Media Issues Collective Pearl Clutching Editorials Lambasting Trump Attacks On #FreePress [VIDEO]

Media Issues Collective Pearl Clutching Editorials Lambasting Trump Attacks On #FreePress [VIDEO]

Media Issues Collective Pearl Clutching Editorials Lambasting Trump Attacks On #FreePress [VIDEO]

Today, over 70 newspapers in the U.S. printed editorials defending the media’s right to print all the news that is fit to print whether it’s factual or not. You see, the media isn’t the problem. Trump’s attacks on the  free press are. The pearl clutching is something to behold.

These headlines give you an idea of their coordinated temper tantrum:

The Washington Post got President Ronald Reagan’s daughter Patti on board.

I’ve tried to imagine what my father would have done if people attending a political speech of his had turned to the press and raised their middle fingers, hurled obscenities or physically menaced the reporters who were there doing their jobs. I found it difficult to conjure the image, and then I realized why. It simply wouldn’t have happened. The person on the podium, the person everyone has gathered to see, sets the tone.

President Trump has quite successfully set today’s tone. He expertly stirred up the anger that was already simmering in the people who support him, and then he lit a match to it. He gave them an enemy — always a useful tactic. And naming the press as the enemy has precedents: Many tyrants have employed it to their advantage. Trump may not read much, but I’ll bet he knows that.

Here’s the problem with that. Trump read his audience and is capitalizing on the the very real exasperation and yes, disgust at times, that Americans have with the media.

It’s something that has been brewing for a very long time.

Sorry, Dan, but YOU are and have been part of the problem for a very long time. Rathergate anyone? Kudos once again to the guys at Powerline blog for exposing your Fake News gambit back then.

So for Dan to be one of the key figures on board with this effort shows a complete lack of understanding of the frustration of many with the media.

What has the media glossed over or ignored in the last 8+ years?

  • Pallets of cash
  • If you like your healthcare you can keep it
  • Fast and Furious
  • IRS targeting
  • Encouraging Ferguson and beyond
  • Susan Rice unmasking
  • Russia reset
  • Syria red line
  • Uranium deal

Need I go on?

Oh, wait, how about ignoring all of Hillary’s email and server shenanigans until the media is dragged into it by WE THE PEOPLE demanding information?

The New York Times offered this up:


Oh. Ok. A free press needs us? Actually, yes, it does. And we do need a free press. What we ALSO need and expect is an OBJECTIVE free press. Which is difficult when you factor in human nature. But objectivity must be strived for. Temper tantrums in the White House press corps a la Jim Acosta-style is by no means objective and only serves to have us mistrust the press even more.

Memo to the national media: We don’t like you because you are printing fiction and then throwing pearl clutching fits when we demand you print facts. If you want to be liked and trusted, then EARN it.

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  • Appalled By The World says:

    More drivel from the masters of drivel. Then they wonder why they’re viewed as enemies of the people? Sheesh!

  • Michael Blue says:

    The fact that these Mediacrats now feel the need to defend themselves is one of Trump’s most remarkable achievements. In and of itself it was worth my vote. Notice how their only defense is to immediately invoke the 1st amendment as if their critics are against it. By doing this they are saying the purpose of the 1st amendment is to shield, liars, hacks and democratic party propagandists from being aggressively called out for their deliberate attempt to manipulate the American public into overthrowing the results of an election that their party LOST..

    They were lying scum 25 years ago when they covered up for the Clinton Crime Gang. They are lying scum now when they cover up the attempt to…. hey, an attempt to rig an election by the Clinton Crime Gang. Lying scum with bylines.

  • Lance says:

    It seems so simple yet so many of our bettors are ignorant. Nice post.

  • Kaiser Derden says:

    If Trump was stifling a “free press” (which he isn’t) then 350 op-eds on the same day would seem to be proof that he has not done that at all … but publishing essentially the same whine in 350 newspapers would seem to be an own goal by the “press” and essentially prove Trumps point about them not doing their job as the supposed “free press” …

  • David Longfellow says:

    In which the press asserts they are every bit the colluding bunch of biased Democratic operatives that Trump says they are.

  • Col. Harrumph says:

    So Trump accuses media of colluding to print negative stories about him, and in response they collude to print negative stories about him. Brilliant own-goal, Boston Globe!

  • SteveH says:

    >>> Memo to the national media: We don’t like you because you are printing fiction and then throwing pearl clutching fits when we demand you print facts. If you want to be liked and trusted, then EARN it.Memo to the national media: We don’t like you because you are printing fiction and then throwing pearl clutching fits when we demand you print facts. If you want to be liked and trusted, then EARN it. <<<

    You win the internet today!

  • […] ♦  Three hundred-odd newspaper editors collude to trash the President because he accuses them of ….  ‘Kay. […]

  • Martha Wong says:

    This is a great post by Nina Bookout! I would like to copy and print it to take to my local newspaper to republish on the editorial page–however, I cannot because when I try to print it, the results are a mess. Please ask your IT to clean up your pages (which contain print on top of the printed blog that is supposed to be available for readers to not only read–which is good–but also to print.) I would like to furnish my local paper with a printed copy in person. Thank you!

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