Biden Family Business: Joe Is Uncle Pennybags Giving Out Loans

Biden Family Business: Joe Is Uncle Pennybags Giving Out Loans

Biden Family Business: Joe Is Uncle Pennybags Giving Out Loans

Everybody owes Joe. At least, if your last name is Biden. Apparently, his family members have spent a lot of time paying him back for “personal” loans.

As House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer revealed yesterday, it hasn’t just been Joe’s brother Jim who was “paying him back” with personal checks. Not only did Hunter Biden use Joe’s address for those Chinese wire transfers, but Hunter was also paying Joe on a monthly basis via direct payments from one of his businesses.

… House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) released subpoenaed bank records revealing Hunter Biden’s business entity, Owasco PC, made direct monthly payments to Joe Biden. Hunter Biden is currently under an investigation by the Department of Justice for using the Owasco PC corporate account for tax evasion and other serious crimes.

Following subpoenas to obtain Biden family associates’ bank records, Chairman Comer issued subpoenas for Hunter and James Biden’s personal and business bank records. The House Oversight Committee has identified over 20 shell companies and uncovered how the Bidens and their associates raked in over $24 million dollars between 2015 and 2019 by selling Joe Biden as “the brand.” Financial records obtained show Hunter Biden’s business account, Owasco PC, received payments from Chinese-state linked companies and other foreign nationals and companies.

Payments to Joe Biden from Hunter’s Owasco PC corporate account are part of a pattern revealing Joe Biden knew about, participated in, and benefited from his family’s influence peddling schemes. As the Bidens received millions from foreign nationals and companies in China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Kazakhstan, Joe Biden dined with his family’s foreign associates, spoke to them by speakerphone, had coffee, attended meetings, and ultimately received payments that were funded by his family’s business dealings.

And don’t ask Karine Jean-Pierre about those direct payments from Hunter. She took a page directly out of Brave Sir Robin’s book and ran away.

Apparently the new spin is that Hunter was – wait for it – repaying a personal loan from Joe. But why would Hunter be using a corporate account to repay a personal loan, we all ask? And where is Joe getting all this liquid cash to loan out in the first place???

For a man who once claimed to be “the poorest man in Congress,” Joe Biden sure likes to loan out money.

For instance, the Bank of Biden supposedly gave $40,000 to his brother James.

James was able to repay the money barely a month later, after he coincidentally received a check from a Chinese energy company.

Next, the White House claims, Joe Biden helped his son make car payments.

That’s why Joe received a monthly payment of $1,380 in 2018 from his son Hunter’s law firm.

Hunter was just paying him back — possibly using money the son “earned” from that same Chinese energy firm, and a Ukrainian gas company, Burisma.

If all this sounds suspicious, that’s because it is!

Hunter Biden was making up to $80,000 a month from Burisma. His own memoir details his massive spending on drugs and prostitutes.

Why did he need his father to cover his car payments?

These are all good questions. This is also a good time to remind everyone how many times Joe Biden has lied about his involvement in “the family business.” And how blantantly disinterested the media has generally been about it.

As evidence of the president’s lies about his family’s influence-peddling business mounted, “fact-checkers” and the media began struggling to calibrate their defenses to correspond with the fresh information. While at first there had been “no evidence” that Biden knew anything — to say differently, was to peddle misinformation — suddenly there was “no evidence” that Biden had personally benefited from Hunter’s scheming (as if enriching your entire family wasn’t personal).

And this is when the partisan defenses of Joe began to see a dramatic decline in quality. One of my favorites was The Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson, who was not alone, arguing: “We know how important family is to the president. So, do you hang up on your son?”

It was probably familial love that induced James Biden to write brother Joe a personal check for $200,000, that — by complete happenstance – was the exact amount James had received from the failed Americore family venture on that very same day. Talk about crazy coincidences.

It was around this time, as well, that White House language began subtly shifting from blanket denials to finely tuned Clintonesque turns of phrase about Joe never being “in business with his son.”

Remember that Donald Trump was impeached the first time with far less evidence than has been accumulated regarding the Biden family. If Democrats had even a quarter of this evidence, the media drumbeat for impeachment would have reached fever pitch levels. And the press frenzy was bad enough with the evidence they had constructed! But an impeachment inquiry is opened into Joe Biden, and the media goes almost dead silent, except when forced to cover something significant, like Hunter Biden’s scheduled testimony next week. If the House had evidence of direct payment to Donald Trump from his children, who had been paid by businessmen in China and Ukraine, the media would never shut up about it. But since it’s Joe Biden, and his family, and his crack-addled nudist-selfie loving middle-aged “child,” the media, by and large, looks the other way and demands video evidence of Joe walking away from Hunter with gold coins spilling out of his pockets before they believe it.

But if you believe the Biden administration, Joe, the supposedly “poorest man in Congress,” had deep enough pockets to fund his family all by himself. Hmmmmmmm. There are lots of questions here. Why is nobody asking them?

And with all this evidence, I just have two words for the House Oversight Committee: IMPEACH ALREADY. If this evidence is as rock solid as you say it is, then it’s time to put up or shut up.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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