New Hampshire Write-in Win – Joe’s Future’s So Bright

New Hampshire Write-in Win – Joe’s Future’s So Bright

New Hampshire Write-in Win – Joe’s Future’s So Bright

The New Hampshire Primary in the 2024 Presidential Race is over. That’s good because I was holding my breath. Just kidding. On the Republican side, Trump won and Nikki edged up because of those crossover votes. On the Democrat side, Joe Biden won and that’s the more interesting story because the Dems decided to shtup the Granite State. Now, they are crowing over Joe’s victory and the future is so bright, Joe’s gotta wear shades.

Why and how did the Democrat Party shtup New Hampshire? You know the Democrats. Nothing stretches their ethics too far. Back in 2020, the order of finish for the Democrat Primary was Bernie Sanders, followed by Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren. Joe Biden was fifth. This was not an acceptable result for Democrats, Inc. The got Representative James Clyburn to vouch for Joe and Joe won South Carolina.

As a reward for being good, obedient serfs, the South Carolina was moved ahead for the Dems. Now, the State Constitution says New Hampshire has to be the first in the nation primary (caucuses don’t count), so the Granite State kept their primary as was. Live or Die, baby. The 2024 Democrat Primary went off as usual last night.

Now this is where it gets more fun. The Democrat Party has been denying the existence of the New Hampshire Primary. No money, no campaigning, no Biden/Harris year signs and, most important, NO DELEGATES to be awarded towards the number needed to win the nomination. This was fine with Democrats, Inc. until someone thought about the optics.

WHAT IF DEAN PHILLIPS OR MARIANNE WILLIAMSON WINS AND HAS BRAGGING WRITES. Dean Phillips could possibly brag that he is the winner of the New Hampshire Democrat Primary and the Party owes him delegates. Oh, no. NO, NO, NO.

And that, grasshoppers, is how the Great Write-In Effort of 2024 began. From NBC News:

President Joe Biden won New Hampshire’s unusual Democratic presidential primary as write-in Tuesday, NBC News projects, brushing past two longshot challengers whose names were on the ballot.

With 3% of the expected vote counted, Biden has about 73% of the vote. Rep. Dean Phillips, D-Minn., is in a distant second with about 17% and self-help author Marianne Williamson has 4%.

Biden’s name was not on the ballot and the primary will not award delegates because it was held in violation of the Democratic National Committee, which declared the contest “meaningless.”

New Hampshire scheduled its primary in its traditional first-in-the-nation position, flouting the DNC’s decision to promote South Carolina to the lead slot instead.
That triggered party rules against rogue primaries, which prohibited Biden from campaigning or so much as putting his name on the ballot in New Hampshire.

New Hampshire Democrats organized a write-in campaign on Biden’s behalf, eager to avoid the embarrassment of the president finishing behind one of his challengers.

Biden allies are hoping for a commanding victory to settle anxious Democrats’ nerves about Biden’s prospects against likely GOP nominee Donald Trump and to shut down any further competition against him in the primary.


Officially, the Biden campaign is pretending the unsanctioned primary does not exist. But at least some of his national allies are paying close attention, even though they insist the primary will have little impact beyond Wednesday.

The Biden campaign is undergoing a shakeup, with 2020 campaign manager Jennifer O’Malley Dillon leaving her position at the White House to take the reins of the campaign in Delaware.

The write-in campaign was successful. Dean Phillips, Marianne Williamson, Vermin Supreme and Paperboy Prince were beaten by Joe Biden. This led to a very joyous Rachel Maddow:

Notice no numbers are by Biden’s name. The New Hampshire Dems are arguing over just how many write-in votes he should get. As long as the Party NEEDS him, Joe’s future is bright.

This is Joe:

When will the Democrat voters catch on that they are getting shtupped?

Featured Image: White House/ Commons

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  • GWB says:

    Live or Die, baby.
    Isn’t that supposed to be “Live Free or Die”?
    I mean, as is, that’s pretty much your option every day, everywhere.

    That triggered party rules against rogue primaries
    Democrats (progressives) have never grasped the adage about making rules no one is going to obey.
    How much you want to bet NH reps show up at the convention, too, and demand their spot as delegates? (Assuming they haven’t coronated Biden by then.)

    organized a write-in campaign
    I don’t know about primaries, but in some states it’s illegal to have a campaign for write-in candidates on the general ballot. This seems like another pointless rule, since the 1st Amendment says I can tell anyone I want that they should write-in a name I like. But it is a rule some places.

    When will the Democrat voters catch on that they are getting shtupped?
    If they didn’t figure that out by Jan 2021, then they never will.

  • Scott says:

    “When will the Democrat voters catch on that they are getting shtupped?”.. They already know.. they like it, it’s how they roll…As long as they get their free shit, they’re happy

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