Chuck Schumer Warns Trump SCOTUS Pick Will Force Women To Make Sammies

Chuck Schumer Warns Trump SCOTUS Pick Will Force Women To Make Sammies

Chuck Schumer Warns Trump SCOTUS Pick Will Force Women To Make Sammies

It’s difficult to come up with new ways to say how crazy the Demonrats have gone over the fact that President Donald Trump is getting to pick another (another?) Associate Justice for the Supreme Court of the United States. So let us reach back for an old cereal commercial and say Senate Chuck Schumer has gone “Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs”.

I sat down with my mouth open in sheer amazement at the number of horrors to be visited upon the helpless, defenseless, powerless women of the world if anyone on the Trump shortlist should be allowed to walk past the Supreme Court building.

Now, I am going to post the video here but sit back away from the screen because the spittle and anger are flying:

So much anger from one very angry, little man. I am not talking about how tall Chuck is. Everything about him is litty bitty and not in an Alan Jackson “It’s okay to be little bitty” way.

There is so much douchery going around to day that it’s hard for Chuck Schumer to break into the news cycle but he managed. Speaking of douchery, if you haven’t read Marta’s “Douchery Roundup”, the link is here.

Let’s dive into Chuck’s remarks shall we, courtesy of the “Washington Examiner”?

“It is near impossible to imagine that President Trump would select a nominee who isn’t hostile to our healthcare law and healthcare, who isn’t hostile to a woman’s freedom to make her own healthcare decisions,” Schumer said on the Senate floor, just hours before Trump was set to announce his pick.

And, what’s even (sob) worse is that Donald Trump didn’t ask for Chuck’s advice. No. The President outsourced it to that fascist, he-man woman hating, alt-right group, The Heritage Foundation:

“Whomever the president selects tonight, if that nominee is from the pre-approved list, selected by [Leonard] Leo and the Heritage Foundation, everyone ought to understand what it means for the freedom of women to make their own healthcare decisions and for the protection for Americans with pre-existing conditions,” Schumer said. “Those rights will be gravely threatened.”

Whoever Trump picks, it will mean that women will won’t be able “to make their own healthcare decisions”. Like on day one, Chuck. Like there won’t have to be a case that comes before this sole decider. Women will be forced to forego birth control. They will be forced back into the kitchen pregnant and barefoot. They will be forced to make (gah) sammies.

For some reason, the way Chuck said Stare Decisis cracked me up:

Schumer argued the nominee has an “obligation to share their personal views” on Roe v. Wade and the healthcare law during hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee and meetings with senators. He also argued that stare decisis and precedent have become “meaningless” ahead of nominations to the court.

Okay, so I am not a lawyer. All y’all already know that. But, if the nominee shares his/her personal views on Roe v. Wade and Obamacare wouldn’t that prejudice any case that came before this new justice and force him/her to recuse him/her self.

Oh, that little bitty Chuckie Schumer. Her may be cray cray in a big way, but it’s a wily cray cray. What Chuck sees is not sammies in his future, but his power going down the drain like bad milk.

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  • no room for lefty rats says:

    Hear that laughter suckie Chuckie? That is the deplorables enjoying M.A.G.A.

  • Scott says:

    MMMMM Sammies…..

    “But, if the nominee shares his/her personal views on Roe v. Wade and Obamacare wouldn’t that prejudice any case that came before this new justice and force him/her to recuse him/her self” That’s exactly what cryin chuckie wants…. The level of insanity among these clowns never fails to amaze! I’ve got popcorn waiting for this evening… should be rather amusing..They can’t actually believe the BS they’re spouting… then again, we’ve seen how flat out stupid their supporters are, so maybe they can.. Well the awesome thing is, they’re not gonna be able to block the confirmation (draw it out maybe, but not block it)… and quite likely, loose some Senate seats over their drama on the subject…

  • Callie Cat says:

    Recusal because of personal views…, then Buzzy Ginsberg should recuse herself on everything, since she’s made no secret of her hatred for Trump. And what about Kagan and Obamacare? Strange how that “recusal” argument only seems to work one way…..

  • Freddie Sykes says:

    From the way Chuckles goes on about how immutable Stare Decisis is, I am expecting him to call for the reinstatement of Plessy v. Ferguson which was overturned, despite Stare Decisis, by Brown v. Board of Education. Precedents should not be overturned lightly but should not be upheld when they are wrong.

    Mistakes happen; your being in the Senate is an example of one.

  • SFC D says:

    Every day, Chuckie opens up a fresh loaf of bread and hands the people of the US a new batch of shit sandwiches. We’re not taking a bite, Chuckles.

  • Paki Kebab Shack says:

    Will they have to make sammies in their jammies? The diabolical TrumpHitlerSatan (KGB) will make it so with his evil mini-me henchman Brett Kavanaugh!

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