Biden: It’s “Too Dangerous” To Be Seen In Public

Biden: It’s “Too Dangerous” To Be Seen In Public

Biden: It’s “Too Dangerous” To Be Seen In Public

Since ducking out of the presidency, Joe Biden has been seen (count them on one hand) times.

Sure, we’ve heard a lot about Biden’s beach hopping over the Dog Days of Summer, and napping on a blankie in the sunshine with security detail is one thing, but going into a crowd during a rally is another, apparently.

Many have forgotten that, even though he bowed out of the election, this standing houseplant is still our president. Biden joined Kamala Harris on the campaign trail this past Monday in Pennsylvania. Harris went into the crowd to shake hands and kiss babies she wants to kill. Biden stood on stage. Why? “Secret Service doesn’t let him” go into crowds since the Trump assassination attempt.

So, who is harder to shoot? A person in a crowd or a standing, senile doofus on stage watching his dopey friend crowd surf? In all fairness, the Secret Service is not what is used to be and may actually lack the competence and skills needed to protect the pResident in a sea of people.

I’ve got another one for you. Who is harder to shoot? The man meandering in a crowd or the man sitting in a beach chair watching the waves from the Atlantic roll in?

It makes us wonder, is it really the Secret Service who is trying to keep Joe Biden from his “adoring” public of 81 million voters? The most popular pResident of all-time is now not allowed to go into the crowd? Or is this the not-so-new Democrat election strategy? In 2021, Biden hid in his basement and avoided contact and questions with most. Fast-forward three years later, we see Kamala Harris, “too busy” to take questions because she always seems to be on her phone amongst a bunch of thirsty reporters. Tim Walz has adopted the same strategy and, good thing. When he did get asked a question about the six hostages killed by Hamas, this insensitive, narcissistic pig had nothing to say, not even an acknowledgement of the pain this tragedy caused these families.

Harris’ interview with Dana Bash was edited. Heavily. But the media and everyone else in the Democrat echo chamber want the American people to believe the Secret Service are the ones who want to “protect” a fragile, old, Joe Biden. Whatever would Joe Biden say that would give his obvious dementia away for realsies? A senseless rambling from #46 to a person in the crowd could be a lethal blow to wrapping up Kamala Harris as leader of the free world in November. Furthermore, a disoriented Biden in a crowd of people could tip potentials on the fence of four years of Kamala JOY to the other side. An old man, wandering in a crowd with a smelly diaper would certainly drown out the fragrance of Eau de Kamala. An old man wandering, lost in a crowd, sniffing the hair of a young girl, and utterly confused is not a good look for the Veep, potential #47, who went along with this blatant dementia and the policy disasters for years.

They’d all like us to forget that. In reality, Joe Biden’s low profile is nothing about the Secret Service “not letting him”. It is probably more rooted in Nancy “gotta take a punch” Pelosi and her team wanting Biden to do and say as little as possible before November. This is nothing about protecting a “servant” of our country in his twilight years. This is about protecting the collective. This is why the Secret Service does not let Joe Biden wander in a crowd.

It’s “too dangerous”, they say. And anyone parroting for the Democrats would agree. Even though most of these people would also say that Trump’s assassination attempt was “staged”. They are all to oblivious the see the obvious staging of these upcoming months. Placing Joe Biden is a crowd is “dangerous” for other reasons as well. At the risk of sounding tin-foil hat, what if he accidentally slips out about how things really went down leading up to his “decision” to bow out of the 2024 election? What if he were to come out and say that he didn’t jump, he was pushed? (Which we do know is God’s honest truth.)

Be looking for these isolated moments on the campaign trail. They will continue to isolate Biden and place Kamala Harris and Tim Walz strategically near jet noise or on their phones conducting “important business” for the next few months. so they can’t open their mouths. This, my friends, is the real danger.

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  • draigh says:

    They stuck Biden behind a tiny, little desk outside the Oval Office (it looked like a hallway) and had “reporters” ask him questions the powers behind the throne don’t want him to answer. Visual proof that he is no longer the President.

  • Lloyd says:

    Just what this country needs….a GUTLESS president….or, sort of president.

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