Not All Immigrants Make America Stronger And Richer

Not All Immigrants Make America Stronger And Richer

Not All Immigrants Make America Stronger And Richer

Economist Paul Krugman is a rare being. He is a Nobel Laureate who has never been right about anything, that I can remember. Five years ago, BizPac Review called Krugman the “Lord of Wrong Predictions”. Mr. Krugman has decided to add to his prediction losses with a column positing “Immigrants Make America Stronger and Richer”. No sir, no sir, no true at all.

This is a little snarky on my part: I think Paul Krugman would benefit greatly from occasionally leaving his Upper West Side (UWS) Manhattan apartment. The New York Times sure loves him though. Ugh. Krugman loves John Maynard Keynes and here he explains why. Don’t skip this it’s fun:

This Keynesian Theory is sad when it ruins countries and cultures.

With his column “Immigrants Make America Stronger and Richer”, Krugman adds a new nickname, Duke of Bad Takes. He begins:

Modern nations can’t — practically or politically — have open borders, which allow anyone who chooses to immigrate.

The good news is that America doesn’t have open borders, and there is no significant faction in our politics saying we should. In fact, immigrating to the United States legally is fairly difficult.

Some modern nations (America, France, England, Germany, Ireland) have serious Third World problems because of open or unregulated borders. No one has to say our borders are open, they are. Where the immigration system has problems is that we need a larger number of illegal immigrants which the proposed Border Bill does nothing to solve.

More from Krugman:

The bad news is that we’re having a hard time enforcing the rules on immigration, mainly because the relevant government agencies don’t have sufficient resources. And right now, the reason they don’t have those resources is that many Republicans in Congress, while fulminating about a border crisis, appear determined to deny the needed funding.

Their position is rooted in extraordinary political cynicism, and they aren’t even trying to hide it: Donald Trump has intervened with Republicans to block any immigration deal because he believes that chaos at the border will help his election prospects.

While blatant sabotage explains the current immigration impasse, however, there’s something else lurking behind it: Trump and those around him are profoundly hostile to immigration in general.

Partly this is xenophobia, if not outright racism. If you repeatedly declare, as Trump has, that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country,” you don’t really care if they came here legally, you’re all but saying that what matters is whether they’re white.

Pardon my language but what the actual f*ck? Look, 20 million Black babies have been aborted in the last 50 years. If Democrats weren’t cheerleading the deaths of Babies of Color, we wouldn’t need so much immigration. Krugman has some crust. Illegal immigration is “poisoning the blood of our country” and I stand by Trump and anyone else who says that:

150%. These people are poisoning the blood, bone and sinew of our country:

Illegal immigration from countries that don’t share our values will kill our country, not just poison the blood. We do not throw gays off of buildings. Rape is not okay or something some women deserve. We respect other people’s property. We respect and hold sacred The Constitution of the United States.

What’s more, for three years Biden, Mayorkas and their mouthpieces assured us this wasn’t happening and now it’s happening, it’s Republican’s fault and it’s good for us:

Rather than sending his housekeeper out for his latte, Krugman should step over immigrants sleeping on the sidewalk on his way to Daily Provisions (375 Amsterdam Avenue) and see for himself. Do not lecture us. Go be wrong somewhere else.

Featured Image: Wagner T. Cassimiro “Aranha”/ Commons

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  • Cameron says:

    This is the same man who said the best way for the US to get high speed rail was to claim it was needed because aliens were about to invade. He has as much credibility as the homeless dude who screams at the voices in his head.

  • Lloyd says:

    Step #1 is to differentiate between immigrants and invaders. Invaders, as part of the Obama Plan, should never be accepted as immigrants.

  • Roland Felix Hirsch says:

    1. Paul Krugman did NOT win a Nobel Prize. He won the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences (in memory of Alfred Nobel). Since Alfred Nobel named only five specific prizes (Peace, Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature) in his will, the Economic Sciences one is a separate category.

    2. Since Krugman says this: “While blatant sabotage explains the current immigration impasse, however, there’s something else lurking behind it: Trump and those around him are profoundly hostile to immigration in general.
    Partly this is xenophobia, if not outright racism. If you repeatedly declare, as Trump has, that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country,” you don’t really care if they came here legally, you’re all but saying that what matters is whether they’re white.” He is saying that President Franklin Roosevelt was super xenophobic and really outright racist. Roosevelt allowed the least immigration of any President, even not allowing legal immigration.
    See this about the passenger ship St. Louis as an example:

  • […] Musings: Open Borders And Closed Courts, also, The Latest SPS Study From NASA Victory Girls: Not All Immigrants Make America Stronger And Richer Watts Up With That: Quote of the Week: Manntastic Claims, also, On Climate: “The Elites Have […]

  • SFC D says:

    “The bad news is that we’re having a hard time enforcing the rules on immigration, mainly because the relevant government agencies don’t have sufficient resources.”

    Negative, they’re having a hard time WANTING to enforce the rules. Big difference. Yuge.

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