There Is Only One National Anthem For America

There Is Only One National Anthem For America

There Is Only One National Anthem For America

No matter how hard the social justice zealots try to force two national anthems upon us, there is only one National Anthem for America. Super Bowl LVIII is scheduled to go down on February 11, 2024; with it, you will be forced to accept another national anthem.

Your new national anthem is being forced upon you during this black history month and apparently will be played after America’s National Anthem.

I realize this isn’t the first year two anthems have been played at the Super Bowl. However, the scuttlebutt this year is that they are playing the black national anthem, Lift Every Voice And Sing, after the Star-Spangled Banner in hopes that people will already be standing and honoring America and, therefore, will remain standing for the second national anthem.

If true, I hope the network goes immediately to commercial as soon as Reba hits that last note. They probably won’t. We will all be forced to listen, applaud, and be awed by the black lives matter anthem. And if you don’t stand for it, you’re a racist. Of course.

Anthem or Activist

Andra Day will perform what is being dubbed the black national anthem. The actual song title is called Lift Every Voice and Sing. Lift every voice? Are you sure about that? Or do you mean just a particular group of DEI voices?


According to Wikipedia, the National Anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner, has been played at every Super Bowl, except in 1977, when Vikki Carr sang America The Beautiful instead. Wikipedia didn’t give a reason for this. And you’re not here for a history lesson.

Someone from the Community Renewal Society website has some things to say about the black national anthem, with hope, resistance, and freedom.


  1. 1.
    the refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument.

So, the black community doesn’t want to be a part of America?

We do not need a separate anthem for everyone. This is America. If you want to honor black Americans this black history month, then do it. Fine. Yes, we need to do that. I agree. We have had great black Americans in history. There are way too many to list here in a blog post. I’d crash the server trying to put all that information in here.

We are Americans, so why can’t we all be proud of that fact? We are the land of their free and the home of the brave, after all, and the last time I checked, that included all races of America.

Separation Over Unity

But nope, the groups must be separated and treated specially. So why not host a 2-hour special before the Super Bowl and play the Hispanic national anthem, the lesbian national anthem, the gay national anthem, the bisexual national anthem, the transgender national anthem, the queer/questioning national anthem, the intersex national anthem, the asexual national anthem, and of course the plus national anthem. I mean, we need that, right?!

How destructive a decision performing the “black national anthem” at sporting events is — whether before or after the national anthem — can be summarized this way: Roger Goodell, the NFL commissioner, is among the few Americans of whom it will one day be said that he seriously damaged America. In 2021, the Washington Times noted, “Under Roger Goodell, the NFL has gone far beyond the kneeling; it’s doubling down on ‘social justice.’ In addition to painting more slogans in the end zones and on players’ helmets, the League will be donating $250 million to Black Lives Matter and other activist groups to ‘combat systemic racism and support the battle against the ongoing and historical injustices faced by African-Americans.'” – PJ Media

Did you read that last part? The NFL will be donating 250 million dollars to Black Lives Matter. Yes, they’re still around and dividing with their mob bullying and race-baiting tactics. That is some way to honor black Americans, isn’t it?

When Lauren Boebert was still somewhat American’s sweetheart, she stated there was only one National Anthem. And while the song Lift Every Voice and Sing is lovely, we do not need to add to or replace our American National Anthem.

One National Anthem

We need unity now more than ever, and singing two songs precisely aimed at dividing is not a good idea. I would like to see prominent black American leaders speak out against this, but they probably won’t. And I get why. They may fear they could be portrayed as abandoning their black sisters and brethren. I guess? But America doesn’t belong to just white people. It belongs to America. Well, it used to be before we had wide open borders.

There is nothing I can do to stop the NFL from doing what they want, so I will leave you with what I think was one of the best National Anthems performed at the Super Bowl, belted out beautifully and perfectly by Whitney Houston.

Feature image: Made in Canva Pro

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