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Ted Cruz Rejected by Bronx H.S. Fascists

Ted Cruz Rejected by Bronx H.S. Fascists

Ted Cruz Rejected by Bronx H.S. Fascists

In the latest “Snowflake” episode, a group of high school students in the Bronx Borough of New York City threatened to walk out of Fourth Period, if Republican Presidential Candidate, Senator Ted Cruz was permitted to visit the school. Take a moment to digest that. Oh, but it gets more interesting. Very interesting.

The New York Daily News is reporting that a group of students from the Bronx Lighthouse College Preparatory Academy planned to walk out of fourth period if Ted Cruz came to the school to talk about education.

This story is so rich with irony.

Bronx Lighthouse College Preparatory Charter School
Bronx Lighthouse College Preparatory Charter School

From the New York Daily News report itself:

Ted Cruz came to New York Wednesday talking about education, but he’s the one who got schooled.

The lesson came from a group of Bronx high school students who told the Republican presidential candidate to stay away.

No, New York Daily News. Ted Cruz didn’t get schooled. Unfortunately, the students didn’t get schooled and the “educators” at the school missed a golden opportunity to teach the kids about civility, The First Amendment to The Constitution, diversity of thought and immigrant opportunities. Instead, these children were taught to shut down dissent. They were taught at a very tender age that anyone who disagrees with their VERY LIMITED UNDERSTANDING must be stopped.

Following is the full text of the students’ email:

Hello Ms. Duggins,

A group of students will be leaving during 4th period, as act of civil disobedience in regards to the arrival of Ted Cruz to BLCPA. We have all considered the consequences of our actions and are willing to accept them. We respect you and all the staff at BLCPA as well as the expected guests. But we want you to understand that as passionate students, we have ideas and principles that should be heard and respected. This walk out isn’t a reflection of our discontent with BLCPA but our opportunity to stand up for our community and future. This walk out is taking place because we as students all share a common idea.

The presence of Ted Cruz and the ideas he stands for are offensive. His views are against ours and are actively working to harm us, our community, and the people we love. He is misogynistic, homophobic, and racist. He has used vulgar language, gestures, and profanity directed at a scholar and staff members, along with harassing and posing threats to staff and scholars according to the Disciplinary Referral slip. This is not to be taken kiddingly or as a joke. We are students who feel the need and right to not be passive to such disrespect.

Can you believe these children?

First of all, I think they have Ted Cruz and Donald Trump confused.

Second, no teacher I ever had (and I attended only public schools growing up) would have accepted the above without cited examples. How is Ted Cruz misogynistic? When has he used vulgar language? You know, like, proof stuff.

Third, the “educators” and administration could have used this opportunity to allow the children to voice their opinions. Then, told the children that Ted Cruz’ own father was an immigrant and maybe they could have taught these children a little history, too.

That third sentence in the last paragraph is very troubling also.

He has used vulgar language, gestures, and profanity directed at a scholar and staff members, along with harassing and posing threats to staff and scholars according to the Disciplinary Referral slip.

What the heck? How did Ted Cruz get into the school and threaten the staff? And, how does a Presidential Candidate earn a Disciplinary Referral slip? What were these children told?

Someone filled these little snowflakes full of untruths, it would seem.

When you look around at the young adults on college campuses actively shutting down dissent and diversity of thought, know that the incubators are schools that they are attending as children. They are being very carefully taught.

If you are looking for a charter school for your child, Lighthouse Academies runs schools in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, New York, Oklahoma and Wisconsin. Make sure you don’t sent your child to one of them.

Ted and Heidi Cruz held a meet and greet at a Bronx restaurant where they were “greeted” with more protesters.

Ted and Heidi Cruz on their way into a Bronx restaurant.
Ted and Heidi Cruz on their way into a Bronx restaurant.

Very interesting.

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  • Jodi says:

    Because the names Ted Cruz and Donald Trump sound so very similar. I wonder what it feels like to be willfully ignorant. *head desk*

  • GWB says:

    First, that email was NOT written by a fourth grader. It was written by a parent on the kids’ email account.


    But we want you to understand that as passionate students, we have ideas and principles that should be heard and respected.

    You believe that you should be heard because you’re passionate?!? You’ve failed the very first hurdle of an education right there! You should be heard if you have shown the capacity to reason and an understanding of the facts before you, NOT because you care!


    This walk out is taking place because we as students all share a common idea.

    You’ve again shown a failure of education here. Sharing a common idea does not mean the idea is good or right. “Can 10 million people be wrong?” Hell, yes, they certainly can! It’s called the Bandwagon Fallacy, and if you haven’t yet addressed the fallacies of logic and argumentation in your schooling, then you have NO business walking out on a speaker.

    His views are against ours and are actively working to harm us, our community, and the people we love.

    Really? As Toni noted, where’s your argument? This is called an “assertion” and it is NOT an argument. When you learn what an assertion is, and why it’s a fallacy in argumentation, then you can walk out on a speaker.
    This also proves you kids are not being educated, but indoctrinated. “Homophobic” and “racist” are buzz words you have been taught. I doubt you could define “misogynistic” without pulling out your dictionary app, nor give cogent examples.

    And, how does a Presidential Candidate earn a Disciplinary Referral slip?

    I was wondering about that, too. I think what they mean is that the Disciplinary Referral slip defines these infractions, or at least mentions them. (I believe it only mentions them, as their communications skill breaks down here. They should try to spend some time diagramming sentences, instead of talking about “homophobia”.)

    If you are looking for a charter school for your child….

    To my mind, at this point, if you’re looking for a charter school to keep your child from being indoctrinated, you’re doing it wrong. You almost HAVE to homeschool at this point. I know loads of people don’t think they have the time, but they really do. Unless you’re working 16 hour days to put food on the table, you can squeeze in schooling that is at least as good as most public schools in the aggregate. There are a lot of wasted hours in a child’s school day (despite the fact they look terribly busy).
    My son didn’t turn out as the best scholar from homeschooling, but it’s gratifying to watch him look at his friends and peers and shake his head at their stupidity, then try to argue/discuss them into sanity.

  • Rebecca says:

    Proof? All the proof you need is in the fact that Cruz is a conservative Republican. His guilt is _a priori_. Also there was that “New York values” remark. The poor kids need their safe space and some crayons.

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