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The Left has been a cult of death for years. Open borders for rapes, murders, child trafficking and deadly drugs. Abortion up to birth. War, war and more war. The Sacraments of Liberal Ideology all involve death. Watching people I know and love cheering the feeding of the Russia-Ukraine War Machine, reminds us how much they worship death. Not theirs, naturally, but everyone else’s.
Some of us, points to self, could see this coming as the execrable Russian Dictator, Vladimir Putin, amassed his troops along Ukraine’s borders and Biden gave permission for a “minor incursion”. There is a Red State Guest Editorial that makes “The Cunning Barbarity of War Hawks for Ukraine”:
For those new to the debate over this tragic conflict, I offer two facts up front. First, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine should not have happened. That said, the history of humanity is replete with examples of immoral invasions between nations. Second, the Biden Administration green-lighted Russia’s actions of aggression, and America’s response has served only to escalate hostilities and increase risk of the war expanding beyond its current boundaries. As Putin massed forces at the border in 2022, I hoped that the Biden administration would make it clear that an invasion was not worth the risk. That was our opportunity to potentially prevent the current tragedy, an opportunity met with progressive weakness.
A “minor incursion” into a sovereign country. Joe Biden blessed the cult of death. And, fed it with billions in cash and weapons systems. But, in typical Biden fashion, he slow-walked the weapons systems. From Day One, he slow-walked everything. Except the money.
The Left was very happy with that. They felt very good with Biden’s “as long as it takes”. It wasn’t their blood and treasure. Chew up an entire generation of Ukrainians for the war machine. The Left is the cult of death:
“As long as it takes,” which Biden just repeated, is a euphemism for “endless war.” Kind of like “stay the course” — except when Bush repeated that euphemism, Democrats/media were still pretending to have a problem with endless war and US foreign policy
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) December 21, 2022
Bless their hearts, they do not understand that this is World War I trench warfare. This is ugly and brutal. You can hate Putin and not want the killing to continue. I got this Facebook post from a friend since high school. The ignorance astounds. I am just posting the quote since I don’t want to publicly shame her:
I stand with Ukraine always against Russia and the the dictator. When did it ever become the right thing to do for the US to support Russia/Putin.
Ignorance is dangerous. Speaking of ignorance, here is another high school friend:
In my opinion there is an art to diplomacy and being a bully does not need to be a part of the process.
Thank you for proving that you know nothing about diplomacy and that you only watched the clip shown by legacy media. You did not see the whole thing. Zelenskyy is a petulant child, not used to be told “No”. The Left, of which these two females belong, don’t care about the lives of the young people fighting the war. The Left loves the Death Cult:
This brutal, armed conflict is now in its third full year and has killed or wounded an estimated one million people. Those are one million fellow human beings, one million fellow image bearers of the Imago Dei, a number that is larger than the entire population of some U.S. states. Roughly one-quarter of the Ukrainian population fled their homeland, and an already poor economy continues a rapid descent that will plague that region for generations to come. In a break from the 21st-century tradition of a U.S. economic model that relies on sustained conditions of warfare around the world, the Trump Administration recently began exploring options to end the Russian campaign of aggression against Ukrainians.
Well, after all they aren’t your children who are being chewed up by the war machine. Your children don’t serve. Men don’t dare go out, they could be conscripted into the Ukraine Army:
Russia is using soldiers from North Korea:
⚡ North Korean soldiers getting equipped with Russian equipment in the far East of Russia.
— King Chelsea Ug (@ug_chelsea) October 18, 2024
War is bad for children and other living things goes the quote. The Left doesn’t mind. The Left loves the Cult of Death. It’s not the children, right. And as for the cash, that’s their grandchildren and great-grandchildren’s problem and they may be aborted, so what? Anything and everything else is just virtue signalling.
Featured Image: Medicine in the First World War/Wikimedia Domain
The biggest problem the left has is that they’re always against whatever….until it lands at their front door…and then it’s always someone else’s fault….The economy was wonderful until it wasn’t…..the illegal migrant crisis wasn’t a crisis until thousands of them were at their door…and all that came with it……Now, they support a never-ending war that they don’t have to fight…..Well here’s the rub….in order to win the war, we’ll have to send in armed troops….probably millions of troops…..Since the US(or any other western European country) doesn’t have remotely that many troops, the draft WILL be necessary…..I wonder if they’ll be willing to support the war when their kids come back in body bags…..not to mention that sending in troops is an act of war declared by us……….
Nailed it
Remember when Obama said to Romney in response to threat of Russia “The 1980s called and they want their foreign policy back?” And how the left and the media barked and clapped like trained seals over it?
Wonder what changed?