Satanist Statue Destined for Oklahoma City Smacks of Sour Grapes

We’ve all seen movies or read books where the storyline is about a spurned man or woman who, in the face of rejection or seeming mistreatment resorts…

Two Popes Who Soon Will Be Saints

Later today, across an ocean and a sea, the attention of much of the world will be focused on the ancient city of Rome. More particularly, attention…

Hank Aaron, Alvin Holmes, and the Racism That Still Divides Us

Hank Aaron, Alvin Holmes, and the Racism That Still Divides Us

Earlier this week one of my colleagues wrote a riveting post on the controversial comments made by the former home run record holder, Hank Aaron. Like many…

Hillary Clinton and Her Lack of Accomplisments

Hillary Clinton and Her Lack of Accomplisments

Despite the importance of the mid-term elections this November, many people are already looking past them to the 2016 Presidential election. Speculation about whether Hillary Clinton will…

John Kerry and the Missing Billions

John Kerry and the Missing Billions

Secretary of State John Kerry is basically giving the participants in the Mideast talks an ultimatum: stop squabbling or I am taking my ball and going home….

How George Soros and Marijuana Are Bringing Down America

Whatever you may think about television and radio host Glenn Beck, I have to say that he got it right several years ago when he spoke of…

Censorship by CAIR Mirrors Obama Regime’s Tactics

Censorship by CAIR Mirrors Obama Regime’s Tactics

On Monday evening (March 31) Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly had a segment on her nightly television program that dealt with disturbing news. Kelly exposed the recent…

Voter Registration Fraud in California Reminiscent of Ohio Election Fraud in 2012

The attempt by Democrats to affiliate healthcare insurance sign-ups with voter registration has infuriated me since the first draft of the healthcare registration forms were released in…

UNC Academic Scandal and the NLRB Ruling in Student Athlete Right-to-Unionize Case

UNC Academic Scandal and the NLRB Ruling in Student Athlete Right-to-Unionize Case

Here we are in the midst of March Madness. Probably half the nation is watching  men and women college athletes as they strive to be the last…

Nearly 500 Years of Conflict: Courts, Marriage, and Freedom of Conscience

On Tuesday of this week, the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments in the Hobby Lobby case where the owners of a small family…

Nick Cannon Dons White Face and SCOTUS Hears ACA Case

Yesterday Nick Cannon, the host of America’s got talent, sent out pictures of himself dressed in white face to promote his new album White People Party Music….

Common Core and the Revision of the SAT

Today came a welcome announcement that the state of Indiana has come to its senses and withdrawn its intention to implement the insidious Common Core standards in…

Let the Word “Bossy” Be Stricken from All Records

Let the Word “Bossy” Be Stricken from All Records

The liberal “Word Police” are at it again. They’re putting out a BOLO on another word that they want to ban from our lexicon. And this proposed…

Become a Victory Girl!

Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner