulation in Florida. However, some at CNN would like the […]