Of course you didn’t. Because the media, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder, and Barack Obama are not concerned about a white young male being beaten to death by a crowd of fine young black males. You know….any of those upstanding young black scholars who could be Obama’s son.
From the Frontpage article:
“Police were constantly responding to late-night fights, assaults, and disturbances among huge crowds that were mostly black – a problem one top police official called a “drain on resource.” Most of the reported incidents – some 200 in the three years preceding Ward and Crisp’s deaths – involved black-on-black violence by gang bangers and, according to one police officer, members of black college fraternities. One police report described an unidentified man’s head getting bashed against a curb. White patrons appeared to be especially susceptible and at risk – and when they were attacked, the blows were particularly vicious. The hours of 2-to-3 a.m. on Saturdays and Sundays were especially volatile, with at least a dozen fights and assaults reported during those hours in the year preceding Ward and Crisp’s deaths.”
More about the two dead victims who didn’t shatter the eye socket of a cop:
“Crisp, a dark-haired beauty from Dripping Springs, a suburb of Austin, wanted to be a nurse. She was a biology major at Blinn College as was Bean, a resident of College Station. Ward, also a student at the junior college, was set to transfer to Texas A&M the next year to study industrial engineering. He had an all-American background in high school: letters in football and baseball; Little League umpire; and a member of the Fellowship of Christian athletes. He and Crisp were from large families.
Not the children of Barack Obama
I don’t remember reading about any riots in College Station, do you? I don’t recall buses of militant communist activists arriving by the busload to express their Molotov throwing outrage at the deaths of these two students. Did Eric Holder send a bunch of FBI agents to investigate? Nope.
More from David Paulin:
“The media’s handling of this case was no surprise: political correctness rules in America’s newsrooms. But imagine a hypothetical crime: two clean-cut black couples go into University McDonald’s during the daytime – and are viciously attacked by a mob of whites. An international media circus would erupt! Big-time journalist from all over the world would descend on College Station to deal with the deplorable state of America’s race relations caused by bigoted whites. President Obama would weigh in with a few comments about America’s racial sins; and Attorney General Eric Holder – just like with the Ferguson disturbances – would travel to College Station, where Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton would be leading protest marches.
But the narrative they’re promoting is false.
It obscures where most of the hate is coming from. Crime statistics have long reveled the real problem: high levels of black-on-black violence, followed by black-on-white violence and mob attacks — and the latter has been on the increase at an alarming rate, underscoring deep pathologies in a growing black-thug subculture — even as liberals in the mainstream media and Washington are unwilling to acknowledge this fact.
I double dog dare anybody to tell me that the so-called race war is about whites doing all the hating, murdering, and mayhem. And while you’re at it, explain to me how Obama, Holder, the rest of the race-baiters do anything, ANYTHING at all but make it worse.
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