Book ‘Russian Roulette’ Fires on Trump Dossier

Book ‘Russian Roulette’ Fires on Trump Dossier

Book ‘Russian Roulette’ Fires on Trump Dossier

On March 13, 2018, this past week, the book “Russian Roulette” by authors Michael Isikoff and David Corn was published. The subtitle of the book is “The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump”. And, if you have read anything about Vladimir Putin, it’s easy to believe that Vlad would do anything to embarrass, humiliate and, even, destroy the United States of America.

The Daily Caller published a post yesterday just dealing with the 2013 trip to Russia that provides the “salacious” details in the Steele Dossier. Yes, we are talking about the Russian hookers and “Golden Showers” on a bed in a hotel room that former President Barack Obama slept in, allegedly. Oof. From the “Daily Caller” article:

Authors Michael Isikoff and David Corn report that Trump spent only one night in Moscow during a November 2013 trip to the Miss Universe pageant. They also wrote that Trump had just over six hours — from 1:30 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. — in which to engage in the raunchy tryst that is described in the dossier.

Well, excuse me. I have no experience with Russia, hookers or “Golden Showers” but the average tinkle doesn’t take all that long. Is there anything else that would negate this story. Of course, but you already knew that:

The book notes that Trump was offered prostitutes during his Moscow visit. Schiller, the longtime Trump bodyguard, has testified to Congress that an associate of the Agalarovs offered to send five women to Trump’s room.

Schiller says he rejected the offer. He told Congress that he informed Trump about it and they laughed it off. Schiller testified that he stood outside of Trump’s room for a while during his stay before turning in for bed. Nobody entered the room, he testified.

Despite what the Legacy Media, The Swamp and The Coastal Elites think of Donald J. Trump, Trump wouldn’t play Russian Roulette with the Russians. Any Russian hookers would, ya think, be Russian agents. Trump isn’t stupid. He probably didn’t even talk to himself while he was in the hotel room, well aware that the room was “wiretapped”. I have never traveled to Russia (I want to go to St. Petersburg to see the Mariinsky Ballet), I would assume the room was “wiretapped”. And, I am a nobody to the Russkies.

There is more in the Daily Caller article but it is all of the shadow world of bottom feeders who sell information and way in the woods.

The authors of “Russian Roulette” are Michael Isikoff and David Corn who came to fame with another salacious, but this time true, story. The story of Monica and her boyfriend Bill and the “blue dress”. Watch as Isikoff and Corn discuss working with Steele on this book.

Oh, my, my, so many of the players remain the same.

The Fiscal Times posted “15 Facts You Didn’t Know About Donald Trump” back in 2015:

A germaphobe, Trump dislikes shaking hands. When forced to shake hands, he has an interesting technique of vigorously pulling the other person close into his body.

He has requested a straw to drink from, at times, so that his lips don’t touch a possibly dirty cup and, reportedly, he fell out with former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie when Christie tried to hand Trump his cell phone. The very same cell phone that had been against Christie’s sweaty, germ covered face.

The authors of “Russian Roulette” give the Russian hookers story a 50-50 chance of being true. My guess is it has a snowball’s chance in Hell of being true.

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1 Comment
  • GWB says:

    The authors of “Russian Roulette” give the Russian hookers story a 50-50 chance of being true. My guess is it has a snowball’s chance in Hell of being true.
    So…. about the same chance as Hillary has of ever being President?

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