Coalition of Statist Imbeciles (CSI)

Coalition of Statist Imbeciles (CSI)

Coalition of Statist Imbeciles (CSI)

Dear world, I’d like to introduce you to NoRA. No, NoRA is not a woman whose parents wanted to be woke and different, so they spelled her name differently, not thinking about the disdain and ridicule she would face at school.
This is a different type of NoRA that deserves the heaps of disdain and ridicule it gets, because its unhinged, uninformed, sheltered, self-important celebrity founders somehow believe that their smarmy proclamations against America’s gun owners will somehow challenge the big, bad, evil NRA.

In an open letter to NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, which was first obtained by TIME, the more than 100 members of the newly formed NoRA Initiative — short for No Rifle Association — pledge to reduce the NRA’s influence in American politics through a series of voter registration drives, nationwide art campaigns.

Pardon me while I snort my iced tea.

The organization consists of a group of the usual suspects ranging from Alex Baldwin to Amy Schumer, and not one of these hysterical celebutards actually knows anything about firearms.

Here’s what they do know: you have guns, guns are bad, you need to be regulated and prevented from having guns of which they disapprove (read: all of them, save for some muskets) via government force.

Because not one of these pampered, tonedeaf shitweasel, who hire men with guns to protect them in their gated communities where crime barely happens (unless we’re talking some of the entertainment they’ve shat out over the years) actually has the testicular fortitude to come and take them, so therefore they want to empower opportunistic politicians to do their dirty work for them.

“We’re not anti-Second Amendment,” screeches has-been bimbette Alyssa Milano, whose “acting” career peaked with her cleavage baring stint on the show “Charmed,” and who has now been relegated to provocation on social media and Atkins commercials.

Except, like all gun grabbers, Milano lies. Blatantly.

Let’s take a look, shall we?

Every year, tens of thousands of innocent people are killed or seriously wounded by guns.

Tens of thousands of innocent people also die in vehicle crashes, and yet, these vapid fuckwits have no problem with 16-year-olds getting behind the wheel of a car.

And yet, as much as we seek to enact gun safety and gun control legislation, we find ourselves stymied from doing so by the NRA and the politicians it owns.

Wow. The biggest recipient of NRA funding is John McCain, who has received a whopping…

$7.74 Million since 1989.

Why, that’s an average of $246,428 per year! Goodness! And that’s an actual calculated total that combines direct campaign contributions, which are limited by law with outside money spent on behalf of candidates from the NRA’s PACs and directly from the NRA’s 501(c)(4) social welfare unit.

In other words, it’s crap. Biased crap.

Evidently, the NRA is the only special interest group that owns a testicular entrapment device. Rare are the stories exposing the money spent electing Democrats by unions, trial lawyers or environmental groups — all of which outspend the NRA year after year. In fact, since 2012, Planned Parenthood alone has donated virtually the same amount ($2.6 million) to individual candidates as the NRA ($2.7 million).

But it gets better from there, boys and girls, because NoRA lists its own manufactured set of “rights” that it claims the NRA violates. Not a single one of those alleged “rights” is actually a right, but don’t expect barely literate celebrity booger eaters to comprehend that concept.

The “right” to equal protection from gun violence.

The “right” to know the extent of gun violence in our nation.

The “right” of all children to live free of gun violence and attend “gun free” schools.

The “right” of all mentally ill people, including the suicidal ones, to protection from gun violence, including the self inflicted kind.

The “right” of the people to have greater access to policy makers than those evil corporations and special interest groups.

Let’s focus on the standard usage of the term “right,” for which I turn to economist Walter Williams.

In the standard historical usage of the term, a “right” is something that exists simultaneously among people. As such, a right imposes no obligation on another. For example, the right to free speech is something we all possess. My right to free speech imposes no obligation upon another except that of noninterference. Similarly, I have a right to travel freely. Again, that right imposes no obligation upon another except that of noninterference.

Not that I would expect mental midgets like Milano or Hogg to know or comprehend this, but the “rights” they’re pulling out of their collective anus are, in fact, wishes. Some are wishes that impose an obligation on others that can only be imposed by government force, and others are already law.

Ever hear of the “Gun Free Schools Act?” What is it that they would like the government to do? Make guns in schools even MOAR ILLEGAL?

Ever hear of the CDC’s WISQARS database? This nifty little tool will allow you to view mortality statistics and do your own research about “gun violence,” or any other violence you desire. Did you know, for instance, that 63,632 people died due to drug poisoning in 2016 – more than those who died by firearm (homicide, suicide, justifiable homicide, and accident combined)?

Illuminating, isn’t it?

Just a bit of effort and research will give Milano and her merry band of misanthropic morons the information they seek about “gun violence,” but what they want is politicized propaganda posing as scientific “research” funded by the likes of the Joyce Foundation and Michael Bloomberg that supports their onerous agenda. That’s what they think they have a “right” to at our expense!

What they also don’t realize is that it’s the very right to equal protection from violence that they seek to take away from Americans. They seek regulatory hurdles that will make the most effective tools of self defense cost-prohibitive for people who need them most – people who live in less than safe neighborhoods without armed guards and for whom an extra $50 they must pay for a firearm that will be tacked on for extra bureaucratic garbage will mean the difference between defending their family or buying some milk and vegetables for their kids. Meanwhile, to Alec Baldwin, Alyssa Milano, Jimmy Kimmel and the rest of the elitist shitbags who are working to make it more difficult for the rest of us to make a constitutionally protected purchase, that money is mere chump change.

I also love how they feel they are so superior to people who are depressed or have other mental health issues, that they need to protect them from themselves! They’ve actually created the right of the mentally ill to be protected from themselves and their choices by government force under the guise of protection from gun violence!

And it’s not like a question about mental health isn’t already on the ATF form you have to fill out when you purchase a gun! But what these arrogant glue sniffers want is for people whom they find unsettling or scary to be deprived of their Second Amendment rights, even though the vast majority of people with mental health issues are not violent.

The people also have a huge influence over public policy. It’s called the ballot box. Unfortunately, uninformed, uneducated, easily led, and apathetic dolts cast votes for the same morally corrupt policy makers year after year. In 2016, the incumbent reelection rate in the House of Representatives was 98 percent, with 93 percent of incumbents having won re-election in the Senate. Congress is sitting at an abysmal 16 percent approval rate, and yet these derping dolts keep putting these incumbents back into office every election cycle.

So who’s to blame for the people’s lack of influence over public policy? Is it the special interests? Is it the NRA? Is it corporate interests? Or is it the morons who are too lazy, apathetic, or cowardly to vote them out of office?

And then there are the demands to guarantee these “rights.” It’s a list of derptastic, uninformed entreaties that are either redundant or absurdly nebulous, so as to allow these froth-flecked ignorami to repeatedly claim that the measures already taken to prevent crime are just not good enough until their final solution is implemented: BAN ALL THE THINGS!

The stupid is strong with NoRA, and like most spoiled rich celebrities then think their derp potato brain droppings are strong and powerful enough to silence and enslave millions of American gun owners because they are pretty and rich.

They deserve ridicule. They deserve consternation. They are inconsequential nits who happen to have a soap box, and whose shrill, uninformed efforts to relieve Americans of their rights will be a massive failure as gun owners band together to give these hopping monkeys the middle finger.

Written by

Marta Hernandez is an immigrant, writer, editor, science fiction fan (especially military sci-fi), and a lover of freedom, her children, her husband and her pets. She loves to shoot, and range time is sacred, as is her hiking obsession, especially if we’re talking the European Alps. She is an avid caffeine and TWD addict, and wants to own otters, sloths, wallabies, koalas, and wombats when she grows up.

  • Scott says:

    Wow, that collection of photos you included really does look like a bag of smashed assholes… just saying.. the only difference is that the bag would probably be smarter than this bunch..

    • Marta Hernandez says:

      Right? It’s a true CSI! They’re so bloody stupid, I had to shake my head at the arrogant looks on their faces!

  • GWB says:

    That big pic needs a caption. I know Baldwin, and that comedian dude on late night, and Alyssa, and…… ?

    Alyssa Milano, whose “acting” career peaked with her cleavage baring stint on the show “Charmed,”
    OK, now that’s just low, Marta. She definitely peaked in that movie where she got nekid. I don’t remember the movie, but I definitely remember her in it. Absolutely the peak.

    The “right” to equal protection from gun violence.
    Oh, so you agree that your celebrity safety level should be redistributed to the common people? Cool, then you’ll gladly pay for all those people to have armed bodyguards?
    Or, you know, you could just let them buy inexpensive, capable firearms to defend themselves and their families and property.

    The “right” to know the extent of gun violence in our nation.
    Which people are you claiming are too stupid to use the interwebz?

    The “right” of all children to live free of gun violence and attend “gun free” schools.
    So, you agree that parents should have school vouchers, so they can put their children in the school of their choice? That way they can flee schools with crappy policies that enable violent psychopaths/sociopaths?

    The “right” of all mentally ill people, including the suicidal ones, to protection from gun violence, including the self inflicted kind.
    OK, that one is just WTF? You’re trying to say that suicidal people need a right to not kill themselves? Or are you saying that suicidal people should have their rights taken away?

    The “right” of the people to have greater access to policy makers than those evil corporations and special interest groups.
    So, we should eliminate lobbyist organizations? I think you’re going to find that much more painful on your side of the political spectrum………..

    Milano and her merry band of misanthropic morons
    Nicely turned! (Though you could have saved the “mental midget” part from a few para’s up and really made it ZING!)

    that money is mere chump change
    No, that money is “crumbs”. Keep up with the lingo, Marta!

    Unfortunately, uninformed, uneducated, easily led, and apathetic dolts cast votes for the same morally corrupt policy makers year after year.
    Usually because they’re listening to idiots like celebrities, instead of actual freedom-loving, rational thinkers.

    NoRA = No Rational Acuity

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