Bud Light: Dylan Mulvaney Authentically Connects With Women

Bud Light: Dylan Mulvaney Authentically Connects With Women

Bud Light: Dylan Mulvaney Authentically Connects With Women

Bud Light, along with parent company Anheuser-Busch, is defending the decision to use Dylan Mulvaney as an influencer. You see, he’s authentic and really connects with his audience!

Anheuser-Busch defended transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney appearing to be used as a Bud Light spokesperson after the beer maker celebrated “365 Days of Girlhood,” saying the pact helps “authentically connect with audiences.”

The trans activist revealed on Saturday that the beer company sent packs of Bud Light featuring the influencer’s face as a way to celebrate a full year of “girlhood” that Mulvaney recently reached.


“Anheuser-Busch works with hundreds of influencers across our brands as one of many ways to authentically connect with audiences across various demographics and passion points. From time to time we produce unique commemorative cans for fans and for brand influencers, like Dylan Mulvaney. This commemorative can was a gift to celebrate a personal milestone and is not for sale to the general public,” an Anheuser-Busch spokesperson told Fox News.

This after many people, including myself, spent the weekend wondering if this was just one giant April Fool’s joke. But it wasn’t. It seems Mulvaney has been shilling for Bud Light for a few weeks now as part of Women’s History Month and March Madness. And believe me, his Bud Light schtick is beyond cringe. 

There’s a problem with this. Well, lots of problems actually. First, Dylan isn’t a woman. He’s a parody and mockery of a woman. And, I daresay really really needs some therapy. 

Mulvaney’s online transition series, which has 10.8 million followers, was always odd. But her recent imitations of a fictional six-year-old girl called Eloise, who lives in a high-end hotel, and her masquerade as a child’s doll, have taken that strangeness to a new level.

‘Let dolls be dolls, please,’ Mulvaney said in a recent clip, sporting a bright, patterned dress, braided hair, bows, and colored circles on her cheeks, before spinning for the camera. ‘Let dolls be dolls, please.’

Odd? No, this is beyond odd. The guy really needs some help. Not more surgery, not more pandering from politicians and celebrities. The guy needs help. 

Secondly, Dylan Mulvaney to shill beer for March Madness??!! The dude has probably never shot hoops in his life! 

Oh, but he’s “authentic” and connects so wonderfully with all audiences! Which is why he’s shilling not only for Bud Light, but for Kate Spade, KitchenAid, Tampax (he’s a GUY who’ll never ever use a tampon!)and many more. 


You know, if those companies were so PROUD, THRILLED, and ELATED to have Dylan Mulvaney help them authentically connect with their audiences, why haven’t any of the same companies issued press releases about his working for them? I checked over the weekend and checked again prior to writing this post. If he’s SO influential and truly connects with their target audiences, why not do a full media blitz?? Yet none of them have. Why?

Because the majority of their target audiences don’t WANT Dylan Mulvaney prancing around mocking women. These companies KNOW that their brand will be negatively affected if it’s known, that Dylan Mulvaney is their brand ambassador, which for many of the companies is WOMEN. 

The problem is, for those companies, is that Dylan Mulvaney has made himself front and center with the assistance of celebrities and politicians. Which has led to their target markets realizing a parody of a woman is whom those companies believe would influence sales. It won’t. Especially if more and more people see cringey vomit-inducing crap like this. 


Exactly. The larger audience of all of those brands are authentic WOMEN, not Barbie/Eloise parodies that make a mockery of womanhood. Yet all of those brands are willfully putting their eggs in the trans agenda basket. So much so that even country music! is propping up a small minority as Toni wrote here about last night’s CMT Awards. 

But we WOMEN, authentic women aren’t allowed to object to this. Except we do, and we will. 

On the other side, many women object to Mulvaney’s shrill approximation of femininity.

Others resent a biological male stepping into their shoes, and gobbling up paid work promoting cosmetics and other feminine products.

The criticisms clearly sting Mulvaney, whose typically peppy appearances have, one year into her journey, given way to moments of despondency and despair.

‘I’m not enjoying my womanhood as much as I was,’ she said in a recent post directed at her feminist critics.

Dylan Mulvany is parodying a woman. He, no matter how much cosmetic surgery, how much money (evidently more than one million a year) he makes shilling for Bud Light, Tampax, Kitchen Aid and others, isn’t a woman. He’s engaging in what HotAir’s David Strom aptly describes as “womanface.” Which demeans women. 

Yet the Left no longer cares. They’ve decided that the freak flag must fly and if we object, it must be shoved down our throats. Dylan Mulvaney may be raking in the bucks, but as soon as he outlives his usefulness, those corporations along with the celebrities and politicians will ghost him ASAP.

Welcome Instapundit Readers!

Feature Photo Credit: TikTok Screen shot of Bud Light can w/Mulvaney face via Twitter, cropped and modified

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  • NTSOG says:

    ‘‘I’m not enjoying my womanhood as much as I was,’ ‘

    “[M]y womanhood” as though he and his deviant mates own the patents and rights pertaining to being a [real] woman and can therefore define Womanhood any way they wish and to hell with all the real Women around the world.

    As for the beer manufacturer didn’t their staff hear about Gillette? Perhaps they don’t care about the majority of normal people who buy their grog?

    • Nan says:

      Interestingly, Anhauser Busch has turned iff their telephone complaint system. I complained online, then contacted their local distributor to let them know I don’t appreciate being mocked.

  • Liz says:

    Alissa Heinerscheid took over as vice president of marketing for Bud Light on February 2 this year.
    I’m guessing this is her baby.
    Honestly, although this is a mockery of women the trend toward the tranny fetish industry seems female promoted.
    From personal observation, I’ve never seen a father put his son in a dress. I’ve seen a few mothers do this.

    • GWB says:

      And, generally only from mothers who can afford to have their child as an accessory instead of posterity. Those women are just glamming up their accessory, like putting rhinestones on a purse.

      • Liz says:

        Yes. And the moms are generally in therapy for other (not officially related) mental conditions. It’s the new (but glamorized and socially endorsed) Munchausen syndrome.

        • Liz says:

          Just looked it up and I think I was mistaken about the word for the syndrome (the new name is factitious disorder I guess)….proxy abuse for the mom to get attention through the destruction of her own child’s wellbeing.
          Actually had a neighbor once who was in prison for this (fed her child poison).
          I see this new trend as very similar.

          • NTSOG says:

            Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy or Factitious Disorder – what is certain that towards the end of my career working with families having disabled children presenting behavioural disorders I [and my colleagues] were seeing an increased number of parents, mostly mothers, who were co-dependent with their children. This meant that changing the reported behaviour of the children was difficult as the co-dependent parent could not allow that to happen. The [disturbed] parent needed the child to be acting out so as to gain attention and sympathy and perhaps funded services. Thus well-founded interventions were often sabotaged, another ‘problem’ would be ‘created, or the parent would seek another specialist who was more easily duped.

    • Rob says:

      This right here ^^^

  • JAW3 says:

    We need to see some Butt light tranny cheerleaders at the final four!

  • Royalidiot says:

    About 4 decades ago, give or take, the Coca-Cola Corporation somehow decided that the public at large was bored with the taste of Coke(regardless that it was the #1 selling beverage in the world at the time). So they invented “New Coke” and spent millions with an advertising blitz about the refreshing new taste, etc.
    The results were almost immediate and catastrophic. They made the colossial mistake that their loyal followers would support the change, no matter what, because they’re “Coca-Cola”. Well New Coke was worse than Pepsi and no one thought that possible. Sales plummeted so low so fast that the CCC almost went insolvent.They quickly switched back to the “original formula” and launched a billion dollar ad campagin to bring back their customers…It worked to a degree but it took an entire generation for them to really recover from it….You can still see the words “original formula” on their packaging and products to this day……..
    AB just presented Coca-Cola with the ultimate “hold my beer”……

    • Liz says:

      New coke is a good comparison but there is another that might be better, because it was a beer campaign that went so wrong it destroyed America’s biggest brand.
      “Grab a little gusto” was almost synonymous with beer….
      until they had the “Drink Schlitz or I’ll kill you” campaign with bizarre commercials.
      Guess the new marketing director didn’t read this bit of history.

  • SFC D says:

    This guy is as much a cartoon character as PeeWee Herman. I’d boycott Bud Light but don’t drink that overrated swill.

  • Scott says:

    Bud light is more of a beer than Dylan is a woman, and that’s saying a lot…

    This is what happens when we “go along to get along” and accept these mentally ill delusional individuals as “normal”.. This kind of crap should never have been treated as acceptable or normal. It is mental illness plain and simple.. the fact that any of us may know such a mentally ill person, who is a “great person” or whatever similar adjective you may use is irrelevant. This mindset is toxic to young people, and we’re not reaping what we’ve sown by allowing this to flourish.

    • GWB says:

      It continues to exist because how else will the Progressives (the true believers) ever move us toward their utopia where your own mind defines your very reality? One in which hedonism reigns supreme?

  • opus says:

    Still halfway think this dude is going to jump out of a cake and announce it’s a big con job after he rakes in enough cake from the gullible adsters….

  • Ralph Gizzip says:

    Let me get this straight (no pun intended). A liquid that pretends to be beer has partnered with a man who pretends to be a woman.
    Yeah, that makes sense.

  • TMLutas says:

    I give the odds that “Dylan Mulvaney” is not in therapy at about 0%.

  • GWB says:

    ‘I’m not enjoying my womanhood as much as I was,’
    He thinks “womanhood” is something you can take off and put on again.

    Which demeans women.
    Interestingly, it demeans men, too, IMO. It makes men out as actually thinking women are that stupid and vapid.
    And most of us are not OK with this.
    (Sorry for the quality of that. Finding clips of Willow (1988) online is really difficult. That whole scene is one of the best in the movie.)

  • HarvardR says:

    In related news, Al Jolson really had an authentic connection with the NAACP…

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