Biden: I Canceled Your Student Loan Debt Early, Vote For ME!!!

Biden: I Canceled Your Student Loan Debt Early, Vote For ME!!!

Biden: I Canceled Your Student Loan Debt Early, Vote For ME!!!

Hey guys! I canceled your student loan debt six months ahead of schedule, vote for me pretty please!

The Biden administration said it will begin notifying around 153,000 borrowers on Wednesday that their student loans have been canceled as part of a new repayment plan that’s taking effect nearly six months ahead of schedule.

Loan forgiveness was originally set to begin in July under the new SAVE repayment plan, but it was accelerated to provide faster relief to borrowers, President Joe Biden announced last month. It’s part of an effort “to act as quickly as possible to give more borrowers breathing room” and move on from their student debt, the Democratic president said in a statement.

I tell you what, the internal polling must REALLY be in the gutter. Why else would Biden announce this move, today, six months ahead of schedule, and send out a letter asking everyone to please clap …er VOTE for Joe? 

The Biden administration on Wednesday said it is automatically forgiving $1.2 billion in student debt for 153,000 borrowers. Loan holders whose debt will be discharged will receive an email from President Joe Biden today informing them of the forgiveness, the Department of Education said.

Because, really, this is what this is all about. Votes. The Biden Administration is penalizing those who worked their butts off to pay their student loan debts, and is penalizing those who never had that kind of debt because either they didn’t go to college or trade schools, or their parents had saved and the students worked their way through school. Yes, it’s the rest of us who are footing the bill for this grandiose student loan forgiveness vote for Joe scheme. 

The letter itself is quite self-congratulatory and also tone-deaf. 

I hope this relief gives you a little more breathing room. I’ve heard from countless people who have told me that relieving the burden of their student loan debt will allow them to support themselves and their families, buy their first home, start a small business, and move forward with life plans they’ve put on hold.

The demographic that Joe is talking down to can’t afford to buy a new home right now due to the interest rates and inflation! Heck, the cost of eating whether at home or in a restaurant is at a thirty year high right now! 

Eating continues to cost more, even as overall inflation has eased from the blistering pace consumers endured throughout much of 2022 and 2023. Prices at restaurants and other eateries were up 5.1% last month compared with January 2023, while grocery costs increased 1.2% during the same period, Labor Department data show.

See what I mean about tone-deaf? Joe will, against what the Supreme Court ruled, continue to wave his magic ice cream cone around, and forgive more debt in order to get those votes. What’s also especially funny about this is the same demographic of 18-34 year olds who are yelling at Joe because they don’t want him to support Israel, AT ALL. 

Joe Biden has been pretty visible in the last week ever since the Hur Report came out. All in a desperate effort to reboot and reset his image in hopes we’ll all ignore the fact that Joe is OLD. Ads like this where he looks perpetually pissed off and constipated at the same time don’t help. 

As I noted above, the polling numbers must be horrendous if the Biden Administration suddenly, six months AHEAD of schedule, “forgives” student loan debt for another 153,000 voters in hopes that they and anyone in their orbit will pull the lever for him in November. 

Yes indeed, this is yet another ploy to game the system and get everyone to Vote for Joe! 

Feature Photo Credit: Roger Blackwell/flickr/cropped/CC BY 2.0.

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