Border Bill Reveals Democrat’s Utter Fear Of Donald Trump

Border Bill Reveals Democrat’s Utter Fear Of Donald Trump

Border Bill Reveals Democrat’s Utter Fear Of Donald Trump

Our Deanna told you about this 370 page monstrosity yesterday morning. The long-awaited Border Bill, H.R.2 – Secure the Border Act of 2023, was revealed to the world in all its disagreeable bloat on Sunday night. It was immediately proclaimed “Dead On Arrival” and the search was begun for its murderer. The culprit was revealed to be (Dun, Dun, Dun) former President Donald Trump. Well, why not? He’s a convenient villain. This Border Bill has revealed the Democrat’s utter fear of Donald Trump.

If you are a masochist, you can read H.R.2, we’ll just call it the Border Bill, here. Here’s what you need to know from Deanna’s post yesterday:

On immigration alone, this border bill should be dead on arrival in the House of Representatives. But then we get into the special poopy dressing that has been added into the crap sandwich to make this a goodie bag of incoming disaster.

First, the Ukraine money. You knew that we weren’t going to get a crap sandwich without a $60 BILLION helping for Ukraine, right?

The $118 billion national security supplemental includes $60 billion for Ukraine, $14.1 billion for Israel, aid for Indo-Pacific allies and the bipartisan border security agreement.

The border security component — which totals $20 billion — would give the federal government temporary authority to expel migrants when the average number of daily crossings exceeds a threshold, end “catch and release” and raise standards for asylum screenings and seek to process claims quicker, among other provisions.

You are reading that correctly. The border gets $20 billion, Ukraine gets $60 billion, and Israel will get $14.1 billion. Taiwan is also slated to get money as well. Speaker Mike Johnson already put forward a standalone bill for Israel, which would give them $17.6 billion. But this border bill is desperately echoing what Joe Biden has been begging for and demanding from Congress – another huge check to Ukraine, with no end in sight to the conflict itself.On immigration alone, this border bill should be dead on arrival in the House of Representatives. But then we get into the special poopy dressing that has been added into the crap sandwich to make this a goodie bag of incoming disaster.

First, the Ukraine money. You knew that we weren’t going to get a crap sandwich without a $60 BILLION helping for Ukraine, right?

The $118 billion national security supplemental includes $60 billion for Ukraine, $14.1 billion for Israel, aid for Indo-Pacific allies and the bipartisan border security agreement.

The border security component — which totals $20 billion — would give the federal government temporary authority to expel migrants when the average number of daily crossings exceeds a threshold, end “catch and release” and raise standards for asylum screenings and seek to process claims quicker, among other provisions.

You are reading that correctly. The border gets $20 billion, Ukraine gets $60 billion, and Israel will get $14.1 billion. Taiwan is also slated to get money as well. Speaker Mike Johnson already put forward a standalone bill for Israel, which would give them $17.6 billion. But this border bill is desperately echoing what Joe Biden has been begging for and demanding from Congress – another huge check to Ukraine, with no end in sight to the conflict itself.

A monstrosity of a bill made up of big crap sandwiches. A Dead On Arrival bill. GOP negotiator Senator James Lanford was condemned by his own Oklahoma GOP before the Border Bill was released.

Utah Senator Mike Lee gave the American people credit for unaliving the bill:

But, it couldn’t be little ol’ us. We don’t have that kind of power (They think).

Yes, Trump is against this bill to deprive Joe of a major legislative win. Don’t make me laugh. So, Vox gave us this last night: “Democrats are trying to pass a right-wing border bill, but the GOP won’t let them.”

In short, the deal proposes new authority to quickly expel migrants arriving on the southern border at times of high demand, amounting to a massive departure from the United States’ historical commitments to asylum seekers. It also looks to close gaps in the legal immigration system that has left everyone from the children of high-skilled foreign workers to Afghan refugees in limbo. Though it’s unlikely to pass, it still matters as a signal of what Democrats are willing to concede on immigration in an election year when it’s become a major flashpoint.

The deal falls far short of the kind of comprehensive immigration reform that Congress came close to passing in 2013 and leaves certain key issues unresolved, including the fate of so-called “Dreamers” who came to the US without authorization as children. It’s scheduled for a vote in the Senate on Wednesday, and former President Donald Trump has urged Republicans not to support it.

Democrats concede? What? If Republicans need Trump to urge them not to support this bill, they need to get out.

Axios made their position even more clear: “Trump activates MAGA caucus to kill Senate border deal, weaken McConnell.”

Trump activates the MAGA caucus sounds pretty “Super Villain”, doesn’t it? Most of the article is what we’ve come to expect from Axios, but I leave you with this:

The bill has virtually no chance of passing the House, but Trump’s allies are trying to cast McConnell’s leadership of the Senate next cycle as uncertain.

“Don’t be STUPID!!! We need a separate Border and Immigration Bill. It should not be tied to foreign aid in any way, shape, or form!” Trump said in a Truth Social post.
“Our hope is the Senate kills this bill … and if not, the bill will die in the House where every member of Republican leadership is united against it,” Trump ally and GOP strategist Alex Bruesewitz told Axios.

I love everything about this pushback so far. As long as Supervillain Trump, the MAGA caucus and the MAGA minions stay strong, we are safe from this Border Bill.

Featured Image: Ben Longstroth/ Commons

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  • Cameron says:

    Now waiting for my Congresscritter and my Senators to wail about Trump while not answering the question about why we’re not allowed to have a border.

  • GWB says:

    I’m laughing at the featured image. That has to have been done with AI, as Trump’s left hand (holding the burning… something) is really a right hand. Some people will find him even creepier like that! lol

  • Kevin says:

    Here’s who I feel for in the process of attempting to create a “bi-partisan” immigration solution. Senator James Langford; one of the most conservative (old-school conservative; not MAGA bat-shit crazy conservative) Senators. The men that created the United States of America intended that the elective bodies work together to solve the problems of the nation. Langford did just that. He may pay the price in 2029 when his term ends and he runs for re-election (assuming MAGA is taken off life support and finally buried after the 2024 presidential election when the Malignant Tumor defeated).

    Here’s the other point about this “bi-partisan” bill … it’s rare today that one party gets 100″ of what it wants without having veto proof margins in both houses of Congress (extremely rare in modern times). So, if a bill is put forward that addresses 20%, 30% or whatever percentage of one parties concerns, why not take the step in that direction and then, if you get control of the legislative branch you move forward the rest of the way? The reason this didn’t occur in this situation is that the Malignant Tumor needs to run on something other than “I’m the victim of a witch hunt.”

    I predict in about 3 months VG will write an article about when the tide changed on the immigration issue from being a problem created by Biden to being a problem created by the Malignant Tumor. I haven’t looked at recent polling but let’s assume people favor the Malignant Tumor over Biden by 75% to 25%. In about 3 months that difference will be 55% favoring the Malignant Tumor and 45% favoring Biden. It will not be a major deciding factor in the upcoming election given how the Malignant Tumor politicized the issue. Independents (who lean towards Biden) bill be further repulsed.

    One more comment about the upcoming presidential election … when has the front runner of any party who has peaked 9 months before an election remained at the peak on election day? There’s only one way to go and that’s down. The Malignant Tumor doesn’t have the ability to bring in more voters; he’s still trying to scrape the “bottom of the barrel” looking for more racist, misogynistic, homophobic voters. He’s going to pick up a few more because the republican party today has a large percentage of that voter demographic, but there will not be enough at the bottom of the barrel to push him over the top.

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