Kamala Tosses Up Word Salads For Her CNN Town Hall

Kamala Tosses Up Word Salads For Her CNN Town Hall

Kamala Tosses Up Word Salads For Her CNN Town Hall

There is a reason that Kamala Harris never made it to a primary election during her 2020 presidential campaign, and her CNN town hall proved yet again that this woman is not ready for primetime, or the Oval Office.

This was supposed to be Kamala’s chance to “close the deal” with voters. Allegedly, these were “undecided” voters. Weird, one of those “undecided” voters just HAPPENED to be a political science professor. But more about her later.

Anderson Cooper was moderating the town hall, and per Maria Shriver’s comments earlier this week, we should assume that all the questions were “predetermined.” Does that mean Kamala Harris knew what questions were coming? It’s definitely possible. But if she did, and was able to prepare for these questions, and STILL did this poorly? Well, just remember that she is an idiot who does not do her homework.

The town hall started off with a hot soundbite, which allowed Kamala to build off of and double down on her comments on Wednesday regarding the execrable Atlantic story. She is definitely not backing off her “Trump is Orange Hitler” comparison.

So much for “lowering the temperature” in the political discourse, as Joe Biden once called for after the first Trump assassination attempt. This might be desperation on Kamala’s part, or it might be intentional, but it does escalate the rhetoric to a place she REALLY should not want to go. After all, what is the limiting principle, exactly, if your opponent is Hitler?

But back to the rest of the town hall. Ironically, the “Trump is a fascist” line might have been the most direct answer Kamala gave all night. The questions that followed were served classic Kamala Harris word salads in response. For example, she was asked YET AGAIN how she would be different than Joe Biden. Up until now, I have pointed out that she has come up with no good answer for this question. But maybe I’m wrong. What if this IS the answer the campaign came up with, and this is all that has been pre-programmed into Kamala’s brain?

And then there was the answer that Kamala gave the political science professor, who just wanted to know ONE, JUST ONE policy goal that she has. Kamala couldn’t name one. Instead, she spouted off a laundry list of platitudes that we have all heard before, with lip service paid to “working across the aisle.”

Vice President Kamala Harris vowed to work across party lines in order to pass major policy goals like housing and reproductive rights across the country.

“We’ve got to get past this era of politics and partisan politics, slowing down what we need to do in terms of progress in our country. And that means working across the aisle,” Harris said in response to a question from Carol Nackenoff, a political science professor at Swarthmore College and registered Democrat who is still waiting to make her final decision on a candidate.

The vice president said she has worked across party lines before, referencing the bipartisan infrastructure deal signed into law by President Joe Biden in 2021.

She said that as president, she would work with both Democrats and Republicans on “a number of issues,” including making housing affordable, reinstating “the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do” as well as investing “in a substantial way in the industries of the future in American-based manufacturing.”

“All of those areas I plan on working across the aisle and with Congress including the issue of immigration, which we’ve got to fix,” Harris said.

When Anderson Cooper pressed her on the fact that she has been vice president now for nearly four years, so why hasn’t she accomplished any of the goals she has set up, this was her response.

After hearing that response, and reading it written out, I have a sudden urge for ranch dressing. Perhaps it could make that word salad slightly more palatable.

It was clear that the audience/CNN really wanted to give Kamala Harris a platform to convince voters that she is a real person who could make a connection. If that was the goal, she failed miserably. And it was most obvious with her terrible answers about her own weakenesses. First, she claimed that a “weakness, but actually a strength” is that she surrounds herself with “smart people.” You know, the “smart people” that she never listens to, and when they do the work, she never reads it. THEN she went on to claim that she’s just so darn overprepared, HA HA HA!

Of all the things to say, that is such a mind-blowing lie that the “smart people” that are doing her work probably cracked open the minibar at the hotel and started pouring shots. And this is only scratching the surface of what she said during the town hall!

By the end of the evening, even the CNN anchors were looking to start drinking themselves.

They’ve done literally everything they can to drag Kamala Harris across the finish line, and this is what they get for their efforts. A vapid, giggling ding-dong who insists that she’s running against Orange Hitler, who has not a single weakness that she can’t turn into a strength, and is not physically Joe Biden but can’t tell you a single thing that she would do differently. So there they are, sitting around the pundit table as if it is a funeral, lamenting the fact that Kamala is taking people to “word salad city” instead “closing the deal” with voters. Maybe next time, they should pick a candidate who has actually won a primary race.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • Scott says:

    Good post Deanna.. It’s beyond me how anyone can see this trainwreck repeatedly, and still think she’s qualified, or even the best choice for the presidency…

    As to the comment by Greg Price above.. Embrace the power of “AND” my friend…

  • Jack says:

    It doesn’t matter to the faithful, they are voting against orange man bad.

  • GWB says:

    All her word salads have the political equivalent of e. coli in them.

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