Biden Wants A 2024 Encore, We Don’t

Biden Wants A 2024 Encore, We Don’t

Biden Wants A 2024 Encore, We Don’t

While some of us are contemplating 2023 and what 2024 is going to look like, our fearless “president”, Joe Biden, is sunning himself and eating local catch in St. Croix.

And, Biden is contemplating his resolutions, too. When asked what his New Year’s resolutions were, he said but one thing:

“To come back next year.”

Huh? To “come back” to St. Croix? Or to “come back” to The White House? Maybe both? But, more importantly, this is Joe Biden’s “wish” for next year, according to Bloomberg White House reporter, Jennifer Jacobs. Who wouldn’t want to “come back” to vacations? Biden and “Dr. Jill” have the good life this weekend-far away from the realities of cities overrun by illegals, criminals and fentanyl.

Yes, Joe deserves all of the quiet he gets. He and Jill need a respite on the Americans’ dime. FYI-Joe and Jill are staying quid pro quo-free at the beachfront home of billionaire Democratic donors Bill and Connie Neville.

It’s okay, Joey. Go ahead, wish to “come back” next year. Give a fluffy “Happy New Year, America” to Ryan Seacrest (yuck) and air it in Times Square. Some of the American people have other suggestions for you in Times Square, though. Take the Job Creators Network:

Job Creators Network has a message for President Biden today in Times Square:

1.) Cut Back on Spending (That’s where inflation comes from!)
2.) Be Nicer (To small businesses who can’t handle your regulations)
3.) Quit Smoking (The economy is going up in flames)
4.) Be Honest (Bidenomics isn’t working, stop saying it is!)

What does Biden care if the country is going up in flames?

As long as he doesn’t have a kitchen fire and he “gets to come back”.


Meanwhile, the harsh realities of Biden’s administration are felt daily in cities around the country. Let’s take Portland, Oregon, for starters. Portland, a liberal Mecca that votes blue without asking questions. Portland, a city of residents who will probably vote for the nincompoop who “wants to come back again” in 2024. I almost spit out my coffee when I read this man/woman/they/them/theirs on the street interview.

People said they are concerned about crime, low wages and housing prices that are out of reach. But respondents overwhelmingly said their foremost wish for the region is for it to tackle homelessness head-on – for the sake of those who are suffering on the streets as well as for the city overall. And a good start, many said, would be local governments and agencies figuring out how to more swiftly and smartly spend big pots of money as they collect it for transitional housing, mental-health treatment and drug treatment.”-Aimee Green, The Oregonian/Oregon Live

People are so concerned about crime, homelessness and drug use but they’re unsure-or unwilling-to see the big, evergreen forest for the trees up in the Pacific Northwest. Being the cynical, east-coast, Jersey girl, it may be time for a dose of reality so, without further a dieu, here it comes. But first, more from Aimee Green:

What’s clear is it’s been another bruising year for the city, and that battering weighs heavily on the psyches of many area residents. Traffic fatalities in 2023 hit a 30-year high, property crimes such as car break-ins are still rising and homicides have remained persistently high.”-Aimee Green, The Oregonian/Oregon Live

Ya think, Aimee? Y’all have hopes of ridding Portland of crimes and break-ins. But…Joe Biden hopes to go back to St. Croix next year.

To quote Mr. Elon Musk, let that sink in.

Let’s bring back the beauty that Portland has had. Let’s get rid of those dark times that we just went through and see where we go.”-a Seattle-area resident who regularly travels to the city on business

Aww. This guy doesn’t like the tent cities and broken windows trashing up The Pearl district whilst trying to enjoy a fine microbrew.

Don’t worry bud, Joe Biden wants to “come back next year”.

I think it’s time we start loving ourselves again.”-Portland Resident

WTF? Well, we have a president who loves himself so much, he’s happy to give himself another vacation in the sunshine next year while Portlanders spend much of the time self-loathing in the miserable sh#thole of the city that Portland has become.

Don’t worry, Americans, they will still vote for Joe Biden if he comes back on the ballot in 2024.

We’re all in this city together, let’s just be nicer to each other.”-Portland resident

By that, do you mean, should the illegal criminals brought into your sanctuary city not break into your house or sell fentanyl? Should Antifa stay away from vandalizing local businesses? Sure, be nicer to one another. I challenge you to also do this with those who oppose your idealistic views. Be a nice human. As “nice” as we can be to one another, this does not change the fact that we have a hateful, old man in The White House who wants one thing-regardless of the damage he and his administration have already inflicted-

To come back next year.

I wish for world peace, I am so tired of what’s happening to people and what’s happening to nations and all of the discord. And it’s sad. We have grandchildren and we wish that they’ll have a better world as they become adults.”-Oregon Resident

Hey, lady, I’ve got news for you. Joe Biden could’ve done something to prevent this turmoil. After all, Biden lauded himself as a “foreign policy expert“. Blue Oregon and the whole left coast voted for the “Big Guy” who wants to “come back again next year” to St. Croix which means, yes, also, the The White House.

The discord felt between nations and us Americans is the furthest thing from this guy’s cotton-brained, decrepit mind. It is sad to watch. Yes, I also want my child and future grandchildren, (God willing) to have a better world as they become adults. But, unlike others here on the left coast, I’m not sticking my head in the sand and thinking an 81 year-old man who craps his pants and goes to bed after his 7:00pm pudding time is going to do it for us.

Our New Year’s wish for Joe Biden in 2024? Early retirement. Please. Don’t come back next year. Our nation needs this. The whole world could also benefit.

Photo Credit: Original Artwork by VG, Darleen Click.

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1 Comment
  • John says:

    As a fellow conservative on this Left Coast, I cannot imagine how any thinking person in Washington, Oregon, or California could possible cast a vote for even Dog Catcher for Joe Biden. He is Nero watching the World burn. Nearly 40% if his time in office is on vacation. Is this the “normalcy” people expected? Please, folks, lets bring back an adult into the Office of President.

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