Charles Payne Tells Truth On Fox News Channel

Charles Payne Tells Truth On Fox News Channel

Charles Payne Tells Truth On Fox News Channel

Sometimes, rarely, someone on television, in this case, Charles Payne on Fox News Channel, tells the truth. Tells the truth, in an unscripted moment with such passion that you know it’s authentic. Authenticity on television. Authentic talking heads. What a concept?

Last night on FNC. there was a round table to discuss the Republican Primary. On the round table, Fox Business host Charles Payne, contributor Kellyanne Conway, host Martha MacCallum, Brett Baier (ugh), Outnumbered co-host Kayleigh McEnany and Five Co-host, the arrogant and condescending Jessica Tarlov. It was Jessica’s turn to spew talking points and she began with how Trump cannot win anyone but the MAGA base. From Mediaite:

Fox News hosts Charles Payne and Jessica Tarlov sparred over Donald Trump’s character on Tuesday as news came in that the former president won the New Hampshire GOP primary.

Tarlov, a Democratic strategist, weighed in first and argued that Trump would likely have a hard time converting Haley voters and others critical of the former president’s insults and crass behavior.

Tarlov concluded Trump “has an uncontrollable narcissism and rage about him when he feels insulted.”

I know many people think Trump is a narcissist. I don’t. He respects people who do a thing well. Rage? Again, I don’t see it. I see justified anger, not rage. But, that’s what makes a horse race. Then, it was time for Charles Payne to speak.

Payne was brought into the conversation next and replied, “And I don’t think it’s narcissism. I think it’s you’ve lived in New York long enough. You know, it’s maybe a New York thing. Someone punches you, you punch him back harder. That’s why I grew up in Harlem.”

“Not if the country’s at stake, right?” Tarlov shot back.

“He won. He became president of the United States, with that same personality,” Payne replied, becoming more animated, adding:

Whoa, Jessica. If the country is at stake, you hit even harder than hard. Trump did win with that same personality. The Democrat Media Industrial Complex convinced some sheeple that Dementia Joe would bring calm into their lives. Pfft. Not working.

I don’t think that, you know, listen, I think it’s worse with Biden calling MAGA, Biden’s anger and vitriol and hatred for MAGA it’s far more worse than President Trump’s individual battles with someone who crosses him. That is something that is really detrimental to this country, that the president of the United States despises half of the United States. President Biden, I said earlier today, I just wrote about a week ago I had a segment coming up, so I googled, ‘Biden hates MAGA.’ Nothing but articles after articles after articles. He has expressed hatred for half of the country.

“Who is writing those articles?” interjected Tarlov, skeptical of Payne’s internet research.

“It doesn’t matter because the bottom line is he says it,” Payne hit back raising his voice and concluding:

He has vitriol for them. And so that’s MSNBC. And so that’s CNN. And so that’s the New York Times. They have vitriol for half of the nation. They don’t look at them like fellow Americans. And it’s unfortunate they try to paint them as racist, that all the things that they do to their fellow Americans who simply want a safe home, a safe community for the children, and prosperity, they want the same thing, but they demean them all the time. That’s why I think Phillips was so intriguing, because he went to a rally to find out for himself. And guess what? Golly, these are some pretty cool people.

This video is from Doug in Exile:

If you don’t have time to watch that long video, check out this X post and pay particular attention to Jessica Tarlov’s face while Charles Payne is speaking:

Thank goodness, Charles Payne said it. Never once has Trump gone off on a spittle-flecked hate rant the way Dementia Joe has. Payne was passionate and controlled and we need more of that. Heck, we need more truth-tellers on television.

Featured Image: Screenshot/Twitter(X)/cropped/widely distributed

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  • Carol Marks says:

    Yes he did!!!

  • Dale Moore says:

    Got me thinking: Trump speeches mostly positive and didn’t call non Republicans names. Mostly tried to unite and include all Americans.
    Biden speeches hateful and negative towards anyone who doesn’t agree 100% with the Democrats talking points.
    Called political opponents names and denigrates them.
    Wasn’t and still not a devoted Trump supporter (more of a De Santiis guy) but no way in hell will I support a political candidate of any party that shows this much hate and contempt towards his fellow Americans.

  • draigh says:

    Has anyone else noticed that FOX allows Tarlov far more time to speak than any of the other panelists?

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