Biden Family Fourth Of July – Ho Ho Ho

Biden Family Fourth Of July – Ho Ho Ho

Biden Family Fourth Of July – Ho Ho Ho

It was a Biden Family Fourth of July on the balcony at the White House, joined by Kamala and Doug. It was lit. The whole day was a bloody nightmare, but that balcony scene had more Shakespearean moments than all of King Lear. The Democrat Media Industrial Complex doesn’t care, doesn’t report it, and tells us not to believe our lying eyes.

The whole Fourth of July was a shiteshow for the Biden Family. Even Mediaite, for pity sakes, had to acknowledge “HO HO HO”:

President Joe Biden sparked confusion on Thursday after he used Santa Claus’ famous Christmas greeting, “Ho, ho, ho!” at the White House 4th of July celebration.

During the celebration, Biden appeared on-stage with First Lady Jill Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, as Harris said, “Happy 4th of July, everyone! Happy Independence Day! And today as we celebrate freedom, as we celebrate the promise of America, we also celebrate and express our gratitude to our service members, to our veterans, to our military families.”

She continued, “And we give thanks to our commander-in-chief, the vi– the president of the United States, the extraordinary president of the United States, Joe Biden!”
Biden then shouted, “Ho, ho, ho! Happy Independence Day!” before declaring:

We gotta do what our founders did, show the world we’re a nation of dignity, honor, and just devotion to one another. This is– no, I really mean it. Folks, it’s all about democracy, it’s all about freedom, it’s all about who we are. We’re the United States of America and nothing like it exists in the world! Happy 4th of July, enjoy the fireworks! God love you all!

Emhoff, Harris, and the First Lady proceeded to walk off-stage as Biden trailed behind, leaving him on his own as he shuffled slowly across the stage.

After a brief moment, where Biden looked around seemingly confused, he descended the steps of the stage and spoke to members of the crowd.

Too bad old Easter Bunny wasn’t there to herd Joe off the stage. Maybe Biden was looking for Santa Clause…? Ho Ho Ho.

With Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin looking on, Joe almost repeated the debunked “suckers and losers” but caught himself.

Joe thinks he’s not going anywhere, but if the Party wants him gone, he’ll go. Well, he’ll be gone. Kamala will be slipped in and Joe won’t feel the knife in his back. In this clip, seven seconds in, Jill instructs Joe to raise Kamala’s arm in victory.

I don’t remember the Veep and Doug being on the South Portico Balcony in years past.

Once the fireworks started, 42 year old First Daughter Ashley Biden wrapped her arms around her Pops from behind and then let the press know that they were watching her and she was them. So mature:

I’m just saying. Don’t worry. Two years in a row and everything is just fine:

King Lear, ho ho ho!

Featured Image: Screenshot/White House/Facebook/Public Domain

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    “Biden then shouted, “Ho, ho, ho! Happy Independence Day!” before declaring:”.. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. I believe he was just acknowledging his VP for the introduction she gave…

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