Jill Biden: Unwavering and Empathic

Jill Biden: Unwavering and Empathic

Jill Biden: Unwavering and Empathic

There’s been lots of talk of “Lady Macbeth” Jill Biden over the past few days. A Vogue cover will do that sort of thing.

Not to mention, praising one’s old, decrepit husband for “answering all of the questions” in a loud, obnoxious, Kindergarten-teacher voice will get you some stares, too. Now, more than ever, Jill Biden’s striving, straining and selfishness have been placed on display for all of the world to see. It’s too much for some. So much that one would possibly have the overwhelming desire to frame “DOCTOR” Jill Biden in a positive light.

Enter A.B. Stoddard at Bill Kristol’s The Bulwark. Stoddard writes, in her “plea” to Doctor Dementia Jill to reckon with reality also accuses Jill of having too much empathy for her dear husband, Joe.

The agony of the world seeing her husband unravel for nearly two hours Thursday night has apparently not changed Jill Biden’s mind about his ability to win the election or, more importantly, serve another four years in the most difficult job on the planet. By every account, the president’s wife is his closest adviser. She gets the last word in the significant debates about his future. She is not only unwavering, she is emphatic.

The question now is whether she is letting that empathy and resolve get in the way of doing what’s right.”-A.B. Stoddard, The Bulwark

Oh, she is unwavering, all right. She knows what she and her family stand to lose if Big Guy loses the election in the fall. The Bidens may all have to get off their asses and get real jobs. No more $1,500-dollar “go to” Ralph Lauren cashmere dresses for the old hag (admittedly, it was a better choice than her usual ugly floral frock). But, excuse me, Jill Biden is empathic?

Huh? Gaslighting and lying to Americans is not empathy.

She projected determination and resolve before rooms of panicked donors at multiple fundraisers this weekend, saying repeatedly that they will plow forward.”-A.B Stoddard, The Bulwark

Yep. Let’s plow away, with determination and resolve, straight into the depths of hell. Jill Biden is “soldiering” on because of her empathy. She wants her deer-in-headlights spouse to get another go at the highest office in the land-at the expense of every day Americans just trying to live life.

No one knows more about how profoundly Biden has aged in less than four years in the presidency than his wife. We have seen the concern in her face at events as she takes his hand to lead him in the right direction. Yet she is insistent that he carry on, even now that everything she reportedly worked so hard to shield has been exposed.”-A.B Stoddard, The Bulwark

Ms. Stoddard? He was exposed a long time ago. Over four years ago. This mental decline is not a new revelation here, but all of the good “soldier journalists” of the media are acting as if it is. Jill Biden did not work hard to shield her beloved from criticism in his mental decline. Nope. She put him out there for the world to cast eyes upon-leading him in the right direction when he wandered off, down the stairs, onto the red carpet. She did not do this because she is an “empath”. She did this because she is a selfish you-know-what.

Contrast this “empathy” of Jill Biden’s with Nancy Reagan and her empathy.

The debate implosion won’t be solved by grit, loyalty, and gaslighting. The likely bet in July 2024 is that Biden will hand the American experiment over to Trump in November and will live out his remaining days remembered for hubris and vanity instead of a fifty-year career in public service and a great presidency.

Jill Biden should understand this. She is not choosing to protect his legacy. She is risking instead that her husband, who has often said he is a respecter of fate, will go down in history for ending democracy in a fight with Father Time. “-A.B. Stoddard, The Bulwark

Jill Biden is not an empath. Not even close. If Jill Biden were a true “empath”, she would have started to make the move to make her husband’s presidency a one-term trick after the first time he crapped his diaper in front of dignitaries. And if that did not sound off any alarms for her, she should have certainly made the moves to ease him into retirement after he asked for a scoop ofchocolate-chocolate chip ice cream at a press conference addressing a tragedy that killed innocent children.

But, instead, out of empathy and “love of her country”, Jill Biden “soldiers on”. Please, spare us the theatrics and let’s call ’em like we see ’em. “Doctor” Jill is choosing to protect the Biden “legacy” of grift whilst putting the entire country at peril. And, A.B. Stoddard needs to look up the definition of empathy.

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  • Dietrich says:

    A.B. Stoddard needs to look in a mirror.

  • GWB says:

    Ruh roh, Lisa. You broke a tag in the first sentence about The Bulwark.

    She wants her deer-in-headlights spouse to get her another go at the prestige of the highest office in the land

    everything she reportedly worked so hard to shield has been exposed
    Exactly. All of her lies are being brought into the light. (Though, honestly, they’ve never been that well hidden to start with. Unless you’re willfully blind.) Like any villain, she is trying her best to prevent her lies and scheming from being found out.

    She did this because she is a selfish you-know-what.

    instead of a fifty-year career in public service and a great presidency.
    You might have a little too much of his **** in your mouth to write clearly. You mean his 50 year career of being a racist, classist, angry, lying, a**hat? One who tried to lynch a black nominee for Supreme Court justice? And did lynch another one? And how on earth are you able to call the last 3 1/2 years a “great presidency” without even the demons in you howling at such an outrageous statement?

    She is not choosing to protect his legacy.
    No f-ing s***, Sherlock. She’s choosing to wring every last drop of water out of his threadbare dishrag of a life, before the gravy train stops. She’s going to use him as she’s always used him.

    will go down in history for ending democracy
    Well, yeah, but not by losing this November. It will be the 4 years prior to that.
    And, yes, he will go down as ending democracy, and not for ending our republic. Because the history writers the education industry has raised up are morons and will screw that up.

    And, A.B. Stoddard needs to look up the definition of empathy.
    She needs to go to the washroom and clean that stuff off her chin, first.

    • Scott says:

      GWB, I was ready to make some comments about Stoddard, but you beat me to it, and probably more eloquently than I could have done..

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