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October 17, 2012
Fox News is reporting that a Bangladesh national with ties to Al Qaeda, 21-year-old Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, has been arrested for an attempted bombing at the New York City Federal Reserve Office. The Federal Reserve is scarily close to where the World Trade Center stood.
He worked with who he believed was an Al Qaeda operative, but was really an FBI undercover agent. The agent supplied Nafis with the “explosives”, and Nafis was arrested after attempting to detonate the bomb. (The full release is here.)
Check out the chilling message Nafis gave the undercover agent:
“I don’t want something that’s like, small. I just want something big. Something very big … that will shake the whole country, that will make America, not one step ahead, change of policy, and make one step ahead, for the Muslims … that will make us one step closer to run the whole world.”
Will Obama blame this on a video? Call it workplace violence like the Fort Hood massacre?
They’re still trying to kill us, and Obama’s pulled out in Iraq (but calling it victory) and broadcast when we’ll be leaving Afghanistan. Embassies are being attacked in the Middle East, our first ambassador has been killed in over thirty years, and now we’ve got an attempted bombing in New York City. Were it not for this terrorist being intercepted by the FBI, it could have been a successful bombing.
What’s Obama’s plan now?
It’s been eleven years since the horrific attacks on 9/11. And let’s face it, the country has become complacent. It’s the simple truth. But let this be a reminder that if we let our guard down, we will have another 9/11. There is no doubt. That’s something that’s been lost this election cycle, thanks to the horrible economy. But we should remember that the War on Terror isn’t over when we’re casting our ballots in November, because this is yet another issue on which Obama is clearly in over his head.
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