An arrest warrant has been issued and a manhunt is ongoing for the alleged murderer of Memphis police officer Sean Bolton. Bolton, 33, was killed during a traffic stop late Saturday night.
A warrant for first-degree murder has been issued for 29-year-old Tremaine Wilbourn, who is believed to be the shooter, Police Director Toney Armstrong said at a Sunday evening press conference.
More details were revealed at the press conference, including the fact that Wilbourn is a convicted felon out on supervised release for a bank robbery in 2005.
#SeanBolton 's killer, Tremaine Wilbourn, was on supervised release for bank robbery. #LESM
— Cop Unblock (@CopUnblock) August 3, 2015
Memphis police say 29yo Tremaine Wilbourn was on supervised release from federal prison when he shot/killed Ofcr Sean Bolton last night.
— Donna Rapado CBS4 (@DonnaRapado) August 3, 2015
And when Officer Bolton came upon Wilbourn, there may have been a drug deal going on.
Armstrong said Bolton, a patrolman assigned to the Mt. Moriah station, saw a red 2002 Mercedes-Benz parked illegally on Summerlane. Bolton pulled in front of the car and turned on his spotlight.
As Bolton approached the Mercedes, the passenger got out and a struggle ensued, police said. The passenger then opened fire, hitting Bolton multiple times at close range.
“After inventorying the suspect vehicle, it was found that Officer Bolton apparently interrupted some sort of drug transaction,” Armstrong said, noting that police found a digital scale and 1.7 grams of marijuana. “We’re talking about less than 2 grams of marijuana. We’re talking about a misdemeanor citation. We probably would not have even transported for that.”
Police Director Armstrong went on to call Wilbourn a “coward.”
Citizens called in Officer Bolton’s murder when the driver and passenger in the car fled the scene. The suspected driver turned himself in to police on Sunday morning, but has been released after an interview with police – which is probably why they know exactly who they are looking for.
There is now a warrant for first degree murder out for Wilbourn, and a large reward for information leading to his arrest.
Update: 29-year-old Tremaine Wilbourn wanted for shooting of MPD Ofc. Bolton. $10K reward.
— Commercial Appeal (@memphisnews) August 3, 2015
It goes without saying that Wilbourn is dangerous and needs to be caught as quickly as possible. That he was willing to kill over something the police director called a “misdemeanor” is frightening. Notably, the Black Lives Matter crowd is staying quiet for now, but their silence is not going unnoticed. Not one news source reported this line of duty death as BLACK MAN MURDERS WHITE COP. Cowards. #CopLivesMatter.
— David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) August 3, 2015
After all, Officer Bolton’s murder doesn’t fit their narrative. But I am sure that the ugly vitriol is coming.
Victory Girls will be following this story for additional updates.
The suspect has turned himself in to police.
Memphis Police Director: "Wilbourn turned himself in to the U.S. Marshalls office at the federal building.” #Greta
— Fox News (@FoxNews) August 3, 2015
And according to the police director, that “coward” comment really stung.
Tremaine Wilbourn, 29, was with his family when he arrived at a federal building in Memphis, according toLouis Goggans, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney.
Police director Toney Armstrong told an early evening press conference,”he wanted to make it a point, to say that I want you to know one thing. I asked what was that? He said ‘I want you to know that one, I’m not a cold-blooded killer and two, I am not a coward.'”
Armstrong had used that word to describe Wilbourn, who is accused of killing officer Sean Bolton, 33, when he interrupted a possible drug deal on the side of the road Saturday night.
I think that Police Director Armstrong got it right the first time. Now, hopefully, Officer Bolton’s family can have some kind of justice.
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