Tuberville Faces Off With The Swamp

Tuberville Faces Off With The Swamp

Tuberville Faces Off With The Swamp

It’s been known for quite some time now that Senator Tommy Tuberville has been holding up military promotions in the name of LIFE. And now Tuberville faces off with the Swamp.

That’s right, and now the Swamp wants a piece of Tuberville. But here is the short version of why Tommy Tuberville is a champion.

Alabama’s Sen. Tommy Tuberville has drawn fire from all sides for holding up hundreds of military nominations in protest against the Pentagon’s abortion policy. Federal law confines the Pentagon to using funds for abortion only in the cases of rape and incest. But Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has put ideology above law and order, promulgating a memo last October to establish “access to reproductive care” as one of his fundamental principles.

Currently, the military violates federal law by providing funds to service members so they can procure out-of-state abortions on demand — but that won’t continue if Tuberville has anything to do with it. Since February, he has held up hundreds of military promotions on the grounds that the Pentagon’s abortion policy is illegal. – The American Spectator

So, Tuberville has been standing firm in his blockade. You know, I am in Alabama, and I voted for Tuberville, but I did so with nervousness. Not because of our Iron Bowl legacy and our Alabama/Auburn rivalry. I simply didn’t want the other guy in there anymore. I admit, I thought a football coach in politics? No way. Boy, am I glad I was wrong? He has really impressed me a lot lately. I am proud of him.

And this rag, Rolling Stone, can go suck on rotten fish guts.

Isn’t it amazing that his own people are turning on him now? We’ve got Senator Dan Sullivan of Alaska yowling on about Xi Jinping laughing at us now. I am so sick to death of that stupid argument. Sit down, sir!

Speaking in the Senate, Sullivan commented: “I want the American people to know right now 376 promotions to one, two, three and four star generals and admirals are being held. It is estimated that by the end of this year 89 percent of all general officer positions in the United States military will be affected by the current holds from Senator Tuberville…This is hugely disruptive to readiness.”

He added: “By the way Xi Jinping is watching this right now going ‘I can’t believe they’re not letting these guys command, I’m scared to death of subs. He’s loving this, so’s Putin. They’re loving it, how dumb can we be man?” – Newsweek

Tommy Tuberville isn’t letting the Republicans deter him, either. He says there are two plays here: the Pentagon can start following the law, or Congress can change the law, but he’s not going to go along to get along with the illegal abortion policy in the name of proceduralism.

Republicans like Lindsey Graham, Joni Ernst, and Todd Young are getting their panties all in a wad and are trying to pressure Tuberville to cave on his stance. Why?

At least he has some other support from the House, like Marjorie Taylor Green posting on the X platform, as she does nowadays since she can’t do anything else in DC.

Be careful, Tommy, now Marjorie Taylor Greene is standing up with you, and I guess she is like having a pox upon thee if she is on your side. But yes, do please keep standing tall for us, Tommy!

One last thing: if you’re on X, Mollie Hemingway has a great post about all of this.

Featured Image: DonkeyHotey/ Commons

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  • SFC D says:

    Stand fast, Tommy. You’re doing the right thing for the right reasons. Make them follow the law.

  • Locomotive Breath says:

    “We’ve got Senator Dan Sullivan of Alaska yowling on about Xi Jinping laughing at us now.”

    Xi’s China is our mortal enemy. Milley (he’s not worthy of the rank General) contacted his counterpart in Xi’s China to let him know that Milley would give advance warning if President Trump were about to take any action. Then Milley bragged about it.

    With people in command like this who needs enemies? Never mind the abortion issue, it’s perfectly proper to vet our highest military one by one to weed out people like this.

  • Scott says:

    Keep it up Tommy! If you’re taking flak, you know you’re over the target!

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