Steve Bannon is sorry. Very sorry. He never meant to imply that anyone in the Trump family was treasonous and unpatriotic. There’s no one that’s been a bigger supporter of Trump than him, and besides… it was all Manafort’s fault. That’s the latest statement from the former White House Strategist, whom the President has dubbed “Sloppy Steve.” He was merely basing his comments on his oh-so-vast military and national security experience, which included rising to the massively impressive rank of O-3 in the Navy and schmoozing at the Pentagon. He didn’t mean to be mean to Don Jr., who is a stand-up guy!
He didn’t mean it. He should have spoken up sooner about the inaccurate reporting on Don Jr. Donald Trump’s accomplishments were historical.
My comments about the meeting with Russian nationals came from my life experiences as a Naval officer stationed aboard a destroyer whose main mission was to hunt Soviet submarines to my time at the Pentagon during the Reagan years when our focus was the defeat of ‘the evil empire’ and to making films about Reagan’s war against the Soviets and Hillary Clinton’s involvement in selling uranium to them.
My comments were aimed at Paul Manafort, a seasoned campaign professional with experience and knowledge of how the Russians operate. He should have known they are duplicitous, cunning and not our friends. To reiterate, those comments were not aimed at Don Jr.
Note he doesn’t deny making the comments. He simply claims his oh-so-vast military and national security experience has led him to those assumptions… or something. Derp!
After Bannon’s comments included in Michael Wolff’s “tell-all” book, that also included passages he admits he believed were blatantly false were made public, the White House came out swinging. Bigly. White House senior adviser Steven Miller excoriated Bannon in a CNN interview as “an angry, vindictive person.”
Trump Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller on Wolff book: “The book is best understood as a work of very poorly written fiction…The author is a garbage author of a garbage book” #CNNSOTU
— CNN (@CNN) January 7, 2018
The storm came not just from the White House, but from other former allies. Bannon, who promised a “revolution” after he left the White House, all of a sudden found himself abandoned and alone as Breitbart owners debated his ouster.
Candidates who once embraced Bannon distanced themselves from his efforts, groups aligned with his views sought separation, and his most important financial backer, the billionaire Mercer family, which has championed him for years, announced that it was severing ties.
[…]But it was the rare statement from Rebekah Mercer, daughter of investor Robert Mercer, that hit hardest and, combined with Trump’s fury, has left Bannon isolated from the two power centers that elevated him from a fringe commentator to an office in the White House.
“My family and I have not communicated with Steve Bannon in many months and have provided no financial support to his political agenda, nor do we support his recent actions and statements,” Rebekah Mercer said in a statement to The Washington Post.
Trump’s lawyers accused Bannon of breaking a confidentiality agreement, and Bannon’s role in helping sweep the President into the White House was suddenly diminished. Newsmax Media chief executive and Trump ally Christopher Ruddy said, “Bannon was an interloper who didn’t have as much control as people say he did and whose image was inflated by the media. His power came from riding the coattails of Trump, and the base will side with the president.” Additionally, Bannon’s role as adviser to Senate candidate Kelli Ward of Arizona was also diminished, as adviser to both Ward and the Bannon-allied Great America PAC Eric Beach claimed Bannon and Ward’s relationship was “limited and not central to her campaign.”
Quite the change for someone who was bragging he had his “weapons” back in his hands after leaving the White House and screamed about taking on the “globalists” in the White House.
Wow! I haven’t seen backpedaling this furious since John Kerry voted for the $87 billion supplemental appropriation for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan!
Fact is Bannon is nothing without Trump and without his dedicated and committed base of support. He’s just another drunken hobo who knows how to read people and whose ass to kiss, and who latches on to the popular kids in hopes of getting some glory on him and rides their coattails to what he claims will be his next big victory.
Longtime Bannon friend Pat McKim was also at the Pentagon [when Bannon worked for the Chief of Naval Operations] and says Bannon displayed an amazing acuity for judging people’s motives and thoughts.
“He could see this guy is trying to become Chief of Naval Operations,” McKim said in a phone interview. “I was clueless, and Steve was like he’s lobbying to become CNO…He could sense what was going on behind the scenes.”
Bannon’s job at the Pentagon included carrying messages to senior officers and writing reports about the state of the Navy fleet worldwide.
“We didn’t deal with strategic issues in any way.” Arnold said. “There was nothing Steve did in this job working for me that prepared him for the job he’s in now.”
Still his friends say it was at the Pentagon where Bannon acquired some big ambitions, including telling McKim he wanted one day to be Secretary of Defense.
After getting a White House position created especially for him, Bannon appears to have developed an over-inflated sense of his own worth, and now he’s terrified he’s going to end up on the streets, so to speak, a political homeless person, begging for relevance on the street corner.
So after having had his grand delusions about his own importance and popularity shattered after opening his maw about the Administration and the President’s family, he finds himself crawling back, hat in hand, hoping not to get spanked any further, if not regain some of the credibility and respect he enjoyed during his association with the President.
I’m sure the President and his family are laughing hysterically at Bannon’s so-called “contrition.”
I know I am.
Excellent, well written, and spot-on article written by Marta Hernandez
Bannon let his ego get away with him, yes. He’s not the first or the last to do that. He said those things many months ago, and some of them contain some truth, for that matter.
OTOH, note who is pushing hardest now against him along with Trump: the Never Trumpers. Ben Shapiro and his ilk, Kristol and company, etc. Also, Mitch McConnell and the rest of the anti-Trump Republicans in Congress are happy. The very people who were urging us to elect _Hillary_ and running for the hills after the Access Hollywood tape came out are now acting as if Bannon, who stuck with Trump then, is somehow a huge liability. Trump has reason to be exasperated with Bannon, but Bannon is not his enemy, and some of the people jumping against Bannon now _are_ Trump’s enemies.
There’s a reason they all hate Bannon, and it’s got nothing to do with his ego or his attitude and a lot to do with which faction of the GOP electorate he’s been in synch with. They want him gone and Breitbart silenced, and they want all this talk of replacing incumbents squelched hard.
We need to keep perspective.