Brooklyn, NY Protests Rittenhouse Not Guilty Verdict

Brooklyn, NY Protests Rittenhouse Not Guilty Verdict

Brooklyn, NY Protests Rittenhouse Not Guilty Verdict

Protesters took to the streets of Brooklyn, New York to protest the Not Guilty verdict for Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin. While the Governor in Wisconsin had 500 National Guard standing by in Kenosha in case of violence, who would have thought the largest protest would be in a borough of New York City?

Some of us (read that as sentient beings) were a little overcome when the verdicts were read and Kyle Rittenhouse began to shake. Then, when the fifth count was read and his legs gave out on him, he collapsed to the ground and some of us (points to self) wanted to jump through the screen and hug that young man. Predictably, the Left howled.

The media had set us all up to expect for Kenosha to be on fire tonight. Kenosha had other ideas.

If you had Brooklyn, NY on your Bingo card, congratulations. You win. From the New York Daily News:

About 200 angry, upset and unsurprised protesters gathered outside Barclays Center on Friday night in one of a number of protests around the country over Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal on all charges for shooting two protesters and maiming a third in Wisconsin.

The demonstrators were universally disappointed by the jury’s decision, but they saw it coming after watching the trial.

“The system is set up this way,” said Phoebe Quin, a fourth-grade teacher from Brooklyn. “I’m angry and tired. I’m out here to show support to the marginalized in the community.”

Friday night’s demonstration was notably smaller than many protests from the summer of 2020, and ralliers were vastly outnumbered by people trying to get into the Brooklyn Nets game.

It could be dangerous to get in the way of sports fans trying to get to an event, and the Nets are doing well this season. But there is more:

“I’m infuriated. We saw this case brewing,” said Chi Ossé, councilman-elect for the 36th district in Brooklyn, which includes parts of Bedford-Stuyvesant and Crown Heights.

“Kyle Rittenhouse is the mascot for the white supremacist movement in the United States of America,” said Ossé. “Being out here, for many Blacks this is like therapy for our pain.”

Where could anyone have gotten the idea that Rittenhouse was a “white supremacist”? Creepy, Sleepy Joe Biden, CNN, and MSNBC, especially Joy Reid, that’s where.

These poor tools are sooooo confused:

Look, it’s easy to get confused. Both Kyle Rittenhouse and Derek Chauvin are White men, and um, that’s about it. Minnesota and Wisconsin are the same too. That’s a very common attitude in NYC.

From Barclays Center, the protesters marched to the Brooklyn Bridge, which is where CBS News caught up with them:

“The message, basically, is that when you stand up for Black liberation, when you stand up for Black lives, no matter who you are, you automatically become a target of the system,” protester Na-Lakan Masego said.

“The issue of what constitutes self-defense and what doesn’t, but it also depends who has a gun and it also depends what they’re actually fighting for, and it seems that if you’re trying to say something about Black Lives Matter or something about justice and equity, it doesn’t have the same weight,” Public Advocate Jumaane Williams said.

Should we tell these people that all of the people Kyle Rittenhouse shot were White? No, they don’t care and it doesn’t matter. They want to destroy our country and, they will use any excuse to let us know that. It’s easy to laugh at them for their stupidity but they are dangerous.:

You heard that right. “Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground.” That’s what they want. This has nothing to do with Kyle Rittenhouse or George Floyd. This has nothing to do with Kenosha or Minneapolis. This is about the destruction of law and order.

Featured Image: Ted Eytan/ commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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  • alanstorm says:

    “The message, basically, is that when you stand up for Black liberation, when you stand up for Black lives, no matter who you are, you automatically become a target of the system,” protester Na-Lakan Masego said.”

    Nope. You are confused.

  • NTSOG says:

    “The (leftist) media had set us all up to expect for Kenosha to be on fire tonight. Kenosha had other ideas.”

    Actually they probably hoped for a riot to validate their own prejudice, incompetence and keep tensions high.

    • Scott says:

      Nah, orders came down from Soros to stay home. Riots now would make Brandon and Heels Up look bad.. When Trump was President, the rioters were paid to destroy, while the pudding cup puppet is in officer, they’re paid to stay home..
      Change my mind…

  • Cameron says:

    No sweetheart, the message is simpler than that:

    You and your kind do not have the right to burn my country down.

  • John Casteel says:

    Otherwise intelligent people have all jumped on the “Rittenhouse vigilante” narrative because they’ve only received their news from the lying, recalcitrant, obnoxious miscreants of the mainstream media. It has to stop or we’re doomed as a country.

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