Please, Let’s Not Name Anything Else After John McCain [video]

Please, Let’s Not Name Anything Else After John McCain [video]

There are some movements afoot to name and rename things after the recently passed Arizona Senator John McCain.

Former McCain Campaign Aides Excluded from Funeral Services [video]

Former McCain Campaign Aides Excluded from Funeral Services [video]

John McCain’s funeral services are being held this weekend in Washington, DC, but several former campaign aides are excluded. 

Duncan Hunter’s Opponent Is the Grandson of a Munich Terrorist [video]

Duncan Hunter’s Opponent Is the Grandson of a Munich Terrorist [video]

Duncan Hunter, who is running for reelection in California’s 50th District, has a descendant of a Munich terrorist as his opponent. Ammar Campa-Najjar is the grandson of…

Miami Herald Endorses GOP Candidate Who Was Abducted by Aliens [video]

Miami Herald Endorses GOP Candidate Who Was Abducted by Aliens [video]

According to the Miami Herald, Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera is a solid conservative candidate for Florida’s 27th Congressional District House seat. The primary will be held on August 28.

Progressive Hypocrites: Ocasio-Cortez and Jimmy Kimmel [video]

Progressive Hypocrites: Ocasio-Cortez and Jimmy Kimmel [video]

Another week, another blatant display of hypocrisy and lack of awareness on the part of prominent Progressives, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jimmy Kimmel. Yawn.

Lose-Lose: Unite the Right 2 Versus #ShutItDownDC

Lose-Lose: Unite the Right 2 Versus #ShutItDownDC

Will you be in DC this weekend? Seems there is something going on there for everyone on the fringes – pick your poison: Unite the Right rally,…

First Woman Charged for Violation of Niqab Ban in Denmark

First Woman Charged for Violation of Niqab Ban in Denmark

In June, Denmark joined a handful of European nations banning the wearing of the niqab, a garment worn by Muslim women that effectively covers the face. The…

Baby Trump Balloon Will Fly Over London, but Will Baby Khan? You can help! [video]

Baby Trump Balloon Will Fly Over London, but Will Baby Khan? You can help! [video]

President Trump is scheduled to visit London on July 13. In accordance with what the Left believes to be widespread public opinion, they have planned protests and…

Democrats, Liberals, #GetWoke and #WalkAway

Democrats, Liberals, #GetWoke and #WalkAway

More stories are trickling out about liberals finally waking up to the dangerous manipulation of the Democrat party. The latest voice is Brandon Straka whose stark video…

Two Women Are on Trump’s Short List for Supreme Court Justice [video]

Two Women Are on Trump’s Short List for Supreme Court Justice [video]

President Trump will announce his pick to replace Justice Kennedy on the Supreme Court on July 9. Reportedly he has two women on the short list. They…

Avoiding Fate of Angel Families Outweighs Temporary Separation of Illegal Immigrant Families

Avoiding Fate of Angel Families Outweighs Temporary Separation of Illegal Immigrant Families

In response to massive media and pundit criticism this week, President Trump signed an executive order mandating that families be kept together even if they made illegal…

Trump Says He Will “Sign Something” to Keep Families Together [video]

Trump Says He Will “Sign Something” to Keep Families Together [video]

President Trump just announced he will “sign something” in order to address the separation of families issue illegal immigrants face when attempting to enter the US.

Judge Makes an Example Out of Manafort by Throwing Him in Jail

Judge Makes an Example Out of Manafort by Throwing Him in Jail

Mueller is really putting the screws to Paul Manafort. Yesterday, prosecutors alleged Manafort was engaging in witness tampering, and the judge in one of his cases thought…

Like Hillary, Comey Used Private Email to Conduct Official Business [video]

Like Hillary, Comey Used Private Email to Conduct Official Business [video]

Is it really so hard to just follow the rules? According to DOJ policy, private emails should not be used for official business – any official business,…

On Contentedness

On Contentedness

As the public conversation has turned to depression and suicide, and the lesser plagues of unhappiness and discontent, I have been troubled by the misunderstanding caused by…

Concealed Carry: Florida Did Not Do NIC Background Checks for a Year [video]

Concealed Carry: Florida Did Not Do NIC Background Checks for a Year [video]

Let’s add more laws so the government can ignore those too.

Masterpiece Cakeshop Wins at the Supreme Court, but Only on Process

Masterpiece Cakeshop Wins at the Supreme Court, but Only on Process

The Supreme Court just handed down its opinion on the much awaited case, Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. It was a win for the bakery,…

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Ava Gardner