Buttigieg’s Mileage Tax Idea Is Economic Killer

Buttigieg’s Mileage Tax Idea Is Economic Killer

Buttigieg’s Mileage Tax Idea Is Economic Killer

Mileage tax on all vehicles. That’s Pete Buttigieg’s grand idea. Need better roads and bridges, let’s slap a mileage tax on all drivers!

“A vehicle mileage tax could be on the table in talks about how to finance the White House’s expected multi-trillion-dollar infrastructure proposal, according to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

Buttigieg, who spoke with CNBC’s Kayla Tausche on Friday, also contended that President Joe Biden’s forthcoming plans to rebuild the nation’s roads, bridges and waterways would lead to a net gain for the U.S. taxpayer and not a net outlay.

“When you think about infrastructure, it’s a classic example of the kind of investment that has a return on that investment,” he said. “That’s one of many reasons why we think this is so important. This is a jobs vision as much as it is an infrastructure vision, a climate vision and more.”

It seems the gasoline tax isn’t generating enough revenue for the transportation funds needed to keep our roads, bridges, and other transportation infrastructure up to date. Gee, I wonder why fuel revenues are lower? Oh, I don’t know, perhaps part of it is due to the Democrat’s war on oil? Perhaps it’s also due to Democrats pushing for electric vehicles?

Buttigieg thinks a mileage tax will be a win win for all, with a fabulous return on investment that will include jobs, and college! 

“A second component would include investments in workers with free community college, universal pre-kindergarten and paid family leave, according to a person familiar with the options who insisted on anonymity to discuss private conversations.”

I fail to see how the above will fix our roads, airports, and bridges. Oh wait, maybe the free college is for the Keystone pipeline workers whom Pete said should learn to code?

This mileage tax will be an economic killer. For those who live in places such as New York City and rarely drive, a mileage tax is no big deal. For the taxi companies within NYC however, watch those rates skyrocket. 

For one thing, how much tax will it be? $.0002 per mile? $.02 per mile? $.10 per mile? The Democrats will push for the highest amount they can get away with. 

Let’s take a look at South Bend, Indiana for example. Nice city I’m sure. The one that Petey was mayor of.  How many people drive in to South Bend from an outlying suburb such as Elkhart to go to work at Notre Dame, at the hospitals, the schools, etc? It’s a significant number I’m sure. Can THEY afford to have a mileage tax added on and still drive to/from work every day? Perhaps in the short term they could, but not in the long term.

How about our seniors who still drive but are on fixed incomes? A mileage tax added on will be an economic killer for them. Let’s just say that one day of errands and doctors visits involves fifteen miles round trip. Then multiply that times eight for the month. At the $.002 rate, that adds up to $.24 per mile.

There are many around this country whose commute to work is anywhere from a fifteen to forty mile round trip each day. There are others whose livelihood, such as electricians, plumbers, contractors, and realtors has them racking up hundreds of miles per day and through the week. That mileage tax will add up VERY QUICKLY.

The agriculture communities will be hit hard. I grew up on a ranch twenty miles out of town. There were and still are times when it is necessary to make multiple trips to town in one day for parts or supplies. Also, farms and ranches typically own multiple vehicles necessary to ranch operations. Can you imagine what this kind of tax would do to their bottom line? It would crater it. The mileage tax will be a definitive economic killer for their farm/ranch operations. 

Someone suggested this. 

A vehicle mileage tax that is specifically targeted to help certain areas? Can you see the Democrats writing legislation that will do that? Specifically when they look at how much revenue a mileage tax could generate? The Democrats will want the whole apple and then some!

A mileage tax assessed on all vehicles will be an economic killer for all individual taxpayers on multiple levels. Why? Because the costs of goods and services will ALSO go up in order to alleviate the costs of bringing those goods and services to the local communities. Yes, that’s right a mileage tax will be very harmful to the trucking industry as well. 

Buttigieg’s claim that a mileage tax would be a net gain for all shows how economically stupid he is.

Welcome Instapundit Readers! 

Feature Photo Credit: Cars highway by MaxxGrr via Pixabay, cropped and modified

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  • Garrett Crawford says:

    Given that the government could not stand up a reliable website to enroll Obamacare users, I cannot imagine that they are capable of implementing and managing a system that monitors every single car user mileage. The complexity of the data management alone is stupefying; not to mention the cost and rollout of the infrastructure. Probably the cost of the servers outstrips a small state’s budget. (. And can I mention the electricity usage, or is that too droll)
    For those of us that do not buy or lease a new car every other year, what’s the plan? Ship me a data logger that I will dutifully leave in my care all the time? Get real.

    • Askeptik says:

      Not just cars, but all the trucks, motorcycles, bicycles (etc.), Amish wagons, ATV’s (etc.) – everything that has wheels that can carry cargo or people.

  • John Wilson says:

    Alfred E Neuman is a goof floating a goofy idea, but in these times, he might just succeed to our detriment. Why not just tax EV’s who are not paying a tax at the pump? Seems simple enough but not to the goofs in DC.

  • samoore says:

    Oregon’s (so far) voluntary mileage tax is 1.8 cents/mile, weighted against your car’s EPA MPG. You have to sign up with the state, and have a spy device installed on your car.

    I’m glad I’m retired.
    The last 13 years I was working, my commute accounted for about 1500 miles a month (75 miles/day).

  • Bucky says:

    Killing the economy, further restricting citizens rights and punishing those “White Supremacists” in flyover country are all part of the plan. Thank you Biden voters.

    Remember Ashli Babbitt!

  • bob sykes says:

    We already have a mileage tax. It is the gasoline tax. You pay that tax in direct proportion to the miles you drive. Moreover, people driving low-mpg vehicles, like large SUV’s, pay more tax than people who drive high-mpg vehicles like hybrids.

    I am amazed at the number of people who just don’t get this.

  • Rose Hughes says:

    You mentioned growing up on a ranch. I lived in Wyoming for awhile myself. Will Pete require you to pay mileage tax for driving on your own land?

  • […] Mayor Pete’s idea is to start with hiring more CSA’s and go from there. Which, in addition to his inability to deal with supply chain issues, it shows how ignorant he is about transportation.  […]

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