Hurricane Matthew’s butcher’s bill in Haiti is horrendous and still growing — as of this writing 842 people have perished. Tens of thousands are homeless.
I wonder if Hillary Clinton will reach out to that beleaguered nation. After all, she and Bill have fond memories of the island. In 2012, at the opening of an industrial site in Haiti, Hillary gushed: “We came here for the first time together, just after we were married, and fell in love with Haiti. We have had a deep connection to and with Haiti ever since.”
She has deep connections, alright. Crony connections. They were on full display after the 2010 earthquake which devastated Haiti, and Hillary called in the Clinton Foundation to save the day.
Let’s think back on how Bill and Hillary ripped off the traumatized people of Haiti:
Caracol Industrial Park. This reconstruction project was talked up big but delivered little. The Clinton Foundation crowed that the park would provide up to 60,000 garment jobs in northern Haiti. When it opened in 2012, the Clintons were on hand to celebrate, along with celebrities like Sean Penn, Donna Karan, and Ben Stiller. Caracol was to be the dawn of a “new day” in Haiti. But building the park required that Haitian farmers be displaced from their land. The 25,000 homes that were promised materialized into only 6000. Caracol has created only 5000 jobs, and exports little.
Digicel Mobile Phone Scam. It was tantalizing for poor Haitians: Hillary Clinton’s State Department gave away free cell phones from Digicel. Sounds great, right? Well, the devil is in the fine print. The phones may have been free, but the service? Eh, not so much. Haitians were charged by Digicel for each call they made. Who owns this company? Denis O’Brien, a close friend of the Clintons and a lavish donor to — you guessed it, the Clinton Foundation.
Mining Company Deal, with a Former Prison Guard. Why would an American gold mining company hire a former prison guard to help it secure a mining permit from Haiti? On its face, it makes no sense. But nothing is out-of-bounds for the Clintons. In 2013, Hillary’s brother Hugh Rodham landed a contract for gold mining company VCS, one of two given by the Haitian government. He landed a “finder’s fee” from VCS in addition to a position on its advisory board — pretty heady stuff for former prison guard Hugh Rodham.
Toxic “Hurricane Proof” Trailers. They were supposed to be “hurricane proof,” which on its face is complete nonsense. I don’t live in a hurricane-prone area, but as a Midwesterner residing in Tornado Alley, I can assure you that if a trailer can’t handle the fast onslaught of a tornado, it can’t handle the sustained 100 mph+ winds of a hurricane. And yet this is how the shameless Clinton Foundation hawked the trailers they supplied earthquake-displaced Haitians. But it gets worse: the shoddy shelters were laced with formaldehyde, which sickened the inhabitants. Even the left-wing publication The Nation, along with left-leaning media Democracy Now!, criticized the delivery of the toxic trailers.
And who was responsible for these examples of disastrous duplicity? Yep, another Clinton Foundation associate. Clayton Homes, a construction company owned by Berkshire Hathaway, was tasked with providing these miserable shelters. Berkshire Hathaway, hmm, sound familiar? Well, yes, yes it does. It’s owned by billionaire Warren Buffett, who is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative. He’s also donated generously to the Clinton Foundation. One hand washing the other.
And the Koch Brothers are a threat to all things decent?
In the meantime, while we’re waiting to see Hurricane Matthew’s effects on the East Coast, true relief is coming to the people of Haiti. Catholic Relief Services has promised $5 million. Other groups are chipping in as well: the Salvation Army, World Vision, Operation Blessing International, and Mercy Corps are just a few of many. A list is available at this link, if you are so moved to contribute. Haiti needs true relief, not another sham courtesy of Clinton corruptocrats.
Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!
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