Biden Bumbles at NAACP Event In Vegas

Biden Bumbles at NAACP Event In Vegas

Biden Bumbles at NAACP Event In Vegas

By now, somebody should have told Joe Biden that he should consider retiring. Oh, wait, that’s right. Some of his party members already have. (Silly me.)

Seems as if Joe had another fight with the teleprompter as he spoke to the NAACP (he called it the NAAC). Joe started with an anecdote:

The story goes Truman said if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog. Well, guess what? The last couple of weeks, after the last couple of weeks, I know what he means.”-Joe Biden

Oy. Is that thing on? Moving right along, Joe calls out his buddy, “Mouse”. “Mouse” was one of his token black friends when he was a lifeguard back in the Delaware days at the projects. No mention of Corn-Pop, though. Corn-Pop was a real, bad dude.

Biden takes a cue from his disaster with Lester Holt last night to address “lowering the temperature” on the violent rhetoric in America and launches into an epic world salad:

We must stand against all violence. We must stand against violence against presidential candidates in Pennsylvania and stand against all violence, violence against George Floyd of Minnesota and police officers like Eugene Goodman on January 6th. Election workers like Ruby Freeman and Shane Moss in Atlanta. We have to stand against the violence-against and intimidation by supremacy and murders innocent lives in a grocery store in Buffalo New York when I went there. The Emanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina and the children of Sandy Hook and Uvalde. Concert-goers in Las Vegas and people on the street across America that never makes the news. “-Joe Biden

Does this include the violence inflicted upon Americans by all of the illegal criminals you and Kamala let in, Joe? How about Laken Riley whose brother pleaded just yesterday to Green Card fraud? What about Jocelyn Nungary and Rachel Morin? Say their names, you old doche. And, if these women are lucky to be alive, what about the sexual violence inflicted upon American women and children by illegal criminals?

Doesn’t matter. A perfect segueway for Slow Joe to launch into an anti-gun tirade:

It’s every day across this community. If we need to speak about violence, why does he speak about guns> For children-more children in America dies of gunshot wounds than any other reason. That is stunning and that is and sheer cowardice if we do nothing about it. If you want to stand against violence Americans, join me. An AR-15 was used in the shooting of Donald Trump like an assault weapon that has killed so many children.”-Joe Biden

Who is running this teleprompter? Holy Toledo! But, more importantly…you know what cowardice is? Pulling out of Afghanistan was an act of cowardice. Letting illegal (some criminals) immigrants in and nit turning them away is an act of cowardice. But, moving right along and on to the next subject: How much Joe Biden loves the Black community and what he wants to do for them:

The mismanagement of the pandemic was especially devastating to black communities. I know because of other countries of color but that crisis drove up black unemployment, decimated small black businesses and Donald Trump called for the National Guard while protesting. I’m serious, go figure!”-Joe Biden

Yeah, that’s exactly what happened in the 2020 Summer of Love! Fond memories right there.

The mismanagement of the pandemic spanned the racial divide you Democrats wanted to drive in so deep, Mr. Biden. The pandemic and lockdowns were a catalyst to this wedge. WHITE people went and rioted in Black communities and destroyed them. Donald Trump sent the Nation Guard to (VERY WHITE), Portland, Oregon because these wimpy, white boys (mostly progressive Dems) who comprise AntiFa were getting out of hand. So, yeah. Go figure.

But Biden wanted to pander more. More “Black jobs”. After all, he knows what a “Black job” is. It’s Kamala’s job. Not sure if he should have used the Veep as an example here. After all, she has not done anything to remedy the border situation (her first given task) and pretty much blew (AHEM) off any other job she was given since.

You don’t have a “Black job” unless Joe tells you that you have a “Black Job”.

More on the economy, homeownership and generational wealth from “Scranton Joe”:

How do you generate generational wealth? Everything got stuck in Scranton with no jobs and we moved to Delaware so we could buy a small house and that’s how you build equity. The three-bedroom, split -level home with four kids and the grandpa living with us in the home.”-Joe Biden

That’s funny, Joey. We thought you and Jill built that “generational wealth” through the grift of 40-plus years as “public servants”. But, man! Joe is going to do a lot in his first 100 days if given the chance. He’ll fight for healthcare, Medicare, for children to drink clean water and for some children to not even be born, tax breaks and lower rents and…


…what was he saying?

The whole mash-up was practically inaudible with Biden seemingly moving from one bullet point to the next like a hyperactive kid who was given too much Ritalin.

At least he didn’t tell the audience that he would put them back in chains.

Jesus, take the wheel.

Featured Image: Original Artwork by Darleen Click for Victory Girls

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