Within forty-eight hours, a good man’s reputation was smeared with a plethora of malicious Fake News by the media with CNN in the lead and Democrat Senator Jon Tester of Montana cheering them on. Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson is no longer a candidate for VA Secretary because of these attacks. Problem is, everything they gleefully reported is Fake News.
Car crashes –Fake News
The records, including police reports, show Jackson was in three minor vehicle incidents in government vehicles during the last five years, but none involved the use of alcohol and he was not found to be at fault. In one case, a side-view mirror was clipped by a passing truck. In another incident an enraged driver in Montgomery County, Maryland, allegedly punched out Jackson’s window during a morning drive to Camp David.
Disturbing former President Obama during overseas trip – Fake News
“Over the last 48 hours, media outlets have alleged that U.S. Secret Service personnel were forced to intervene during a Presidential foreign travel assignment in order to prevent disturbing (former) President Barack Obama,” The Secret Service released in a statement. “The Secret Service has no such record of any incident; specifically, any incident involving Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson. A thorough review of internal documents related to all Presidential foreign travel that occurred in 2015, in addition to interviews of personnel who were present during foreign travel that occurred during the same time frame, has resulted in no information that would indicate the allegation is accurate.“
You can read the entire Secret Service statement here.
Hostile work environment – Fake News
Pill pushing ‘Candy Man’– Fake News
The White House medical unit that Jackson ran successfully passed regular controlled substance audits, according to the records for the last three years. The reviews did recommend improvements to the medical unit’s handling of controlled substances, but did not find misconduct. [Emphasis Added]
Jon Tester thought he could be oh-so-cute and channel President Trump by coining the ‘Candy Man’ nickname for Jackson, and it’s backfiring BIGLY.
Understandably, President Trump is pushing back hard against CNN and Jon Tester.
And you know what? I agree.
CNN reported this week that Dr. Ronny Jackson got drunk overseas, loudly banged on colleague's door & was stopped by Secret Service. Today Secret Service says it "has no such record of any incident; specifically, any incident involving Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson." Unbelievable.
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) April 27, 2018
Also, anonymous allegations against Dr. Jackson got full blown coverage. This statement from the Secret Service got practically zero. Disgusting. https://t.co/lg6RCNziHj
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) April 27, 2018
What I find as shameful is that many Republicans in Congress are staying quiet on this. They should be out in front defending a good man’s reputation and calling out Democrat Senator Tester and CNN for their lies. It’s cowardly that they aren’t.
Meanwhile others are saying that Jackson should’ve gotten out in front of CNN and Tester and defended himself. Here’s the deal with that. First of all, as you can see with the above Secret Service statement, they had to go through the records to verify what is fact and fiction. THEN they had to get permission to release that information to the public. If Jackson had simply said ‘NOT TRUE!’ with zero facts to back it up – would he have been believed? NOPE not one bit.
I would be willing to bet that Democrat Senator Jon Tester knew what he was peddling was fake news. But he did so anyway because TRUMP!
Road Testing the 2019 Resistance: Tester’s smears against Ronny Jackson will be standard procedure https://t.co/lXEc4PrXJm via @WSJOpinion
— Kimberley Strassel (@KimStrassel) April 27, 2018
Kim Strassel is correct, this is becoming standard procedure. It needs to stop. We need to call out those who prefer baseless accusations instead of looking at factual evidence and credentials.
Again, we will never know if Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson would’ve been good for the VA or not. CNN and Jon Tester maliciously peddled Fake News because they don’t like Trump. They slandered a good man because of political animosity.
There are no winners here with Truth and Honor the biggest losers of all.
Where are the former presidents in defending this man’s reputation? He’s been the WH doctor since Clinton. This is why the good people won’t serve our government anymore. I’d love it if Jackson sued Tester and CNN for libel but he’s probably too good a man to do that.
Exactly right, Robin.
Spot on, Nina.
ANYONE who repeated this slanderous attack should be ashamed and embarrassed. Jackson is owed a MAJOR apology.
And pardon me, but EFF the slanderous Democrats and the cowardly Republicans for the way they treated this man.
This type of character assassination will continue and increase until there is a cost to the lying. This is what “unnamed sources” are made of. Someone makes up something to fit the desired narrative, states it came from an anonymous source and publishes/broadcasts it as truth. Other dinosaur media outlets pick it up. Soon the low/no information voters, who don’t think critically will believe it, perhaps even spreading the lie.
You outline one of the biggest problems today. If deeds, actions, or what is said is wrong …far too many are getting a pass b/c politics/power … etc etc. Hillary is one, CNN for all their peddling of Fake News is another, Tester is a third … but they aren’t the only ones.
You are correct, until there are actionable consequences to perpetuating such maliciousness, such as wholesale firing or not getting elected/reelected ..and book sales tank – then this type of scourge will continue.
Meanwhile others are saying that Jackson should’ve gotten out in front of CNN and Tester and defended himself.
Exactly. Remember, folks, THE PROCESS IS THE PUNISHMENT!
I would be willing to bet that Democrat Senator Jon Tester knew what he was peddling was fake news.
He absolutely did. It’s called SLANDER. But he can get away with it because of the Speech and Debate Clause. It’s atrocious.
(BTW, I advocate suing CNN for the slander, since they didn’t bother to either investigate his claim, nor adequately publish the facts refuting them.)
Yes GWB, you are correct. It is SLANDER and the entire thing is atrocious