Biden Family Got Very Rich By Selling Joe

Biden Family Got Very Rich By Selling Joe

Biden Family Got Very Rich By Selling Joe

Another day ending in “y,” another document drop of bank records from the House Oversight Committee detailing how the Biden family sold access to Joe in exchange for a whole lot of money. And when I sat “a whole lot of money,” I mean House Oversight is now adding the totals up and stating that selling access to Joe made the Biden family around $20 million.

In a memo summary, and in a nineteen page document, the House Oversight Republicans lay out the new bank records that they have acquired from the time that Joe Biden was vice president to Barack Obama. When the money gets followed, it turns out that Hunter was very busy running around with his “friends” and “business partners” from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan and raking it in.

Let’s start with Russia, and a name that we have already heard before in connection to Hunter Biden: Yelena Baturina.

Why was Baturina paying Hunter Biden and Devon Archer this much money? For two dinners with Joe Biden, and “access” to the vice president through his son.

The committee provided screenshots of bank records they say demonstrate that Baturina, the widow of former Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov, wired $3.5 million to Rosemont Seneca Thornton on Feb. 14, 2014.”

Then, a total of $2,752,711 was transferred to Rosemont Seneca Bohai, which Hunter co-owned with Archer, according to Archer’s statements to Congress last week.”

The memo said Biden attended a dinner in the spring of 2014 with Baturina, Hunter, and others at Café Milano in Washington, D.C. During his congressional interview last week, Archer said former Kazakhstan Prime Minister Karim Massimov and Kazakh oligarch Kenes Rakishev and “possibly” Luzhkov were also in attendance.”

Fox News previously reported that one year after the first dinner, Biden attended a second dinner on April 16, 2015, that included Baturina, Luzhkov, Hunter, Archer, and Vadym Pozharskyi, an executive at Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma Holdings, on the guest list at Café Milano.”

Apparently Café Milano was THE place for Hunter Biden to wine and dine and take Joe along to show him off. “Pay me, and get dinner with my dad, the vice president” seems to have sold well. Are we really to believe that Joe, in 2014 and 2015, was so stupid or so bereaved about Beau’s illness and death that he had NO idea about what Hunter was doing? Can no one in the press find a waiter from Café Milano to ask about these meetings?

But back to where all this money was coming from. Next up was the Ukrainian connection.

In Spring 2014, a Ukrainian Oligarch Placed Archer and Biden on the Burisma Board of Directors and Agreed to Pay them $1 Million Each per Year: Burisma Holdings’ (Burisma) corporate secretary, Vadym Pozharsky, worked on behalf of the Ukrainian oligarch and owner of Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky. Hunter Biden was initially hired by Burisma to work as counsel for the company, and Pozharsky and Zlochevsky met with Hunter Biden at a conference in Lake Como in Italy where they decided Hunter Biden would work on the board of directors with Devon Archer. Then-Vice President Joe Biden visited Ukraine soon after their first payments. Payments from Burisma for both Devon Archer and Hunter Biden were wired to Rosemont Seneca Bohai. Payments were transmitted in incremental amounts to Hunter Biden’s different bank accounts.”

Ah yes, Pozharsky and Zlochevsky, who were both named in the FD-1023 form from the FBI which alleged a bribery scheme from them to the Bidens on behalf of Burisma. Zlochevsky was the one who allegedly claimed his dog was smarter than Hunter Biden. The Burisma connection has been well documented, but it’s important to keep pointing out because BARACK OBAMA put JOE BIDEN in charge of dealing with Ukraine during the Obama administration! This was all contemporaneously documented, as well as Biden’s infamous brag that he got Viktor Shokin fired by withholding aid money.

And finally, we get to Kazakhstan.

We now have Devon Archer confirming that the former Kazakh prime minister and this oligarch Rakishev attended the 2014 Café Milano dinner. How on earth are we supposed to look at this wire transfer and subsequent sports car purchase and NOT say “look at that bribe!” Hunter Biden was happy to take money to make “introductions,” arrange dinners and trips, and broker deals. And all of this was happening because his last name is Biden, and Joe, at the time, was the Obama administration’s point man on Ukraine.

There are a few conclusions to draw from these revelations.

First, the DOJ and the FBI had all of this information and let the statute of limitations expire. Hunter Biden could have been charged with felony tax evasion for all of this undeclared income that came through the shell companies. The DOJ instead slow-walked the whole thing, and then tried to weave a sweetheart deal out of whole cloth. The rot at the DOJ runs bone deep.

Second, Joe Biden is going to have to be asked at some point just how good the food at Café Milano is by some reporter with enough guts. Biden will either ignore, be confused, or get angry. Any answer will be telling. We know Joe’s cognitive skills are falling apart. Does he remember dinner with Hunter and his “friends” back in 2014 and 2015?

Third, at some point, the amount of corruption that will be dug up will start to blow back on Barack Obama and his staff. Remember, OBAMA allowed Joe to be the “point man” on Ukraine. Are you telling me that NONE of the Obama White House flunkies – many who work in the Biden administration right NOW – had ZERO idea of what Hunter was doing with Burisma? If this series of bank transfers and money moving through shell companies and bribes suddenly begins to splatter on the vaunted Obama legacy of “no scandals but a tan suit,” then Joe Biden is toast. Obama is much more precious to the media than Joe Biden, and you had better believe that if Obama’s reputation could be in any way tarnished by Joe and Hunter, then the entire Biden connection will go straight under the bus.

And AGAIN, I say to the Republicans on the House Oversight Committee – WHAT are you going to DO about all of this???

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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