Biden Says Teachers Need A Raise, Gives No Context

Biden Says Teachers Need A Raise, Gives No Context

Biden Says Teachers Need A Raise, Gives No Context

Now, let’s be fair. Joe Biden doesn’t write his own tweets (X-es? What do we call these now?), but this is his account and this is the official position of the Biden-Harris administration.

And yes, this is a throwaway platitude put out on a Sunday evening, after praising the United States women’s soccer team for losing to Sweden fell rather flat. PIVOT!

Wow. Talk about tossing red meat out to the online minions with no context whatsoever. But never fear, the people had some rather pointed remarks to the team running Biden’s account.

And that’s just for starters. But that was never the point of this tweet. The point was for Team Biden to position themselves as the champions of teachers teachers’ unions, just as back-to-school season either begins in some areas, or is ramping up in others, depending on the local schedule.

One of the most corrupt bargains in politics is the love affair between Democrats and the teachers’ unions. The cycle goes like this:
– Democrats demand that teachers get pay raises
– Teachers negotiate through the union with the school district for the pay raises
– Local and state funding eventually increases teacher pay through cost-of-living increases or other means
– The teachers’ unions donate almost exclusively to Democrats and liberal/left-wing groups
– Democrats win elections, and demand that teachers get pay raises

Wash, rinse, repeat. The Democrats make sure that the unions get their pay, and the unions make sure that the Democrats get their political and financial support. It’s all wink-wink corruption, and one that benefits the heads of the teachers’ unions like Randi Weingarten and Becky Pringle, who pocket hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation while having a direct line to Democrats. We all know that Joe Biden has left his door wide open for Randi Weingarten, whose American Federation of Teachers union “helped” the CDC craft COVID-19 “guidelines” that allowed schools to stay closed. Of course, now that school test scores are not recovering, Randi Weingarten is desperate to insist that SHE had nothing to do with anything, and if she did, she doesn’t remember, because she’s OLD now.

In fact, the education establishment would very much like people to NOT look at the test scores.

So, if test scores should no longer be the measure of success or failure, what are we supposed to use to determine if students are learning? No one seems to have an answer for that, because the school districts, for the most part, are simply concerned that they need to be “diverse” and “equitable” and that the kids feel good about themselves. Meanwhile, in places like Baltimore, the city’s schools are failing kids and simply passing them along in their school system, and no one in Joe Biden’s White House is championing those students. Why not? Because the city has been run by Democrats for decades, that’s why.

But Joe Biden DID give millions and millions of dollars to schools already. What happened to that money?

Funny, that. There’s always enough money to push the next social justice thing, but never enough to make sure the kids are educated.

And thanks to what parents saw during school closures, public school enrollment is still going down while private school enrollment and homeschool increases. When a child is no longer enrolled in the public school system, the money attached to that child isn’t given to the public school. So as enrollment drops, the budget shortfalls increase, and less teachers are needed for fewer students enrolled.

But “public school teachers” should get a raise, says the Biden Team. Just like he says that school loan debt should be “forgiven” but then keeps getting challenged on how he will magically come up with the legal mechanism to use other people’s money to pay for it. Team Biden is big on the pandering, light on the details. And given the back-to-school timing on this tweet, this is nothing more than sucking up. This is the Biden campaign’s way of signaling to their base that he recognizes the yearly demands of the union, and the campaign is willing to continue to take the union money in return for leaving the door open for their interests at the White House.

After all, the unions know how this works. They donate the money to Biden, and then Biden puts out messages like this, in order to put the pressure on for them to receive more money. The cycle of corruption continues.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • JAW3 says:

    dang! Teachers have no accountability and their production in terms of students proficiency is abysmal here in Chicago. A more honest proposition would be some measure of performance with the next modest raise. IMO.

  • Roland Hirsch says:

    Biden administration needs to reduce inflation. That would work increase the value of the pay teachers receive.

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