Communism: Kids Who Love It Are Elitist Brats

Communism: Kids Who Love It Are Elitist Brats

Communism: Kids Who Love It Are Elitist Brats

As a jaded Gen X-er, I have a hard time understanding why people my age think Socialism (which leads to Communism, ultimately) is a great idea.

The shift for me came in college as I watched some of my liberal classmates get bankrolled by Mom and Dad through their university studies-with nice apartments, cars and not a care in the world how the electric bill was going to be paid. How was it they had a nice apartment in the oh-so-desirable Catalina Footlhills? As I found out, it’s quite easy when your parents set you up with a trust fund.

It’s also easy to advocate for Communism when you look at things from their lens. It’s easy to be progressive when you are flush with funds and without worry about your car being repossessed.

Maybe I’m just bitter because I did not have that luxury to not worry. I did not have the luxury to believe that Communism was the solution to all of our problems as a nation. So sad. I was too busy working three jobs whilst listening to some of this flaming bullshit. Activism=intellectualism in their world. Intellectualism is not Conservative in their world. Conservatives are “ignorant”. The peer pressure on these kids today is to not be “ignorant” in the eyes of this world.

Our youth’s love affair with Communism (and the pseudo-intellectualism that surrounds it) is still very much alive. It’s “smart” to let the government take care of you and your future generations. Karl Marx was a genius. Rules For Radicals is a great read. Community organizing is a legit job. Yay, for atheism and breadlines!

Most recently, protesting Israel’s right to protect themselves from Hamas terrorists in the name of Palestine is all the rage. I know it took me a while to circle around to our “Communism is Great” Poster child for today. Enter, New York Times darling, Calla Walsh.

We’ll get to what Communist Calla did in a minute. Back in 2021, Calla was the key to starting the “army of 16-year-olds” known as the Markeyverse, advocating for the re-election of ultra-progressive old fart, Ed Markey. Yep, Ed Markey who told the masses to wear a mask outside. It’s no wonder Generation Z still hangs out in the open-air with these ugly face diapers. They want to belong to the cult of Communism. They want to be lead around through the nose (maybe that’s why a ton of them have the rings through their septum) and comply. They like being afraid and spreading fear and misinformation. Old socialists like Ed Markey and Bernie Sanders love these useful idiots.

And, they are even more useful of idiots if they have been in the public eye before becoming self-proclaimed Communists. Calla Walsh was a former Disney Channel actress and is the daughter of Chris Walsh, the director of Boston University’s college writing program who also happened to write some oh-so-deep-poetic prose about the “stunning and brave” Tsarnaevs. I know, shocker, right? That a young person, daughter of a college professor, who “acted” (I use this term loosely) on the Disney Channel-a channel that promotes kids acting like spoiled brats and gender-bending breeds a good, little Communist like Calla:

Fidel is not dead, but alive in all of us! You, too, are capable of genocide via firing squad.

What more can we expect of a privileged, snooty little New England white girl who grew up in fantasyland? This is where we spill some tea on this New York Times, woke darling of progressivism. Seems as if Calla and her other Disney besties, are in a bit of hot water after taking a trip to Merrimack, New Hampshire this week. Take a look:

The New York Times would probably call this “grass roots activism” or something. An “influential new force in democratic politics”…

Walsh, now a committed communist, was arrested on Monday morning at a defense contractor facility in New Hampshire along with two other women. The three were arraigned on Tuesday on charges of riot, sabotage, criminal mischief, criminal trespass and disorderly conduct.”-Cockburn, The Spectator


The women, along with a larger group of pro-Palestine protesters, had surrounded the Elbit Systems facility, which is allegedly involved in Israel’s military campaign. Police said protesters badly damaged the building, including smashed windows and spray paint that read ‘free Gaza’ and ‘genocide profiteers.’ Police noticed smoke coming from the roof, where they found the three women with an incendiary device and smashed skylights and HVAC equipment.”-Cockburn, The Spectator

Calla Walsh makes it clear, herself: Calla is not a leftist, she is a Communist.

Oh, really? Do tell!

Not a bad idea, although the Iranians are more of a theocracy. The North Koreans are going at that Communism thing pretty hard, though. Let’s ship ’em there. Although, we cannot expect anything else from a spoiled brat with an ugly haircut and a septum ring when one of her own parents justified and sympathized with terrorists a few years back. This is where her dear, ol’ dad’s words from his missive in Salon are, oh-so-haunting:

But it is possible to have the cowardice of one’s convictions. Fundamentalism of any kind runs the risk of cowardice when it fearfully refuses to consider complications that may bring a salutary tentativeness to one’s conduct. In this sense, the Boston Marathon bombers can indeed be called cowardly, guilty of what Olivier Roy calls the “holy ignorance” of those who fail to understand the fullness — the complexity and nuance — of their own theology and culture, not to mention the precious price their violence exacts.”-Chris Walsh, Salon

Hmm. So much for “salutary tentativeness” of Calla Walsh’s own conduct last week. Where was it? Too bad Chris didn’t do such a great job in coaching his own daughter on the “complexity and nuance” of his/her own ideology and culture” and the “precious price” her violence exacted.

Calla The Communist Walsh is a typical elitist brat who decided to climb up on a rooftop of a building and damage its structure for people who would happily throw her and her friends off of that building or any building, for that matter. Oh, the irony! Calla Walsh is the product of one that gets churned out by over-indulging Gen X-ers who have a problem telling their children “no” and struggle with enlightening them with certain hard truths about life. Hopefully, she gets a good taste of this in the slammer while watching the her fellow brats on The Disney Channel throw temper tantrums on repeat, 24-7.

Featured Image: Pixabay, Free for Commercial Use, cropped and modified

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