If Kamala Harris Isn’t Joe Biden, Then Who Is She?

If Kamala Harris Isn’t Joe Biden, Then Who Is She?

If Kamala Harris Isn’t Joe Biden, Then Who Is She?

Kamala Harris is wrapping up her talk show tour just a few weeks before election day. Her friendly hosts and hostesses tried their best to help Kamala. You’d think the Democratic installment could handle The View and Howard Stern, who do nothing but feed her apple sauce topics.

But her appearance on Stephen Colbert finally made Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) CEO Dana White speak out, warning his audience that Kamala should scare everyone.

It’s no secret that Dana White supports Donald Trump. Dana is simply trying to highlight that Kamala Harris’s appearance on even the friendliest of shows (for her) has only highlighted how empty-headed she is when she can’t even answer the easiest of questions.

“She is the sitting VP and running for President of the United States. She is incapable of putting a sentence together without a teleprompter and even she appears to know she is in way over her head,” continued the UFC chief. – New York Post

It makes you wonder which Kamala Harris we will get if she wins this election: the empty bobblehead or the one who wants to weaponize the Department of Justice to take on social media platforms regarding free speech and censorship.

Kamala Harris Is Joe Biden

There’s more. Kamala also wants your taxpayer dollars to pay for transgender surgeries for illegals here in America and men who claim to be women to gain access to females in prison.

Of course, there’s also abortion. Kamala Harris is the first Vice President to visit an abortion provider.

These are but a couple of issues that would put America on full tilt. You know, as well as I do, there is a lot more we could talk about – open borders and economics are also significant issues where Kamala and Donald differ by gaps.

But all Kamala can say is that she’s not Joe Biden or Donald Trump. Whether Howard asks Kamala if she’d stay in the country if Donald becomes president, Joy proudly tells everyone how to pronounce K-A-M-A-L-A or Stephen Colbert asks if she’d like to have a beer with him, Kamala still comes off as an empty bobblehead.

The left is the party of identity politics, after all, so I am not surprised by any of this celebrity slobber. These appearances are half-assed and so very horribly scripted. Yet, she can’t even pull it off. No one likes you, Kamala, no matter how hard you try to be relatable. It’s not happening.

In the roundtable chat the hens had on The View with Kamala, she was asked what she would have done differently in the last 3.5 years serving with Joe Biden. She said not a thing came to mind. So, basically, we will get more Joe Biden if she is elected.

That may be true. Just like Joe, Kamala would be an excellent puppet for the horde of malevolence.

Will The Real Kamala Harris Please Stand Up

And having that beer with Colbert, Kamala tells us that she is indeed not Joe Biden. Make up your mind, Kamala. Either you wouldn’t change anything over the 3.5 years you served in his administration, or you are nothing like him.

Harris has caught heat since launching her White House bid for her television interviews — a glaring weakness for her campaign that’s led to her being panned for her “word salad” responses.

Critics said her rambling response to Colbert on Tuesday would be ammo for the Trump team to attack her ties to Biden, who was pushed out of the presidential race in July by Democrats after an abysmal debate performance.

“Well I’m obviously not Joe Biden. That would be one change,” the veep answered Colbert. “But also I think it’s important to say with 28 days to go, I’m not Donald Trump,” Harris added, to cheers from the audience. – New York Post

The idiotic answer is that she’s not Joe Biden, whom she served as Vice President for 3.5 years. And she says she’s not Donald Trump, either. Is that what she wants to put out there to get people excited to vote for her? She can’t even answer with who she is. Dana White is correct. That is terrifying.

Basically, you don’t know who the hell you are voting for if you fill in that circle for Kamala Harris on the voting ballot. But the really terrifying thing is that if more Democrats are voting for Kamala simply because of their hatred for Donald Trump, we are all in deep trouble.

But You Do Know

So, who is Kamala Harris? I wonder why the following Kamala Harris didn’t appear on The View, Howard Stern, and Stephen Colbert.

But let’s be honest; no one is changing sides this late in the game.

Whether it be the ditzy dingbat persona she shows herself on friendly talk shows or the woman with the tyrannical appetite she tries to hide with that dingbat game. She’s simply not good for America.

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    “I will direct the DOJ to censor “misinformation and hate” online.”.. So she’d censor the “project 1619” crap? It damn sure fits the definition of both misinformation (read also bald faced lies), and hate..

    Yep, just like her role model B. Hussein Obama, she is a dictator at heart…

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