Abbey Gate, Three Years Later – Kamala Should Own Afghanistan

Abbey Gate, Three Years Later – Kamala Should Own Afghanistan

Abbey Gate, Three Years Later – Kamala Should Own Afghanistan

It has been three years since the attack at Abbey Gate during the catastrophic withdrawl from Afghanistan cost the lives of thirteen American servicemembers, killed at least 170 Afghans, and wounded many more American military members that were on duty.

Since then, the Abbey Gate Gold Star Families have been searching for some kind of acknowledgement, or apology, or just simple human compassion from the Biden-Harris administration. From the beginning, we saw Joe Biden’s callousness as he checked his watch at Dover Air Base during the “dignified transfer” of the remains. We later learned how he turned conversations with these families to be all about his late sainted son Beau. We heard the anguish of families testifying that they were still looking for answers. We have listened to the testimony of witnesses before Congress. We have seen Steve Nikoui cry out at the State of the Union, be arrested, and have his charges eventually dropped. And we saw Joe Biden, during the his one and only debate, deny that any American servicemembers had been lost on his watch.

One of the most powerful moments during the RNC was the memorial video and “roll call” for those lost at Abbey Gate. It truly was an emotional tribute to the servicemembers who were killed, and an emotional validation for the families who just wanted their loved ones to be remembered.

Even mainstream media outlets were forced to acknowledge that what happened in Afghanistan, and at Abbey Gate, was a solid hit on Joe Biden that couldn’t be ignored.

Since the RNC, as we all know, Joe Biden has dropped out of the presidential race and is now apparently on permanent vacation, hopping from beach to beach. Kamala Harris has been coronated as the next Democrat presidential candidate, but is avoiding the press and any interviews – even friendly ones! – like they have COVID. The media is only too happy, after sticking their knives into Joe Biden’s back, to cover for Kamala.

Well, here’s the problem. Kamala Harris owns the decisions made in Afghanistan, too. And she owns her reactions to what happened at Abbey Gate.

First, let’s remember that the current administration is the BIDEN-HARRIS administration. SHE is the current incumbent vice president of the United States. And, at the time of the Afghanistan withdrawl, she asserted that she was “in the room where it happened” when Biden decided to abandon the country.

Which means that she must take partial responsibility for what happened in Afghanistan. Not just at Abbey Gate, but for what is happening in Afghanistan RIGHT NOW. If you missed it, the Taliban have passed yet more laws against women doing pretty much anything except being locked in their homes and having children.

The laws were issued Wednesday after they were approved by supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada, a government spokesman said, and cover aspects of everyday life like public transportation, music, shaving and celebrations.

Among the new rules, Article 13 relates to women: It says it is mandatory for a woman to veil her body at all times in public and that a face covering is essential to avoid temptation and tempting others. Clothing should not be thin, tight or short.

Women are also obliged to cover themselves in front of non-Muslim males and females to avoid being corrupted. A woman’s voice is deemed intimate and so should not be heard singing, reciting, or reading aloud in public. It is forbidden for women to look at men they are not related to by blood or marriage and vice versa.

“Inshallah we assure you that this Islamic law will be of great help in the promotion of virtue and the elimination of vice,” said ministry spokesman Maulvi Abdul Ghafar Farooq on Thursday, of the new laws.

So, women in Afghanistan, who had already lost the right to go to school, now can’t sing or essentially speak in public, must be fully covered at all times, which includes being veiled. Where are the feminists marching on behalf of the oppressed women of Afghanistan? Where is Kamala Harris, she of the “women’s rights” platform, who as part of the BIDEN-HARRIS administration, left these women to their fate at the hands of the Taliban? She could speak up RIGHT NOW. And she’s not.

The other thing Kamala Harris must take responsibility for is her own actions and reactions. We are being told that her awkward, grating laugh is just a genuine expression of “JOY!” So, was this just “JOY!” happening?

I can hear the complaints already. “She wasn’t laughing at the situation or the deaths, she was laughing at the press being pushy!” Fine. Let her make that argument, if she ever sat down for an interview. But she was being asked about a very serious subject, and her first response was her JOY-FILLED LAUGHTER. Or maybe, her laugh is a way to cover up her persistent awkwardness, where she’s trying to give herself a minute to think of something to say, and has nothing to do with “JOY!,” and this entire joy-filled crap sandwich that we are being handed is a complete joke.

And Kamala Harris has not reached out on her own behalf to the Abbey Gate Gold Star Families.

Did anyone catch any mentions of Afghanistan, or of Abbey Gate, at the DNC? I didn’t see or hear any. And of course not – there’s no way to spin one of the Biden-Harris administration’s greatest failures into something to be proud of at the DNC. Like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris is counting on – and hoping that – everyone will forget about Afghanistan. And if they don’t, she is hoping and praying that the blame falls on Joe Biden. But she could have reached out to the families on her own accord as vice president, or even now, as a presidential candidate. She did not. So, three years after the attack, some of these Abbey Gate Gold Star family members will reportedly be at a private event with Donald Trump at Arlington National Cemetery today.

Kamala Harris may have had a chance to rectify some of Joe Biden’s mistakes with the Gold Star Families, if she had made the effort to reach out. Instead, she’s trying to memory-hole Afghanistan in the hopes that no one will pin those failures on her. She is Schrödinger’s vice president – sometimes she’s part of the incumbent administration, and sometimes she’s just an outsider running for the job and Donald Trump has been in charge the whole time. That doesn’t work when you made sure that everyone knew you were “the last person in the room” when the Afghanistan decision was made, and you were “comfortable” with the decision. That doesn’t work when you have an office in the West Wing of the White House RIGHT NOW. We at Victory Girls fully intended on making Joe Biden own every single decision made regarding Afghanistan during this presidential election cycle. Congratulations, Kamala – you get to inherit THAT, too. You were the last person in the room, after all.

Donald Trump was indeed at Arlington today.

And he did more than just place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers.

Being laid to rest at Arlington is indeed an honor, but it does make it difficult for loved ones who live far away to get there often. This was an incredibly kind gesture by President Trump.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • Scott says:

    Nasty skank has never taken responsibility for anything. She’s blown her way to her current position, and deflected every failure, and now she has the complicity of a corrupt party and press to help.

    • Lloyd says:

      Agree…But she is going to get a ton of votes just because she is a WOMAN,,,,OF COLOR!!!

      • Scott says:

        And even more because she has a “D” behind her name… The left is about nothing deeper than identity politics, facts and reality don’t matter in the least to them, as thy are far too stupid, indoctrinated, or both..

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