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The March For Our Lives is over now. The Parkland student activists and their acolytes will return home, but not to rest. No, they believe they are starting a “revolution.”
“Welcome to the revolution,” said Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School activist Cameron Kasky. “This march is not the climax. It’s the beginning.”
So what will this “revolution” look like?
Perhaps these marchers want to challenge the Second Amendment, like the person who held this sign, yet didn’t understand that the AK-47 on the poster is illegal, anyway:
High quality sign spotted by @thebradsmith on the streets of NYC at #MarchForOurLives
— Cheddar (@cheddar) March 24, 2018
And then there are those who want all guns abolished, like the demonstrators who roared their approval for the granddaughter of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Little Yolanda Renee King — just nine years old — told the throngs that she has a “dream” of a “gun-free world.”
WATCH: The granddaughter of Martin Luther King speaks in D.C.: "I have a dream that enough is enough. And that this should be a gun-free world, period." #MarchForOurLives
— Variety (@Variety) March 24, 2018
Frankly, I don’t know who trotted out this little child, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t come up with those words on her own.
But, never mind the Constitution — these kids want their revolution. They want to throw out a world run by their elders, but disdain working with legislators, whom they despise. As Parkland activist David Hogg said, “Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to.”
But do they know what happens when revolutions remove the rights of regular citizens, like the right to speak or bear arms? Moreover, are they even aware of the bloody history of the 20th century and its many ‘revolutions’ that promised so much, and yet devolved into massive carnage?
Take, for example, this poster from the Russian Revolution, circa 1917. You can see people eagerly handing their weapons over to a Bolshevik leader.
I don’t speak the Russian language, but our Marta does. She translated the words for me, and they chillingly read, “Citizens, hand in your arms.”
Now I’m sure that some of yesterday’s demonstrators would think it’d be terrific for gun owners to turn in their weapons to the government. However, we know how that all turned out in Soviet Russia, don’t we? That is, if you know your history, you do.
Or let’s forward to Nazi Germany in World War II, when an equally young and certainly more courageous group of college students, the White Rose, challenged the Reich. Siblings Sophie and Hans Scholl, along with their best friend Christoph Probst, led this group of young intellectuals in their opposition to Nazism. They certainly didn’t have media or celebrities promoting them, but they did have daring and ideals. So starting in 1942, they began to distribute leaflets around the University of Munich that denounced the regime.
Several months later, Hans and Sophie were caught. Along with Probst, they were convicted in a sham trial and beheaded — yes, beheaded — just hours after their convictions. The 2005 German film Sophie Scholl: The Final Days depicts their final moments. This clip is in German, but their courage is evident — and true to history, according to those who have studied them:
Last month marked the 75th anniversary of their deaths. But that’s beyond the historical awareness of most of the marchers, I’ll wager.
Tyranny, of course, didn’t stop with the end of World War II. Twenty years later, in Communist China, Mao Zedong unleashed unholy hell across that nation with his own youth group, the Red Guard. In a two-year period, about 230,000 people died at the hands of these fanatics — people whom they accused of being ‘enemies of the Revolution.’
Some didn’t even spare their own mothers:
Such are revolutions. They’re vicious and disastrous, taking millions of lives in their wakes, along with the civil rights of the survivors. But do the March for Our Lives students know of such events? Have their schools even taught them such history? Moreover, do they understand what’s at stake in a “revolution?” Or are they just self-centered children of the internet, focused mostly on clicks on their social media accounts, and relishing the celebrity heaped on them by progressives and the media?
[…] Victory Girls Blog: The March For Our Lives Activists Are Profoundly Ignorant of History [VIDEO]. […]
The March For Our Lives Activists Are Profoundly Ignorant
You could have stopped there and it would have been fine.
Why would their communist handlers tell them 1) that they are pawns of the communists, and 2) how things turned out for those folks before? After all, the revolution has been going so well in the USA for the last 100 years. (That’s not snark.)