Abortion, Women And A Kamala Harris Presidency

Abortion, Women And A Kamala Harris Presidency

Abortion, Women And A Kamala Harris Presidency

Kamala Harris is running to become the First Woman President with abortion as the main plank in her platform. Nay. Abortion is the meat in her platform. Everything else is word salads with no solid ideas. Like trying to grab water. It’s time to stand up for WOMEN. All women, those born and unborn. The child sacrifice that Kamala sees as a Fundamental Freedom may have murdered the first woman President in the womb. We can’t talk about that.

If you have read the Victory Girls Blog for any length of time, you have probably seen mentions of abortion as the high sacrament of the Liberal Theology. A sacrifice to a false god, similar to child sacrifice to the Canaanite god, Moloch. A magic moment. To make this sacrament easy, the Democrats had a mobile van at the Democrat National Convention. Show you love for Kamala and sacrifice that unborn baby with our mobile abortion van. Moloch is smiling.

Just today, Kamala spoke about that “fundamental freedom” in her impromptu press conference. The comment begins at the 2:10 mark:

The gender gap of women voting for Harris? A fundamental freedom has been taken away from women because of Donald Trump. The rat bastard. Women aren’t allowed to make decisions about their own bodies. At all. Ever. This is something that benefits everyone, like the Covid shot. Preborn murder is a social good.

Kamala Harris believes the First Amendment must take a backseat to abortion. Guy Benson wrote in Townhall:

As many people have observed, Harris frames unlimited abortion as a “fundamental freedom,” but not religious freedom. Her worldview, as modeled in her state, are deeply hostile to a core tenet of the First Amendment. She and her fellow leftists eagerly would, and have, trample on actual fundamental American freedoms, in the name of unfettered abortion. She is so, ahem, pro-“choice” that she believes all of us should pay for other people’s elective abortions, without any restrictions, and that religious and other conscientious objectors to abortion, which literally stops a human heart, within the healthcare space must be forced to participate in abortions. No exceptions. No exemptions. She even selected a running mate who repealed protections for infants born alive during failed abortions, and who eliminated laws barring coercing women into abortions. “Choice,” you see.

The Supreme Court, at least as it’s currently composed, would likely have something to say about this radical, disturbing vision if or when Harris tried to crush the First Amendment in service of her abortion fanaticism. But Harris has also embraced Supreme Court “reform,” including expressing an openness to the Banana Republic madness of packing the Court by adding additional seats.

Well, my dears, it’s not making a decision about your own body. It’s a completely separate body with completely separate DNA. Forcing others to violate their own conscience in assisting an abortion is Maoist. Listen to Kamala here:

Voting for Kamala because she believes in abortion is evil. Voting for Kamala because she is a woman is suicidal. Here, in Not the Bee, Alicia R. Garfield discusses voting for Hillary in 2016:

Historically, I’d been fairly conservative in my voting record, casting my first presidential vote for George W. Bush in 2004. In 2016, I was living in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband and kids, trying to keep my head above the crazy river of politics that swept through our community. All the other moms were voting for Hillary. Everyone I knew was voting for Hillary.

It was a big deal: The “First Female Presidential Candidate From A Major Political Party.” A tiny voice in my head told me Hillary was evil and terrifying, but at the last minute I decided to check the “Clinton” box on the ballot.

Hey! She was a woman, and I was (and still am!) a woman. She was a mom and I was a mom. I believed having a president who shared my chromosomes was more important than having a president who shared my political values. It was an emotional choice; I felt like the best person suited to improve life for women had to be a woman. And as I cast my vote, that ridiculous logic overcame me and I checked the box for Hillary Clinton.

That evening, my husband and I went out to dinner. As we sat in the restaurant watching the election news, it became clear Trump was going to win. Instead of feeling disappointed, an immense wave of relief washed over me. I realized I’d made a huge mistake; the majority of the things Hillary Clinton stood for were antithetical to me and the lives of women.

It must have been San Francisco that did her head in. But she learned:

In 2024, I once again face down another presidential election between Trump and a “Historic Female Candidate.” This time, I’m committed to not making the same mistake twice. Kamala Harris will not improve the lives of women, she will not advocate for policies that help women, and she will not work to bring women and men together – but rather will pass as many laws as possible to divide women and slow our progression.

As women, we might feel like voting for Kamala Harris is what’s best for women, but that’s the opposite of reality.


Kamala Harris represents the very worst of this phenomena, often referred to as weaponized empathy. Weaponized empathy is a manipulation tactic used to gain sympathy for an ideology by targeting a person’s emotional and empathetic nature.

Kamala’s positions (when decipherable) point to a platform riddled with emotional manipulation, particularly targeted at women. This is seen prevalently in her opinions on the trans movement, abortion, entitlement programs, and immigration.

Don’t let empathy be weaponized against you. Don’t sacrifice your child or allow someone else’s to be sacrificed to an ideology. It’s not your body. It’s someone else’s. Think about all of the little girls (and boys) sacrificed and think of the wonders they may have discovered or invented for us. Maybe the first woman President has already been aborted.

Reject this callous ideology.

Featured Composite: Louis Le Breton/Wikimedia Commons.org/cropped/Public DomainDarleen Click for Victory Girls

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1 Comment
  • CDC says:

    Excellent afternoon read,the first Article to echo back my thoughts on the reality of it all.
    Harris has retreated to a bunker to escape the 1st Vial Judgment,be ready when the earth shakes.

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