CNN: Jill Biden Puts Trump “On Notice”

CNN: Jill Biden Puts Trump “On Notice”

CNN: Jill Biden Puts Trump “On Notice”

Here comes our Sunday Snickers from CNN. The headline? “Jill Biden puts Donald Trump On Notice as Her Campaign Role Comes Into Focus”.

The very busy “doctor” is heading out on the road to sway women voters who may not have as much of a favorable opinion of her husband as they do her. According to a CNN recent poll,59% of respondents had an unfavorable opinion of the president, compared with 30% who viewed the first lady unfavorably.

I guess we’re a minority at VG, but moving right along here, CNN’s writeup of “Dr. Jill” is chuckle-worthy, to say the least. Where do we start?

Jill Biden is launching the “Women for Biden” initiative ahead of Super Tuesday. Biden did a stop in Tucson, Arizona yesterday to talk to a crowd of mostly women at the Fox Tucson Theatre where she, according to CNN, “put Trump on notice”.

Side note: Wonder if she ate some breakfast tacos? I, for one, recommend any of the drive thru taco stands for a breakfast burrito to soak up the tequila from the night before. Eggs, potatoes, cheese and refried beans. Delicious.

I’ve been so proud of how Joe has placed women at the center of his agenda. But Donald Trump? He spent a lifetime tearing us down and devaluing our existence. He mocks women’s bodies, disrespects our accomplishments and brags about assault. Now he’s bragging about killing Roe v. Wade.”-Jill Biden

Killing Roe v. Wade? Funny and ironic at the same time, her choice in words. Killing. Let’s ponder that for but a moment. Doesn’t matter to the dummies in the audience. She said Donald “Orange Man Bad” Trump. In Blue Tucson, that elicits “boos” from the audience.


He took credit again for enabling states like Georgia to pass cruel abortion bans that are taking away the right of women to make their own health care decisions. How far will he go? When will he stop? You know the answer: He won’t. He won’t.”-Jill Biden

Donald Trump is dangerous to women and families? Really, Jill? Taking forceps to break the spine of a partially-born CHILD is not cruel, though. But, what do we expect from a women who failed to acknowledge one of her grandchildren?


CNN also puffed up the First Lady in their write up:

The first lady has long said that she’s not a political adviser to the president, instead explaining to CNN that she helps her husband by relaying what she sees and hears from people on the road. But she is his most trusted partner and holds influence in the White House and campaign. She sits in on some of the president’s political meetings and hiring decisions for some key staff, sources familiar with the matter said, and is eager to hit the road to push for a second Biden term.”-Arlette Saenz and Betsy Klein, CNN

Read: she helps her husband to find the correct direction on and off podium. She changes his diapers. She helps The Big Guy by translating what is happening on the road and in some of his meetings because he can’t. (Good chance, she doesn’t “relay”, she just makes the decisions.) And, hiring decisions for “key staff”? Does that include appointments like “Admiral” Rachel Levine and Vera Bradley Luggage Theif, Sam Brinton?

We’re going to do what we did in 2020 and 2022. We’re going to talk to our friends, and we’re going to tell them why this election is so important. We’re going to tell them what’s at stake. Sign up for phone banks and canvassing shifts. We’re going to meet this moment as if our rights are at risk because they are. As if our democracy is on the line, because it is.

Here’s the thing about men like Donald Trump – they underestimate our power because they don’t understand it. They see us working night shifts and making grocery lists, driving to soccer practices and volunteering, caring for parents and raising money for those in need, and they think we can be ignored. They don’t know that our to-do lists are our battle maps.”” -Jill Biden

You know what’s funny? Most Conservative men DO NOT underestimate us. They respect our night shifts and our grocery lists, and our passion for shuttling our kids and cheering our kids on at sporting events and our volunteering and our caring for our parents and our communities. They are PARTNERS with us in this. We are not the barefoot-and-pregnant, illiterate and helpless “little women” that “DOCTOR” Jill thinks we are. We juggle careers. We have Master’s Degrees. We do it all. And, our husbands and other men who prefer Trump to Biden, support us. It’s the deadbeat Democrat men who don’t want responsibility. This goes to show any one with any amount of common-sense how out-of-touch Jill Biden and her supporters are. But…


While Jill was attempting to do her schpeel, there were a few in the audience who were not keen on letting the good “Doctor” speak:

Make no mistake, Pro-Palestine crowd. Look at her face because it speaks volumes. She hates you, too.

Heh. I actually found this clip amusing. A bunch of old, white Democrats who probably live in their gated communities, away from South Tucson crime and homeless migrants up in the Catalina Foothills trying to take this (my guess, a University of Arizona student) woman down.

They eat their own. They will continue to do so. But, Conservative morals and behavior is in question here and Jill Biden is putting it on notice.

We can’t wake up on November 6 like we did in 2016 terrified of the future ahead of us, thinking, ‘My God, what just happened? What are we gonna do now?’ We must reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.”-Jill Biden

Like, Democrats can’t wake up on November 6, 2024 screaming at the sky ahead of a 4-year temper tantrum that rivals any toddler’s?


Trump is trying to do everything he can to make Joe look bad, you know, even at the lives – sacrificing lives of so many people just for his own political gain.”-Jill Biden

Huh, Jill? Old Joey makes himself look bad all on his own. He’s independent in this regard and really doesn’t need Donald Trump. And, excuse me, sacrificing the lives of his own people just for political gain?

Meet the effing mirror, Jill.

All I have to say is thank God for CNN and the spin. It’s enough to give anyone vomit-inducing vertigo. Can’t wait to see what the next few months bring. You’ve been warned.


Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • draigh says:

    Well, at least the real candidate for President is out on the stump.

    I think Trump should challenge Dr. Jill to the debate. Unlike Senile Joe, she may actually show up! And she can’t say it would be unfair unless she wants to lose even more female votes by acknowledging women are inferior to men!

  • Cameron says:

    I wish her a long and happy life in obscurity when she is voted out of office.

  • Dietrich says:

    Whenever someone brings up Frau Doktor Jill my mind drifts to an SS concentration camp.

  • GWB says:

    She sits in on some of the president’s political meetings and hiring decisions for some key staff
    The old-fashioned word for her position is… regent.
    And that never worked out well.

    Trump is trying to do everything he can to make Joe look bad
    BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Trump isn’t doing much of anything right now, except defending himself in court. Joey’s problems are all of his own making, making Trump look good by comparison.

  • Lemuel Vargas says:

    “We’re going to do what we did in 2020 and 2022.”

    So basically, what she is saying is all he has to do is put extra effort to print a massive amount of ballots in Dem controlled states and cities then postpone the counting of ballots w/ the excuse of not getting all of the mail in ballots, remove the Republican watchers w/ flimsy excuses and then stuff the ballot boxes w/ all the printed ballots (in my conspiracy addled mind, their MO during the 2020 election).

    The Courts in those controlled states and cities will of course dismiss the lawsuits that would ensue and those that gain traction will have to go thru the court system (Appelate court then Supremes) w/c will take time until the inaugural in Jan. in w/c those cases that gain traction will be considered moot.

    Hopefully, the preceding scenario would not happen, w/c, according to my conspiracy part of my brain, is what happened during the 2020 election. So if this happens, then the Dems would have had experience during the 2020 election and could thus finesse it this time.

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