ABC Moderators Falsified Abortion Fact Check During Debate

ABC Moderators Falsified Abortion Fact Check During Debate

ABC Moderators Falsified Abortion Fact Check During Debate

The ABC moderators just couldn’t help themselves during last night’s debate. They not only cut President Trump off several times, they helped Kamala with fact checks. One of which, on abortion, was false. The rest of the media followed suit shortly thereafter.

The two also had a back and forth on abortions later in pregnancy, with Trump suggesting incorrectly that Harris favors allowing abortion in the “8th or 9th” month of pregnancy. The vice president, who declined to say what limits she would favor on abortion, supports restoring Roe, which would protect abortion access until fetal viability, which is around the 22nd week of pregnancy. States could still restrict abortion beyond that point, though not all do so.

“Nowhere in America is a woman carrying a pregnancy to term and asking for an abortion,” Harris said. “That’s not happening, that’s insulting to the women of America.”

Harris also highlighted the ripple effects of the fall of Roe, nodding to an Alabama Supreme Court ruling earlier this year that said that frozen embryos are people, briefly halting some IVF services in the state. She said women were being denied such services because of “Donald Trump’s abortion bans.”

The false fact check came into play was when Trump, who rightly insisted that abortion laws should and are being decided at the state level, also pointed out that Tim Walz has shown he as well as Kamala are in favor of abortions without limits.

You see, as we’ve written before, former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is on record advocating for legislation that would allow babies born alive through botched abortions to be killed. 

In fact, there are SEVEN states that allow abortions right up to the moment of birth, without exceptions. Those states are: Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, New Mexico, New Hampshire, and New Jersey. California even has an abortion clause in the state Constitution. 

Third Trimester: 27-40 weeks

Late-term Abortion

A fetus is generally considered viable once it reaches 24 weeks or weighs 500 grams
California law allows abortion after viability only if the life or health of the pregnant person is threatened

Which is something that not only Kamala knows, but ABC News does as well. Keep in mind, Democrats and the media don’t like Trump discussing the radical abortion agenda, hence ABC’s falsified fact check.

ABC’s attempt was also a dud because Tim Walz did, in fact, remove born-alive requirements in Minnesota. 

As Democrats and media outlets accuse former President Donald Trump of dramatizing the Democratic abortion agenda, data from the Minnesota Department of Health shows that at least eight babies who survived abortions in the state were left to die.

Under a 2015 Minnesota law, the state formerly was required to report whether abortions resulted in the live birth of a baby, what actions were taken to preserve the life of that baby, and whether the baby survived.

Those reporting requirements exposed that between Jan. 1, 2021, and Dec. 31, 2021, physicians performed five abortions that resulted in a baby’s live birth.

Guess who repealed a bipartisan law that REQUIRED life-saving care if a baby is born alive during an abortion procedure? Tim Walz. 

“First Gov. Walz and DFL majorities enacted abortion-up-to-birth, a policy at odds with the vast majority of the world,” said MCCL Co-Executive Director Cathy Blaeser. “Now, somehow, they have gone even further. They have revoked a law that requires lifesaving care for newborns. And they have wiped out the Positive Alternatives program that supports pregnant women in difficult circumstances. Babies and women are both harmed by this sweeping extremism.”

The Omnibus bill, SF 2995, was largely crafted behind closed doors without input from Republicans on the conference committee. The bill strips out Minnesota’s existing requirement that reasonable measures be taken to “preserve the life and health” of born-alive infants, replacing it with a requirement for “care,” which the bill’s House author, Rep. Tina Liebling (DFL-Rochester), has described as mere “comfort” care. Under the new language, an infant could be denied lifesaving care and allowed to die.

Now, I don’t know about you, but watching a baby die instead of trying to save that life sure skates close to the definition of execution doesn’t it? 

ABC moderators couldn’t be bothered to fact check Kamala’s assertions that women have died in hospital parking lots because they were refused treatment. But they were super quick to stop President Trump in his tracks. 

The ABC moderators lied about abortion during the debate last night. They were Candy Crowley on steroids.

The optics of them coming to Kamala’s defense not once, but at least five times, showed their bias loudly. Kamala and Tim Walz are abortion extremists. They’ve made that abundantly clear. Which is another reason why ABC’s attempt at rescuing Kamala last night is so egregious. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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  • Scott says:

    You’re spot on Nina, and the low info, low intelligence indoctrinated leftists like the resident trolls on this site won’t give a damn, because facts are racists, misogynistic, biased, or some other leftist newspeak. NOTHING, least of all facts an truth can stand in the way of the narrative / agenda. We are living in 1984…

  • A reader says:

    This is disgusting. Late term abortions account for only 1% of all abortions. Its not like women are carrying a baby and then at 25+ weeks suddenly deciding, “Welp, I’m done, I don’t want this baby anymore!”

    You are politicizing a deeply traumatic experience for families and I think you know it. Here are some facts:

    1. If neonatologists can save a baby born after viability— which is still considered 24 weeks even though a select number of hospitals will attempt to intubate a baby after 22 weeks— then they will. Period. Many of those pregnancies end not in abortion but for a whole host of reasons including preeclampsia, premature rupture of membranes, incompetent cervix, etc.

    2. When a pregnancy is ended in the third trimester via abortion it is usually because there is a problem with the baby: trisomy 13, organs developing outside of the body, no brain etc. These are deeply wanted babies. Names may have been picked out, showers planned, nurseries decorated. But the decision is made to end the pregnancy because the parents make the deeply personal and painful decision to do so in order to not have their child suffer. And so the abortion occurs. It is deeply traumatic and awful for all involved. It’s disgusting to state otherwise.

    3. There is no such thing as abortion after birth. That’s called infanticide, aka murder, and it’s a crime in all 50 states. One way you can tell “abortion after birth” isn’t a real thing is how someone is charged when a pregnant woman is killed. If the autopsy reveals that the baby was born alive, the perpetrator is charged with their murder, if the baby was born dead or a miscarriage occurred, they can be charged with manslaughter or something similar. Also abortion literally means to end a pregnancy, kinda hard to do that once the baby’s already born, isn’t it?

    What is really happening when “abortion after birth” is brought up is the denial of the concept of palliative care. When a baby is born and doctors know they will not survive, they will allow the baby to be made as comfortable as possible and surrounded by their family as they pass. (Similarly to when an elderly or terminally ill patient dies.) To call that compassionate care murder is disgusting. It’s an attempt to make criminal something that is deeply painful and further heaps trauma upon those families. This is particularly egregious considering that now many states are forcing families to endure this because they are denied abortions. So pregnant women are forced to endure further trauma after a terminal diagnosis of their babies by being forced to continue the pregnancy and then watch their children suffer in their few fleeting moments/hours of life. It’s cruel and heartless and unnecessary.

    Politicizing any of those scenarios says something about you, and it’s not positive.

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