Biden Invokes Beau Again In Gold Star Family Call

Biden Invokes Beau Again In Gold Star Family Call

Biden Invokes Beau Again In Gold Star Family Call

If we all got a dollar every time Joe Biden lied about the circumstances of his son Beau’s death, we could pay down the national debt.

As we have talked about before, Beau Biden’s service to his country seems to have been fairly competent and unremarkable, and his death at age 46 from brain cancer was tragic for his family, especially his young children. No one can deny Joe and Jill’s grief over losing him to cancer.

So WHY in the name of all that is decent, does Joe Biden have to compulsively LIE about Beau’s death to Gold Star Families whose loved ones died because of HIS feckless incompetence??? Previously, Biden spent time telling the Gold Star Families of the thirteen servicemembers who were killed at Abbey Gate in Kabul during the withdrawl from Afghanistan all about Beau, and those families later testified to how angry they were that Biden made what was supposed to be a “condolence” visit all about HIM. Then the story shifted into outright stolen valor. And three times before today – in October 2022, November 2022, and May 2023 – Joe Biden has stated publicly that Beau Biden “died in Iraq.” This is such an extreme lie, and so easily debunked, that it has now become an outright liability for him Joe to keep asserting that story.

The media’s excuse, of course, is that Joe Biden firmly believes that Beau contracted cancer from the “burn pits” that were in Iraq, which in Joe’s Swiss-cheese brain, means that “Beau died in Iraq.” The evidence for such a claim is scanty, but this is what Joe believes. Which would be fine, if he wasn’t telling GOLD STAR FAMILIES that he understands their loss because Beau died of cancer!

And he did it again today. Family members of the three servicemembers who were killed in Jordan (thanks to Biden’s inability to stand up to Iran) have started getting condolence phone calls from Biden. Guess what he told one family.

The media is going to twist themselves into pretzels to cover for the old man, because this time he didn’t say directly that Beau “died in Iraq.” Look at how Mediaite spun it.

The call then took an emotional turn when Biden revealed their daughter was being posthumously promoted to the rank of sergeant.

“Oh, wow. That is the best news I’ve heard today. Thank you so much. You don’t know how much that means to us,” Oneida replied after hearing the news from Biden. Both parents then begin to cry as the president informed them he understands the heartbreak of losing a child.

“I know, I really do. Now, I got one of those phone calls…they told me my wife and daughter were dead on a tractor trailer when I was a young senator,” Biden said as he explain he also lost his eldest son Beau Biden to brain cancer.

That is NOT what Joe said about Beau. The exact quote from the video is this:

“My son spent a year in Iraq, that’s how I lost him.”

There is no mention of “cancer” in that sentence, Mediaite. Nice try. But no. The average person looks at the entire context of that sentence – Joe Biden talking to sobbing and grieving Gold Star parents, and mentions having “lost” his son because of Iraq, and instantly draws the conclusion that Joe believes that Beau got brain cancer from exposure to burn pits in Iraq. Phillip Nieto, who wrote that story for Mediaite, is going to need a chiropractor after that stretch. And yet, the media will keep covering for old Joe, because that is the corrupt bargain that they signed on for.

This senile old bastard is just going to keep dragging Beau into everything, no matter how freaking inappropriate it is, until he no longer remembers that Beau even existed. And if Biden’s cognitive decline continues in front of the cameras, then we will see that day coming like a deer staring into headlights. Mostly because the White House comms shop is going to be taking out loans to cover their liquor bills.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    Mostly because the White House comms shop is going to be taking out loans to cover their liquor bills.

    Nancy’s supplier may be cutting them a deal. I’m surprised that his handlers didn’t try stopping him from invoking his dead son.

  • Wfjag says:

    He should have told the families the truth: They “died fighting for the Biden administration.” That will correct any misimpression the families have about their deceased loved ones enlisting to serve their country and protect the ones they love. It’s all BLM (Biden Lies Matter).

  • Liz says:

    Let’s just state the truth.
    Biden shat himself when he found out the three service members who died were black.
    What else could the senile old bastard do?
    Yes they died fighting for a fraud.
    Our own son is supposed to be in Jordan next month, for a six month long TDY at least.
    What do you imagine I think about this?

  • He is declining, if he forgot to trot out the lie that the truck driver was drunk.

  • Scott says:

    May God watch over all of you with family members in harms way, especially under this feckless and corrupt regime..

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