Black Madonna Defaced in The Netherlands

Black Madonna Defaced in The Netherlands

Black Madonna Defaced in The Netherlands

It appears that someone in The Netherlands has taken up Shaun King’s crusade to destroy Christian images. Dutch residents of Breda found that a vandal painted “BLM” and perhaps a crude swastika on a mosaic reproduction of Poland’s Black Madonna of Czestochowa. Members of the local Polish community were outraged.

According to one of Breda’s Polish residents, as translated:

“Polish people are very religious. Every Sunday they go to church in Breda with hundreds. Why would you want to hurt them? We don’t know if it’s from the left or the right. But when it comes to Black Lives Matters, I don’t understand any of it. The Black Madonna has nothing to do with oppression at all.”

A local Dutch resident also spoke out:

“This is ridiculous. It’s going in the wrong direction with society. Every May, a Polish pastor holds a mass on the lawn. Poland regularly comes by to lay flowers. I don’t understand why people do this. We as a neighbourhood are proud of this monument. That’s why I keep it neat.”

Fortunately, the paint is now gone.

You may be wondering why there is a Polish population in a Dutch city. You may also be wondering why the Polish Black Madonna is even there.

The monument, dedicated in 1954, is a tribute to Polish liberators who freed the city of Breda from the Nazis in 1944.

The Black Madonna also honors Gen. Stanislaw Maczek, commander of the 10th Motorized Calvary which rolled into Breda in 1944. However, because he had witnessed the devastation that WWII had left behind in Europe, he chose not to use full tank firepower in Breda. So instead, he and his troops fought house-to-house, which resulted in great loss of Polish lives. However, very few residents of Breda perished, and thus the people honored Maczek by making him an honorary citizen.

Yet Gen. Maczek did not receive any honors from his own country after WWII, since by that time the Soviets had taken over Poland. In fact, the new Communist government viewed Maczek as a traitor, and stripped him of his citizenship. Exiled from his own native land, Maczek moved to Scotland, where he worked as a bartender in a hotel.

But Maczek, who died in 1994 at age 102, wanted to be buried in Breda, the Dutch city he liberated. He now rests with his men in the Polish Military Field of Honour.

black madonna

Credit: Miho/wikimedia commons/CC BY 3.0.

So for all those reasons, the Dutch people of Breda chose to honor Gen. Stanislaw Maczek and his Polish troops with a mosaic of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa.

But isn’t it ironic that someone promoting Black Lives Matter would deface an image of a “Black” Madonna? After all, it seems to be counterintuitive, does it not? And if that person is “fighting” against what they think is “oppression,” doesn’t this monument honor liberators?

Or perhaps this “Black” Madonna isn’t black enough. No one knows exactly why the original image in Poland is black; some scholars surmise that it’s because it originated in Constantinople. There, Mary wouldn’t have been depicted as the “European mother” of the “white Jesus,” as Shaun “Talcum X” King rails about.

Or, she could be black due to age, or even smoke damage. It’s a mystery.

But you know what this is really about: Marxists, anarchists, and Black Lives Matter radicals are seeking to destroy Western Civilization. And Christianity is one of the hallmarks of that culture which brought about concepts of representational government, freedom of liberty and expression, and ultimately, the United States. These are traditions that radicals despise and wish to annihilate.

That’s why vandals defaced the Black Madonna of Breda. Expect that more symbols of the Christian faith will meet similar fates.


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Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

  • JeffH says:

    GOD will not be mocked.

  • Paweł Marciniak says:

    Exactly yesterday there was a discussion of the right-wing writer and journalist Rafał Zienkiewicz with the left-wing daughter of the communist Polish dictator – Monika Jaruzelska.
    Recently, both have been accused of fascism (yes!) Ziemkiewicz – because he wrote that anti-Semitism in old Poland was not caused by xenophobia, but had real social and economic foundations (competition for resources!) – and that it could very well be considered by leftists “class struggle” and praised, Jaruzelska – because she invites various people to her program and gives them (horror!) freedom of expression. They both agreed that the current BLM riots were rationally ridiculous, that there were many more local examples of police abuse of power. Beating, repeated use of stun guns with fatal effects here in Europe – and “the dog with a lame leg was not interested in it” Now, however, when the matter is completely not us – leftist youth in Europe goes out into the streets full of indignation. Jaruzelska as a psychologist pointed out that this is a mechanism to escape from real problems into imaginary problems (she cited the example of a woman, her neighbor, from a pathological relationship, with an alcoholic who used violence, who experienced terrible despair after the death of Princess Diana) Ziemkiewicz pointed out the complete absurdity of behavior members, e.g. Antify during riots, their inability to explain their causes of anger, their demands, acts of vandalism – according to him it is only an instinct of destruction, nothing more – which is revealed in some units during the fall of social structures, the fall of civilization. drew attention to this experiment:

  • JD says:

    Could be a false flag, though.

  • Laurie says:

    My best friend is first generation Italian-Polish American.

    Her father was a member of the Polish Free Forces in WW2 who met his future wife in Milan while fighting there. He was initially captured by the Soviets in 39 and sent to a gulag, at first. When Germany invaded Russia, he was “pressed into service” by the Soviets to fight the Nazis. He escaped to England to join the PFF. He fought the Nazis in Europe and North Africa.

    After the war he was told by family Not to come back to Poland as the Soviets were rounding up returning Polish soldiers and executing officers (which he was). He and his new wife stayed and lived in England for a few years, before immigrating to the US to make a new life.

    Waslav probably knew Gen. Macez while in England. My friend said her father never said much about the fighting. But he had the scars and hated both Communists and Nazis. As a strong Catholic, he would have been appalled by what this “Suka” had done, in Breda, if he were alive today.

    Both her parents passed on in the late 90s.

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